Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Date of Employment:2016-10-14
School/Department:School of Materials science and Engineering
Administrative Position:系副主任
Education Level:Postgraduate (Postdoctoral)
Business Address:特冶楼425
Degree:Doctoral degree
Alma Mater:中南大学
先后主持科技部十四五重点研发计划课题、基金委自科基金重大研究计划(重点支持项目)/面上/青年项目、科工局规划和配套重点项目、总装部领域基金等国家级项目;以第一作者/通讯作者在Nature Communications、Advanced Materials、Acta Mater.、Carbon、Small、Energy Storage Materials、Nanoscale、ACS Catalysis、ACS AMI、Compos. part B、Compos. part A、MSEA等国际期刊发表论文80余篇,单篇最高影响因子30.2,ESI高被引论文1篇;获授权国家发明专利30余项,获省部级科技进步一等奖2项。
2022年 中南大学 教授/博导
2017年 中南大学 副教授/博导
2016年 入选中南大学“升华猎英”计划
2015-2017年 中南大学 博士后研究员
2012-2014年 加拿大约克大学 博士后研究员 (导师:加拿大工程院院士 George Zhu教授)
2005-2011年 中南大学 材料物理与化学 获博士学位 (导师:中南大学材料学院 李周教授)
2001-2005年 中南大学 材料物理与化学 获学士学位
主要学术论文期刊:Advanced Materials; ACS Catalysis; Small; Carbon; ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces; Compos. sci. technol.; Compos. part B.; Compos. part A.; Nanoscale等
主要学术论文期刊:Nature Communications; Acta Mater.; Materials Science & Engineering A; Materials & Design; Journal of Alloys and Compounds; Compos. part B.; Compos. part A.等
主要学术论文期刊:Nature Communications; Carbon; Acta Mater.; Nanoscale; Compos. part B; Compos. part A; Polymer等
◆ 部分科研项目(更新至2023年):
国家自科基金重大研究计划重点支持项目 直线推进电磁能装备新型铜合金导轨材料的设计及制备技术研究 2024/01-2027/12(主持)
国家自科基金面上项目 铜铁系合金中双尺度磁性强化相的构建及力、电、磁、热、屏蔽性能协同提升机理 2023/01-2026/12(主持)
国家十四五重点研发计划 结构功能一体稀土合金设计与制备技术 2022/01-2025/12(主持课题)
国家级项目 XX用铜合金材料应用研究 2021/12-2025/12(项目骨干)
国家级项目 特种铜合金管研制 2019/01-2021/12(主持,已结题)
国家自科青年基金 记忆合金/碳纳米管/聚合物新型柔性敏感材料的相变特征及其对敏感特性的影响 2018/01-2020/12(主持,已结题)
猎英计划项目 铜(合金)/碳纳米管柔性力敏复合材料的制备及其多场耦合下力/热/电学性能演变规律的研究 2017/06-2021/10 (主持,已结题)
国家级预研项目 振动与噪声控制新材料应用技术 2017/12-2019/12 (主持,已结题)
博士后科学基金特别资助 记忆合金纳米相在新型柔性敏感材料中的作用机理研究 2018/09-2020/09 (主持,已结题)
博士后科学基金面上项目 铜合金/碳纳米管柔性力敏复合材料的制备及其性能研究 2016/09-2018/09 (主持,已结题)
湖南省自科基金 电子皮肤用记忆合金/碳纳米管/聚合物柔性复合材料的相变特征及其对敏感特性的影响 2018/09-2020/09 (主持,已结题)
国家重点研发计划 易反偏析铜合金喷射沉积及超高强高耐蚀带材 2017/09-2020/12 (项目骨干,已结题)
国家自然科学基金重点项目 高精度陀螺仪表关键零组件材料稳定性及调控机理研究 2017/01-2020/12 (项目骨干,已结题)
国家重点研发计划 高性能高精度铜及铜合金板带材制造技术 2016/09-2020/09 (项目骨干,已结题)
国家级项目 高强高抗应力松弛导电弹性合金线材研制 2017/06-2019/12 (项目骨干,已结题)
◆ 部分学术论文(第一作者/通讯作者,更新至2024年):
Xia ZR, Huang XY, Liu JQ, Dai W, Luo LX, Jiang ZH, Gong S*. et al. Designing Ni2MnSn Heusler magnetic nanoprecipitate in copper alloy for increased strength and electromagnetic shielding. Nature Communications (2024)15:10494.
Fu Y, Wang FD, Qing CD, Zhang YY, Li MK, Cao XH, Gong S*. et al. Atomically L12 ordered (PtHf)x(NiTi)100-x/CNT as bifunctional catalysts for hydrogen evolution reaction and methanol oxidation reaction with high activity and durability. Chemical Engineering Journal 498 (2024) 155800.
