Release time:2021-10-21
DOI number:10.1016/j.msea.2020.139192
Journal:Materials Science and Engineering A
Key Words:Strength and ductility; Dynamic precipitation; Texture weakening; Multi-directional forging; Magnesium alloys
Abstract:A fine-grained microstructure with enhanced strength and ductility was fabricated in a Mg–9Al alloy by tailoring multi-directional forging with dynamic precipitation. The dynamic precipitation concurred with dynamic recrystallization and inhibited grain growth, thus improved the strength by grain boundary strengthening. The improved ductility was explained by the drastic morphology alteration and decreased volume fraction of the precipitates.
Co-author:S.N. Jiang, Z.Y. Chen, C.M. Liu*
First Author:J.S. Wei
Document Type:J
Page Number:139192
ISSN No.:0921-5093
Translation or Not:no
Date of Publication:2020-03-03