
特聘副教授 硕士生导师




毕业院校:University of South Australia



        徐世红,中南大学特聘副教授,硕士生导师。2021年博士毕业于澳大利亚南澳大学(University of South Australia),师从William Skinner教授。主要从事矿产资源低碳高效碎磨解离技术、磨矿界面与矿浆化学及硫化矿浮选等方面研究。主持国家自然科学基金青年基金、中国博士后特别资助(站中)、中国博士后面上资助、国家自然科学联合重点基金课题、国家重点研发计划项目子课题、云南省重大科技专项课题等国家和省部级纵向项目9项,入选2021年人社部“博士后国际交流计划引进项目”,荣获2022年度Norton Jackson Material Science and Engineering Medal。

        Dr. Shihong Xu is currently an Associate Professor and Master's Supervisor at Central South University. He obtained his PhD from the University of South Australia in 2021, under the supervision of Professor William Skinner. His research primarily focuses on low-carbon and efficient comminution and liberation technology for mineral resources, surface chemistry and pulp chemistry of minerals during grinding, and sulfide mineral flotation. Dr. Xu has led nine national and provincial-level projects, including those funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation, the Joint Funds of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, the National Key R&D Program of China, and the Yunnan Provincial Major Science and Technology Project. In 2021, he was selected for the “International Postdoctoral Exchange Fellowship Program (Talent-Introduction Program).” Additionally, he was awarded the Norton Jackson Material Science and Engineering Medal in 2022.


[1]   2017.6-2021.6

南澳大学 University of South Australia

[2]   2013.9-2016.1

北京科技大学University of Science and Technology Beijing


[1]   2024.1-至今

中南大学 Central South University  |  资源加工与生物工程学院 School of Minerals Processing and Bioengineering  |  特聘副教授 Associate Professor

[2]   2021.12-2024.1

中南大学 Central South University  |  矿业工程博士后 Postdoctor,合作导师:孙伟教授 under the Supervision of Prof. Wei Sun

[3]   2016.7-2017.6

中国科学院过程工程研究所 Institute of Process Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences  |  资源环境研究部 Department of Green Process Engineering for Resources and Environment


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