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个人简介Personal Profile
陈明松 男 1982.10 湖南邵阳人
职 称:教授、硕导、博导
办 公室:机电楼A-521
2019年09月~今 中南大学轻合金研究院/机电工程学院 教授 硕导、博导
2014年09月~2019年09月 中南大学机电工程学院 副教授 硕导
2011年12月~2014年09月 中南大学机电工程学院 讲师
2008年09月~2011年11月 中南大学 博士 蔺永诚/钟掘(导师)
2006年09月~2008年09月 中南大学 硕士 蔺永诚(导师)
2002年09月~2006年06月 湘潭大学 学士 谭援强(导师)
主持项目(已结题):国家自然科学基金项目面上项目1项,青年基金1项; 长株潭标志性工程项目 1项;湖南省优秀博士学位论文奖励项目1项;湖南省自然科学基金项目 2项;中国博士后科学基金特别资助项目1项;国家重点实验室自 主课题1项,横向课题数十项。
在《International Journal of Plasticity》、《Journal of Materials Science & Technology》、《Materials Science and Engineering A》、《IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement》等国际学术期刊发表学术科技论文90余篇,被SCI收录80余篇,EI收录90余篇,他引5000余次,获发明专利30多项,获软件著作权5项,出版学术专著2部。
1)成果获湖南省自然科学奖二等奖1项,湖南省优秀博士学位论文奖1项,湖南省第十五届自然科学优秀论文奖一等奖1项,中国电力科学技术进步二等奖 1项,浙江电力科学技术进步一等奖1项。
1) 蔺永诚,陈明松,高性能大锻件控形控性理论及应用,科学出版社,33.2万字,2013.
2) 蔺永诚,陈明松,夏雨驰,李雷霆,典型航空铝合金塑性成形与蠕变时效成形的工艺基础,科学出版社,28.7万字,2014.
1) 王冠强,陈明松,蔺永诚,谭先华等:一种基于YOLO的轻量高效的检测网络,ZL 202211074565.5,授权公告日:2024.01.04
2) 王冠强,陈明松,蔺永诚,谭先华等:一种面向工业图像质量反馈控制方法与系统,ZL 2023106435913,授权公告日:2024.01.24
3) 王冠强,陈明松,蔺永诚,谭先华等:一种提高缺陷检测能力的多轮多模型融合检测方法,ZL 2023106435913,授权公告日:2024.01.05
4) 王冠强,陈明松,蔺永诚,谭先华等:基于机器视觉的实时工件表面缺陷检测评价系统及方法,ZL 202210754869.X,授权公告日:2023.11.03
5) 王秋,陈明松,蔺永诚等:一种高空管道检测用涵道动力机器人,ZL 202210477273.X,授权公告日:2023.11.27
6) 陈明松,蔡金亮,蔺永诚,王冠强,曾维栋,张驰洲,彭诚旭,邹奋扬,李凯. 一种基于实时点云的大型复杂构件表面打磨路径规划方法, 申请专利号:ZL202111384297.2. 授权公告日:2022年11月15日
7) 王秋,陈明松,蔺永诚,曾维栋,王冠强,吴敏杰,一种无物理刹车爬壁机器人用驱动系统及方法. ZL:202110804060.9. 授权时间:2022-05-27
8) 曾维栋,吴敏杰,陈明松,蔺永诚,王秋,彭诚旭,爬壁机器人自主充电系统及自主充电方法. 授权号:ZL202011530742.7,授权公告日:2022.08.23
9) 曾维栋,王秋,陈明松,蔺永诚,吴敏杰,一种基于脑机控制的爬壁打磨装置及其控制方法.授权号:ZL 202011279972.0,授权公告日:2022.2.18
10) 曾维栋,吴敏杰,陈明松,蔺永诚,王秋,复合型爬壁机器人及其控制方法. 授权号: ZL202110362003.X,授权公告日:2022.08.23
11) 陈明松,马艳永, 蔺永诚,曾维栋,王冠强,蔡金亮,邹奋杨,彭诚旭,一种获得GH4169合金超细金锻件的方法,授权号:ZL 202010620994.2,授权公告日:2021.11.26
12) 陈明松; 王冠强; 蔺永诚; 马艳永,一种均匀细化固溶态GH4169合金锻件混晶组织的方法,授权号:ZL 202010622921.7,授权公告日:2021.7.20
13) 曾维栋、王秋、陈明松、蔺永诚、吴敏杰,面向复杂环境的自适应爬壁机器人,授权号:ZL202010925358.0,授权公告日:2021.6.22
14) 曾维栋、吴敏杰、陈明松、蔺永诚、吴敏杰,王秋,一种局部真空吸盘,授权号:ZL202020912670.8,授权公告日:2021.4.13
15) 陈明松; 王冠强; 蔺永诚; 邹宗怀,一种均匀细化GH4169合金锻件组织的方法,ZL2018111262186,授权公告日:2020.12.18
16) 陈明松,邹宗怀, 李阔阔. 一种通过热处理提升镍基合金锻件组织均匀性的方法,2019.06,ZL201711231943.5
17) 蔺永诚, 李佳,刘延星,陈明松. 一种涡轮盘等温模锻预成形坯料的多目标设计方法,2019.06,ZL201610522957.1
18) 蔺永诚, 谌东东,陈明松,基于BP神经网络的镍基高温合金微观组织预测控制方法,2019.2,中国,ZL2016105522135.3
19) 陈明松,蔺永诚, 李阔阔,一种采用两段阶梯应变速率工艺细化GH4169合金锻件晶粒组织的方法, 2018.2.23,中国,ZL2016 1 0523629.3
20) 蔺永诚,陈小敏,陈明松,一种面向锻件目标晶粒组织的等温模锻工艺轨迹规划方法,2018.9.07,中国,ZL2016 1 1149155.7
21) 陈明松,蔺永诚, 李阔阔,一种预测时变工况下高合金化材料动态再结晶分数的方法,2017.11.14,中国,ZL201610522942.5
22) 陈明松,蔺永诚, 李阔阔,一种循环加载与卸载变形细化GH4169合金锻件组织的方法,2017.1,中国,ZL201510100965.4