Jiang ZH, Tan GL, Huang XY, Li T, Cai HY, Li XJ, Wang QR, Lv XX, Gong S*. A low-density polymer/CrMnFeCoNi composite with high strength and high damping capacity. Composites: Part A 181 (2024) 108130.
Luo LX, Tang RX, Su L, Kou JY, Guo X, Li YK, Cao XH, Cui JY, Gong S*. Data-driven designed low Pt loading PtFeCoNiMnGa nano high entropy alloy with high catalytic activity for Zn-air batteries. Energy Storage Materials 72 (2024) 103773.
Cai HY, Lv WQ, Pan ED, Xue ZY, Huang YL, Xia ZR, Yu XY, Gong S*. Synergistic effects of trace silicon, calcium and cerium on the microstructure and properties of a novel Cu–Cr–Nb–Si–Ca–Ce alloy. Materials Science & Engineering A 898 (2024) 146419.
Jiang ZH, Cao XH, Kou JY, Yu Q, Cai HY, Luo LX, Yu XY, Gong S*. Constructing dual-scale high-entropy alloy/polymer interpenetrating networks to develop a lightweight composite with high strength and excellent damping capacity. Chemical Engineering Journal 489 (2024) 151222.
Wang Y, Luo WH, Gong S*. et al. Synthesis of High-Entropy-Alloy Nanoparticles by a Step-Alloying Strategy as a Superior Multifunctional Electrocatalyst. Adv. Mater. (2023) 2302499.
Luo LX, Liu YR, Chen SY, Zhu QW, Zhang D, Fu Y, Li JQ, Han JL, Gong S*. et al. FeNiCo|MnGaOx Heterostructure Nanoparticles as Bifunctional Electrocatalyst for Zn−Air Batteries. Small (2023) 2308756.
Yu XY, Song YF, Wang CC, Gu KH, Zheng LY, Qiu WT, Liu B, Gong S*. et al. Effect of Mg content on the microstructure and properties of high strength, high conductivity Cu–Fe–Cr–Si–Mg alloy. Materials Science & Engineering A 883 (2023) 145510.
Cai HY, Peng JX, Zhou YX, Wu W, Qu HW, Gong S*. et al. Microstructure and properties of high strength and high conductivity Cu-0.48Cr-0.20Nb-0.27Zn alloy treated by a new combined thermo-mechanical treatment. Materials Science & Engineering A 888 (2023) 145802.
Cao XH, Gao YT, Wang ZH, Zeng HZ, Song YF, Tang SG, Luo LX, Gong S*. FeNiCrCoMn High-Entropy Alloy Nanoparticles Loaded on Carbon Nanotubes as Bifunctional Oxygen Catalysts for Rechargeable Zinc-Air Batteries. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces (2023) 15 32365−32375.
Yu XY, Zhang YL, Zhang YX, Gong S*. et al. Effect of dual-scale FeCrSi phase on the strength and conductivity of Cu-2.5Fe-0.3Cr-0.2Si alloy. Materials Science & Engineering A 861 (2022) 144340.
Luo WH. Wang Y. Luo LX. Gong S*. et al. Single-Atom and Bimetallic Nanoalloy Supported on Nanotubes as a Bifunctional Electrocatalyst for Ultrahigh-Current-Density Overall Water Splitting. ACS Catalysis 12 (2022) 1167−1179. (ESI高被引论文)
Jiang ZH. Cai HY. Chen XL. Gong S*. et al. Improving the mechanical and damping properties of polymer/memory alloy composite by introducing nanotubes covered with nano-scale Ni particles. Composites: Part A 156 (2022) 106856.
Luo LX. Huang HY. Yang YX. Gong S*. et al. Nickel and manganese oxide heterostructure nanoparticles supported by carbon nanotube for highly efficient oxygen evolution reaction catalysis. Applied Surface Science 575 (2022) 151699.
Pang JJ. Chen Y. Li JQ. Gong S*. et al. Experiment and simulation of flexible CNT/SA/PDMS electromagnetic shielding composite. Nanotechnology 33 (2022) 175601.
Pang Y.J. Chao G.H. Luan T.Y. Gong S*. et al. Microstructure and properties of high strength, high conductivity and magnetic Cu–10Fe-0.4Si alloy. Materials Science & Engineering A 826 (2021) 142012.
Liu B. Zhao G.Y. Zhang X.B. Gong S*. et al. High-temperature deformation behavior of a novel high strength and high elasticity Cu-20Ni-20Mn-0.3Nb-0.3Cr-0.1Zr alloy. Intermetallics. 132 (2021) 107162.
