Language : English
  • Personal Information

    Associate Professor

    Supervisor of Master's Candidates

    Date of Employment:2019-03-11

    School/Department:School of Civil Engineering

    Education Level:PhD Graduate

    Business Address:中南大学铁道校区高速铁路1号办公楼


    Contact Information:QQ:821009942; 邮箱

    Degree:Doctoral degree


    Alma Mater:University of Macau

    Discipline:Civil Engineering

  • Profile

    Kun Wang, PhD degree, is working at School of Civil Engineering, Central South University. He obtained the bachelor's degree, master's degree and doctor's degree at University of Macau. He has published more than 10 SCI journal papers. The main research fields are nonlinear vibration and random vibration of structures.

  • Research Field

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  • Social Affiliations

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  • Education Background

    [1]  2007.8- 2011.6
    University of Macau | Civil and Environmental Engineering | University graduated | Bachelor's Degree
    [2]  2011.7- 2013.8
    University of Macau | Civil and Environmental Engineering | Master's degree | Master's degree
    [3]  2013.10- 2018.7
    University of Macau | Civil and Environmental engineering | PhD Graduate | Doctoral degree
  • Work Experience

    [1]  2018.8- 2018.12
    University of Macau | Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering | Research Assistant
    [2]  2019.3- Now
    Central South University | School of Civil Engineering | Assistant Professor, Associate Professor
  • Research Group

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  • Other Contact Information

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