23) 蔺永诚, 陈明松,吴先洋,一种等温模锻模具温度场的在线重构方法,2017.12.01,中国,ZL201510400997.4
1. Qiu Wang, Ming-song Chen*, Guan-qiang Wang , Kai Li , Yong-cheng Lin , Ze-hao Li ,Chi-zhou Zhang,A Novel NLOS Identification and Error Mitigation,Method for UWB Ranging and Positioning,IEEE Communications Letters,2024,28(1): 48 - 52,https://DOI 10.1109/LCOMM.2023.3340248,IF:4.1,Q2
2. Guan-Qiang Wang, Ming-Song Chen*, Yong-Cheng Lin*, Xian-Hua Tan*, Chi-Zhou Zhang*, Wen-Xin Yao, Bai-Hui Gao, Wei-Dong Zeng, An efficient parallel fusion structure of distilled and transformer-enhanced modules for lightweight image super-resolution, The Vision Computer, 2024, DOI: 10.1007/s00371-023-03243-9, IF: 3.5, Q2
3. Guan-Qiang Wang, Ming-Song Chen*, Yong-Chen Lin*, Xian-Hua Tan, Chi-Zhou Zhang, Wen-Xin Yao, Bai-Hui Gao, Kai Li, Ze-Hao Li, Wei-Dong Zeng, Efficient multi-branch dynamic fusion network for super-resolution of industrial component image, Displays, 2023, 82, 102633, DOI: 10.1016/j.displa.2023.102633, IF: 4.3, Q1
4. Guan-Qiang Wang,Chi-Zhou Zhang,Ming-Song Chen⁎,Yong-Cheng Lin,Xian-Hua Tan,Pei Liang,Yu-Xin Kang,Wei-Dong Zeng,Qiu Wang,Yolo-MSAPF: Multiscale Alignment Fusion With Parallel Feature Filtering Model for High Accuracy Weld Defect Detection,IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement,2023,72,5022914,DOI: 10.1109/TIM.2023.3302372 , IF: 5.6,Q1
5. Guan-Qiang Wang,Chi-Zhou Zhang, Ming-Song Chen*, Y.C Lin* , Xian-Hua Tan*, Yu-Xin Kang, Qiu Wang,Wei-Dong Zeng, Wei-Wei Zhao,A high-accuracy and lightweight detector based on a graph convolution network for strip surface defect detection,Advanced Engineering Informatics, 59(2024)102280. DOI10.1016/j.aei.2023.102280, IF: 8.8 ,Q1
6. Hong-Wei Cai , Quan Chen , Ming-Song Chen⁎, Y.C. Lin , Guan-Qiang Wang, Hong-Bin Li,A novel recrystallization annealing method to cooperatively control the grain size and δ phase content for initial aged GH4169 superalloy forging,Materials Characterization, 2023, 205:113246,https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matchar.2023.113246, IF: 4.7 ,Q1
7. 王冠强,张驰洲,陈明松*,蔺永诚,邹奋扬,王秋,吴敏杰,曾维栋,融合RRT-Connect和DWA算法的室内移动机器人单目标点导航任务研究[J]. 中南大学学报(自然科学版), 2023,54(11): 4326-4337. https://kns.cnki.net/kcms2/detail/43.1426.n.20230602.1659.002.htm A类期刊
8. Qiu-Mei Yang, Y.C. Lin, Wei-Wei Zhao, Guan Liu, Zi-Jian Chen, Jun-Cheng Zhu, Ming-Song Chen, Yu-Liang Qiu,Formation and elimination mechanisms of prior particle boundaries in a new powder metallurgy superalloy,Journal of Materials Research and Technology,2023,27,8037-8049.
9. Guan-Qiang Wang, Yong-Chen Lin, Ming-Song Chen*, Chi-Zhou Zhang, A Weld Surface Defect Detection System With Multi-Detection Function Integration, 2023 3rd IEEE International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Mechatronics Technology (ICEEMT), Nanjing, China, 2023, pp. 416-419, doi: 10.1109/ICEEMT59522.2023.10263158.