Wang Y. Wang X.H. Cao X.H. Gong S*. et al. Effect of nano-scale Cu particles on the electrical property of CNT/polymer nanocomposites. Composites Part A 143(2021) 106325.
Liu B. Zhang X.B. Huang Z.C. Gong S*. et al. Mirocstructure and properties of a novel ultra-high strength, high elasticity and high plasticity Cu-20Ni-20Mn-0.3Nb-0.3Cr-0.1Zr alloy. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 853 (2021) 157402.
Jiang Z.H. Wang FMJ. Yin J.L. Gong S*. et al. Vibration damping mechanism of CuAlMn/polymer/carbon nanomaterials multi-scale composites. Composites Part B 199 (2020) 108266.
Liu B. Liu J.L. Liu Y.T. Gong S*. et al. Effects of Al addition on corrosion behavior and mechanical property of high-stength and high-elasticity Cu-20Ni-20Mn-0.3Nb-0.3Cr-0.3Zr alloy. Materials Characterization 167 (2020) 110476.
Tang S.K. Dai Z.X. Tan G.L. Gong S*. et al. High-strength, ductility and corrosion-resistant in a novel Cu20Ni20Mn0.3Cr0.3Al alloy. Materials Chemistry and Physics. 252 (2020) 123177.
Lei X. Zhang X.Y. Song A.R. Gong S*. et al. Investigation of electrical conductivity and electromagetic interference shielding performance of Au@CNT/sodium alginate/polydimethylsiloxane flexible composite. Composites Part A 130 (2020) 105762.
Li Y.X. Song A.R. Qiu W.T. Gong S*. et al. Electrical characterization of flexible CNT/polydimethylsiloxane composite films with finite thickness. Carbon 2019 (154): 439-447.
Wu D. Wei M. Li R. Xiao T. Gong S*, et al. A percolation network model to predict the electrical property of flexible CNT/PDMS composite films fabricated by spin coating technique. Composites Part B 174 (2019) 107034.
Gong S, Wu D. et al. Temperature-independent piezoresistive sensors based on carbon nanotube/polymer nanocomposite. Carbon. 2018 (137) 188-195.
Xiao T. Gong S*, et al. High temperature response capability in carbon nanotube/polymer nanocomposites. Composites Science and Technology, 2018(167):563–570.
Gong S, Zhu Z H. Giant Piezoresistivity in Aligned Carbon Nanotube Nanocomposite: Account for Nanotube Structural Distortion at Crossed Tunnel Junctions. Nanoscale, 2015(7):1339–1348.
Gong S, Li Z, Zhao Y Y. An extended Mori-Tanaka model for the elastic moduli of porous materials of finite size, Acta Materialia, 2011(59): 6820–6830.
Gong S, Zhu Z H, Li Z. Electron tunnelling and hopping effects on the temperature coefficient of resistance of carbon nanotube/polymer nanocomposites. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2017(19):5113–5120.
Gong S, Wang Y, Xiao Z, Li Z et al. Effect of temperature on the electrical property of epoxy composites with carbon nanotube. Composites Science and Technology, 2017(149):48–54.
Gong S, Zhu Z H, Meguid S A. Anisotropic electrical conductivity of polymer composites with aligned carbon nanotubes. Polymer 2015(56):498–506.
Gong S, Zhu Z H, Meguid S A. Carbon nanotube agglomeration effect on piezoresistivity of polymer nanocomposites. Polymer 2014(55): 5488–5499.
Gong S, Zhu Z H. On the Mechanism of Piezoresistivity of Carbon Nanotube Polymer Composites. Polymer 2014(56): 4136–4149.
Gong S, Zhu Z H, Li J, Meguid S A. Modeling and characterization of carbon nanotube agglomeration effect on electrical conductivity of carbon nanotube polymer composites. J. Appl. Phys. 2014(116): 194306.
Gong S, Zhu Z H, Haddad E I. Modeling electrical conductivity of nanocomposites by considering carbon nanotube deformation at nanotube junctions. J. Appl. Phys. 2013(114): 074303.
Gong S, Zhu Z H, et al. Effect of Carbon Nanotubes on Electromagnetic Interference Shielding of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composites. Polymer composites, 2018(39): E655-E663.
Gong S, Li Z, Xu G Y,et al. Fabrication, microstructure and property of cellular CuAlMn shape memory alloys produced by sintering-evaporation process. Journal of Alloys and Compounds,2011(509):2924-2928.
Gong S, Li Z, Xiao Z,et al. Microstructure and property of the composite laminate cladded by explosive welding of CuAlMn shape memory alloy and QBe2 alloy. Materials and Design, 2009 (30):1404-1408.