Novel recycling process for lead-acid battery paste without SO2 generation - Reaction mechanism and industrial pilot campaign
Release time:2021-03-04
Impact Factor:7.246
DOI number:10.1016/j.jclepro.2019.01.197
Journal:Journal of Cleaner Production
Key Words:Reductive sulfur-fixing smelting
Efficient lead extraction
Reaction mechanism
Industrial application evaluation
Abstract:This study proposes an innovative and environment-friendly method for recycling spent lead-acid batteries
without SO2generation. Iron-containing waste was employed as a sulfur-fixing agent to retain sulfur as
ferrous matte, which eliminated the generation and emissions of gaseous SO2. This work investigated the
thermodynamic and experimental feasibility and conversion mechanism of the method, and evaluated its
industrial applicability. A bench-scale test showed direct recoveries of 93.5% and 97.7% in crude lead and
ferrous matte for lead and sulfur, respectively. The phase transformation mechanism study indicated that
metallic lead from the lead paste was extracted mainly through the sequence of PbSO4 !C=COPbS! Fe3O4PbO!C=CO
Pb. Sulfur in PbSO4was thusfirst transferred to PbS andfinallyfixed as FeS. An industrial-scale pilot
campaign was also conducted to confirm the feasibility and reliability of the new process.
Indexed by:Journal paper
First-Level Discipline:Metallurgical Engineering
Document Type:J
Page Number:1620-171
ISSN No.:0959-6526
Translation or Not:no
Date of Publication:2019-04-20
Included Journals:SCI