10. Wei-Dong Zeng, Li-Jiu Zheng, Ming-Song Chen*(陈明松), Y.C. Lin, Guan-Qiang Wang, Bai-Hui Gao, Shi-Quan Huang, A Generalized Multivariable Adaptive Super-Twisting Control and Observation for Amphibious Robot, IEEE Access, 2022.3228284. Q2,
11. Ming-Song Chen(陈明松)*, Quan Chen, Yu-Min Lou, Y.C. Lin*, Hong-Bin Li, Yan-Yong Ma, Guan-Qiang Wang, Effect of cooling recrystallization annealing treatment on properties of an initial aged deformed GH4169 superalloy, Materials Science & Engineering A 831 (2022) 142232 Q1(IF: 6.044) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jallcom.2022.164325
12. Ming-Song Chen⁎ , Yan-Yong Ma , Y.C. Lin⁎ , Yu-Min Lou , Hong-Bin Li , Guan-Qiang Wang , Quan Chen,An innovative annealing treatment method and its mechanism to refine deformed mixed grains of initial aged GH4169 superalloy,Journal of Alloys and Compounds,2022,907,164325 Q1 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jallcom.2022.164325他引:3(IF: 6.371)
13. Guan-Qiang Wang,Chen Ming-Song (陈明松)*; Lin Y.C.;Li Hong-Bin;Jiang Yu-Qiang;Ma Yan-Yong; Peng Cheng-Xu;Cai Jin-Liang;Chen Quan,Recrystallization nucleation under close-set 8 phase in a nickel-based superalloy during annealing,Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 2022,115(0): 166-176. (IF: 10.319)
14. Ming-Song Chen*, Quan Chen, Yu-Min Lou, Y.C. Lin*, Hong-Bin Li, Guan-Qiang Wang, Hong-Wei Cai. Effect of Deformation Parameters of an Initial Aged GH4169 Superalloy on Its Microstructural Evolution during a New Two-Stage Annealing, Materials, 2022, 15(16), 5508; https://doi.org/10.3390/ma15165508 Q1 (IF: 3.748)
15. Qiu-Mei Yang , Yong-Cheng Lin* , Ming-Song Chen,Zi-Jian Chen,Modeling Dynamic Recrystallization Behavior in a Novel HIPed P/M Superalloy during High-Temperature Deformation,Materials, 2022, 15, 4030
16. G.Q. Wang, M.S. Chen*, Y.C. Lin, Y.M. Lou, H.B. Li, Y.Y. Ma, Z.H. Zou, Q. Chen, Y.C Xia, Effects of Double-Stage Annealing Parameters on Tensile Mechanical Properties of Initial Aging Deformed GH4169 Superalloy, Materials 2021, 14, 4339. https:// doi.org/10.3390/ma14154339 Q1
17. G.Q. Wang, M.S. Chen*, H.B. Li, Y.C. Lin, W.D. Zeng, Y.Y. Ma, Methods and mechanisms for uniformly refining deformed mixed and coarse grains inside a solution-treated Ni-based superalloy by two-stage heat treatment[J]. Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 2021, 77: 47-57.(中科院一区, TOP期刊) Q1
