
Annealing-induced microstructural evolution and mechanical anisotropy improvement of the Mg-Gd-Y-Zr alloy processed by hot ring rolling


  • Release time:2021-10-21

  • DOI number:10.1016/j.matchar.2018.08.022

  • Journal:Materials Characterization

  • Key Words:Microstructural evolution; Mechanical anisotropy; Annealing treatment; Texture weakening; Mg-Gd-Y-Zr; Hot ring rolling

  • Abstract:Hot ring rolling (HRR) is widely used to fabricate large-size seamless ring-shape components. However, this process produces a severe mechanical anisotropy, which is not acceptable in practical industrial application and should be avoided. This paper reports the annealing-induced microstructural evolution and mechanical anisotropy improvement of HRRed Mg-8.12Gd-1.82Y-0.35Zr alloy ring. Results show that annealing treatment could improve the microstructural homogeneity of the ring owing to the occurrence of static recrystallization (SRX). SRX grains are preferentially formed at twin boundaries and initial grain boundaries due to high dislocation density, high level of stored energy, and stress concentration. Twin boundaries, to some extent, can suppress the migration of SRX grain boundaries. In addition, occurrence of SRX weakens the texture intensity and basal pole inclination, leading to a decrease in the mechanical anisotropy of the ring. Considering the weakened anisotropy, comparable strength, and improved ductility, annealing + aging (T6), compared with direct aging (T5), is a more suitable heat treatment schedule for the HRRed Mg-8.12Gd-1.82Y-0.35Zr alloy ring.

  • Co-author:C.M. Liu, Y.H. Gao*, S.L. Yu, S.N. Jiang, Z.Y. Chen

  • First Author:Y. Yao

  • Document Type:J

  • Volume:144

  • Page Number:641-651

  • ISSN No.:1044-5803

  • Translation or Not:no

  • Date of Publication:2018-08-15

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