Language : English

Journal Publications

Bulk nanobubbles as soft templates in the fabrication of inorganic core-shell particles

DOI number:10.1016/j.ceramint.2023.02.169

Journal:Ceramics International

Abstract:Hollow microstructured- and nanostructured-materials (also known as core-shell particles) have got great attention as advanced materials due to their fascinating physicochemical properties and favourable application prospects in many fields. In recent years, a variety of synthesis strategies have been explored to fabricate core-shell particles with different morphologies, compositions, microstructures, and thereby versatile functionalities. Among the synthesis strategies, soft-templating with the usage of nanobubbles is a feasible and effective one. Many inorganic core-shell particles have been prepared by using nanobubbles as a template. Nevertheless, studies in this field have not been reviewed comprehensively yet. Herein, the paper firstly reviewed several critical aspects of nanobubbles, such as the formation methods, stability and stabilization strategies of nanobubbles; Secondly, characteristics of core-shell particles prepared by using nanobubbles soft template were summarized, including formation mechanisms, morphologies, etc.; Lastly, concerns regarding nanobubbles as soft templates were also briefly discussed.

Co-author:Yihong Liu, Hakan Engqvist

First Author:Camilla Berg, Le Fu (co-first author)

Indexed by:Journal paper

Correspondence Author:Wei Xia


Page Number:16501-16513

Translation or Not:no

Included Journals:SCI

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