18. G.Q. Wang, M.S. Chen*, Y.C. Lin, H.B. Li, W.D. Zeng, Y.Y. Ma, J.L. Cai, C.X. Peng, F.Y. Zou, A novel annealing method to uniformly refine deformed mixed grain microstructure of a solution-treated Ni-based superalloy. SCIENCE CHINA Technological Sciences, 2021, 64, (8):1741-1751. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11431-020-1784-x Q2(中科研2区) (IF:3.903)
19. G.Q. Wang, H.B. Li, M .S. Chen*, Y.C. Lin, W.D. Zeng, Y.Y. Ma, Q. Chen, Y.Q. Jiang, Effect of initial mixed grain microstructure state of deformed Ni-based superalloy on its refinement behavior during two-stage annealing treatment,Materials Characterization,2021,176, 111130. Q1 IF: 4.537
20. G.Q. Wang, M.S. Chen*, Y.C. Lin, H.B. Li, Y.Y. Ma, Z.H. Zou, Q. Chen, Effects of Deformation Processing Parameters on the Microstructure Evolution and Microhardness of GH4169 Superalloy during Annealing Treatment, Advanced Engineering Materials, 2021, 23(8):2100104. Q2 IF: 4.122
21. Li H-B,Chen M S*; Tian Y Q; Chen L S, Chen L Q, Ultra-fine-Grained ferrite prepared from dynamic reversal austenite during warm deformation [J]. Acta Metallurgica Sinica (English Letters), 2020, 33(2): 290-298. Q1
22. Ming-Song Chen*,Guan-Qiang Wang, Hong-Bin Li, Y.C. Lin, Zong-Huai Zou, Yan-Yong Ma, Annealing Treatment Methods and Mechanisms for Refining Mixed and Coarse Grains in a Solution Treatment Nickel-Based Superalloy, Advanced Engineering Materials,2019, 21(9): (JCR 2区,他引:3) Q2
23. Ming-Song Chen*, Guan-Qiang Wang, Hong-Bin Li, Y. C. Lin, Zong-Huai Zou, Yan‑Yong Ma, Dao‑Guang He, Wei‑Dong Zeng, Precipitation and dissolution behaviors of δ phase inside a deformed nickel‑based superalloy during annealing treatment, Applied Physics A, 2019, 125: 447. (JCR 2区,)
24. Ming-Song Chen*, Zong-Huai Zou, Y. C. Lin, Hong-Bin Li, Guan-Qiang Wang,Formation mechanism of large grains inside annealed microstructure of GH4169 superalloy by cellular automation method,Journal of Materials Science & Technology, Volume 35, Issue 7, July 2019, Pages 1403-1411 (JCR 1区) Q1
25. Ming-Song Chen*, Wu-Quan Yuan, Hong-Bin Li, Y. C. Lin, Zong-Huai Zou,New insights on the relationship between flow stress softening and dynamic recrystallization behavior of magnesium alloy AZ31B,Materials Characterization, Volume 147, January 2019, Pages 173-183 (JCR 1区) Q1
26. Ming-Song Chen*, Zong-Huai Zou, Y. C. Lin, Hong-Bin Li, Yan-Yong Ma,Microstructural evolution and grain refinement mechanisms of a Ni-based superalloy during a two-stage annealing treatment,Materials Characterization, Volume 151, May 2019, Pages 445-456 (JCR 1区) Q1
27. Ming-Song Chen*, Zong-Huai Zou, Y.C.Lin, Kuo-KuoLi, Hot deformation behaviors of a solution-treated Ni-based superalloy under constant and changed strain rates[J]. Vacuum, 2018,155:531-538. (JCR 2区) IF: 3.627
