Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Deqing Zhu, Zhengqi Guo*,Jian Pan, Liaoting Pan, Smelting process of direct reduction iron bearing Ni and Cu to prepare Fe-Ni-Cu ternary alloy, Journal of Mining and Metallurgy,2019,55(3):325-330.
Translation or Not:no
Pre One:Deqing Zhu, Liaoting Pan, Zhengqi Guo*, Jian Pan, Fang Zhang. Utilization of limonitic nickel laterite to produce ferronickel concentrate by the selective reduction-magnetic separation process. Adv. Powder. Techno., 2019, 30(2): 451-460.
Next One:Liaoting Pan, Deqing Zhu, Zhengqi Guo *, Jian Pan, Preparation of a Master Fe–Cu Alloy by Smelting of a Cu-Bearing Direct Reduction Iron Powder, Metals,2019,9(6):701-701.
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