A rotation-shear model on the atomic motion during {10-12} twinning in magnesium alloys
Release time:2021-10-21
DOI number:10.1016/j.matlet.2015.11.096
Journal:Materials Letters
Key Words:Metals and alloys; Magnesium; Crystal structure; Twinning; Atomic motion; Modeling
Abstract:A newly developed rotation-shear model on the atomic motion during {101̅2} twinning in magnesium and its alloys is proposed. In this model, the movement of the twinned atoms is considered as the combination of a rotation by 16° and a subsequent shear along the twinning direction [1̅011]. Besides, the absolute motion vectors of atoms located in certain atom layers are calculated and summarized into general formulae, by which the movement of any specific atom during twinning can be predicted accurately.
Co-author:C.M. Liu*, Y.H. Gao, S.N. Jiang, Z.Y. Chen
First Author:S.L. Yu
Document Type:J
Page Number:185-188
ISSN No.:0167-577X
Translation or Not:no
Date of Publication:2016-02-15