28. Ming-Song Chen*, Zong-Huai Zou, Y.C. Lin, Hong-Bin Li, Wu-Quan Yuan. Effects of annealing parameters on microstructural evolution of a typical nickel-based superalloy during annealing treatment[J]. Materials Characterization, 2018,141:212-222. (JCR 1区,他引5次)
29. Ming-Song Chen*, Wu-Quan Yuan, Hong-Bin Li, Zong-Huai Zou, Modeling and simulation of dynamic recrystallization behaviors of magnesium alloy AZ31B using cellular automaton method, Computational Materials Science, 2017, 136, 163-172. 38
30. Ming-Song Chen*, Wu-Quan Yuan, Y.C. Lin, Hong-Bin Li, Zong-Huai Zou, Modeling and simulation of dynamic recrystallization behavior for 42CrMo steel by an extended cellular automaton method,Vacuum,2017,146,142—151(IF:2.515)24 Q2
31. Ming-Song Chen*, Y.C. Lin, Kuo-Kuo Li,Dynamic recrystallization behaviors of typical solution-treated and aged Ni-based superalloy under stepped strain rates,Procedia Engineering, 2017,207,2125-2130 (EI)
32. Chen Ming-Song*, Lin Y. C.*, Li Kuo-Kuo, Zhou Ying, A new method to establish dynamic recrystallization kinetics model of a typical solution-treated Ni-based superalloy, Computational Materials Science, 2016, 122, 150-158. 28次 Q3
33. Ming-Song Chen*, Kuo-Kuo Li, Yong-Cheng Lin*, Wu-Quan Yuan, An improved kinetics model to describe dynamic recrystallization behavior under inconstant deformation conditions, Journal of Materials Research, 2016, 31: 2994-3003 . 10次 Q3
34. Chen Ming-Song, Lin Y. C.*, Li Kuo-Kuo, Chen Jian, The nonlinear unloading behavior of a typical Ni-based superalloy during hot deformation: A new elasto-viscoplastic constitutive model, Applied Physics A, 2016, 122: 869 Q
35. Chen Ming-Song, Lin Y. C.*, Li Kuo-Kuo, Chen Jian, The nonlinear unloading behavior of a typical Ni-based superalloy during hot deformation: A unified elasto-viscoplastic constitutive model, Applied Physics A, 2016, 122: 854. Q2
36. Li Kuo-Kuo, Chen Ming-Song, Lin Y. C., Yuan Wu-Quan, Microstructural evolution of an aged Ni-based superalloy under two-stage hot compression with different strain rates. Materials & Design. 2016, 111: 344-352 Q1
37. Chen Ming-Song, Lin Y. C.*, Chen Kang-Hua, Evolution of elliptic-cylindrical and circular-cylindrical voids inside power-law viscous solids, International Journal of Plasticity, 2014, 53, 206-227. Q1
38. Chen Ming-Song, Lin Y. C.*, Numerical simulation and experimental verification of void evolution inside large forgings during hot working, International Journal of Plasticity, 2013, 49, 53-70. Q1
39. Chen, Ming-Song, Lin, Y. C., Ma, Xue-Song,The kinetics of dynamic recrystallization of 42CrMo steel,Materials Science and Engineering A, 2012,556, 260-266 Q1