
副教授 博士生导师 硕士生导师









2023-11-01  当选:  中南大学2022-2023学年教学质量优秀奖(本科生课堂教学)

2022-10-01  当选:  中南大学2021-2022学年教学质量优秀奖(实习教学)

2022-07-01  当选:  指导本科生获得“2022年度湖南省大学生创新创业训练计划重点支持领域项目”

2020-11-01  当选:  指导研究生获得“中国研究生创新实践系列大赛”之中国研究生未来飞行器创新大赛,全国一等奖

2022-01-01  当选:  中南大学2020-2021学年教学质量优秀奖(学科竞赛优秀指导教师)

2014-06-01  当选:  北京航空航天大学研究生十佳

2014-09-01  当选:  北京航空航天大学“五四”奖章

2017-01-01  当选:  北京航空航天大学优秀博士学位论文



  • 黄佳,博士,中南大学特聘副教授,博士生导师,本硕博毕业于北京航空航天大学。

  • 2009年7月本科毕业于北京航空航天大学飞行器动力工程专业。

  • 2016年1月博士毕业于北京航空航天大学航空宇航推进理论与工程专业。先后荣获2017年度北航校级优秀博士学位论文、研究生国家奖学金、北航“五四”奖章、北航研究生十佳、北航博士生创新基金和北航研究生辅导员年度标兵等称号。部队服役期间两次荣获嘉奖。近年来主持了173重点基础研究项目课题,国家自然科学基金、国防科技重点实验室基金、湖南省自然科学基金、两机重大专项重要外委课题和企事业单位横向课题等多个项目,参与两部专著的编写工作,在IJFatigue,MSEA,Journal of Materials Science等高水平SCI期刊发表论文30余篇。

  • 课题组依托高性能复杂制造国家重点实验室和机械工程国家一级重点学科,建立了面向前沿基础研究和重大工程技术的结构强度与可靠性研究实验室,致力于极端服役温度下的力学行为研究、精密折纸机器人一体化设计、智能变构型多任务飞行器研制、典型机械装备故障识别和诊断、以及喷墨打印高温传感器界面力学调控等工作。

  • 课题组科研氛围融洽,津贴扎实,平均每年发表5~10篇高水平论文,同时论文有奖励,鼓励并支持学生选择感兴趣的领域开展研究、交流和深造。优秀硕士可推荐至北京航空航天大学、北京理工大学、西北工业大学、上海交通大学、根特大学等国内外知名高校学校攻读博士学位。











[1] Jia Huang, Xiaoguang Yang, Duoqi Shi. A simple unified critical plane damage parameter for high temperature LCF life prediction of a Ni-based DS superalloy[J]. Journal of Materials Science, 2014, 49(22): 7625-7638.
[2] Duoqi Shi, Shiwei Han, Xiaoguang Yang, Jia Huang*. Experimental investigation and simulation on stress rupture behavior of a Ni-based DS superalloy affected by initial elastic-plastic multi-axial stress state [J]. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2019, 757: 124-133.
[3] Hu Xiaoan, Zhao Gaole, Huang Jia*, Wang Xiangyi, and Yang Xiaoguang. Out-of-Phase Thermomechanical Fatigue Behavior of a NiCrAlYSi-Coated Superalloy[J]. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 2019(4).
[4] Shi Duoqi, Huang Jia, Yang Xiaoguang. Effects of Crystallographic Orientations and Dwell Types on Low Cycle Fatigue and Life Modeling of a SC superalloy [J]. International Journal of Fatigue, 2013, 49: 31-39.
[5] Jia Huang, Duoqi Shi, Xiaoguang Yang, Xiaoan Hu. Effect of multi-axial stress state on creep behavior and stress rupture life of a Ni-based DS superalloy[J]. Computational Materials Science, 2014, 85: 20-31.
[6] Jia Huang, Xiaoguang Yang, Duoqi Shi. Systematic methodology for high temperature LCF life prediction of smooth and notched Ni-based superalloy with and without dwells[J]. Computational Materials Science, 2014, 89: 65-74.
[7] Huang Jia, Shi DuoQi, Yang XiaoGuang. Experimental investigation and numerical modeling for elasto-plastic notch-root stress/strain analysis under monotonic loadings[J]. Science China Technological Sciences, 2014, 57(7):1411-1424.
[8] Huang Jia, Shi DuoQi,Yang XiaoGuang. A modern and robust methodology for modeling anisotropic creep characteristics of Ni-based DS and SC superalloys[J]. Science China Technological Sciences, 2014, 57(9): 1802-1815.
[9] Jia Huang, Duoqi Shi, Xiaoguang Yang. A physically based methodology for predicting anisotropic creep properties of Ni-based superalloys[J]. Rare Metals, 2016, 35(8):606-614.
[10] Jia Huang, Duoqi Shi, Xiaoguang Yang. Unified modeling of high temperature deformations of a Ni-based polycrystalline wrought superalloy under tension-compression, cyclic, creep and creep-fatigue loadings[J]. Science China Technological Sciences, 2015, 58(2):248-257.
[11] Huang Jia, Luo Yinyin, Shi Duoqi, Yang Xiaoguang. Experimental investigation on HCF strength affected by predamage from LCF of a near alpha titanium alloy[J]. Journal of Materials Research, 2014, 29(22):2748-2755.
[12] Huang Jia, Luo Yinyin, Shi Duoqi, Yang Xiaoguang. Fatigue response,fracture characteristic and life modeling of a near-alpha titanium alloy under typical cyclic loadings in service[J]. Rare Metals, 2016, 35(9):1-10.
[13] Xiao-An Hu, Gao-Le Zhao, Yun Jiang, Xian-Feng Ma, Fen-Cheng Liu, Jia Huang*, Cheng-Li Dong. Experimental investigation on the LCF behavior affected by manufacturing defects and creep damage of one Selective Laser Melting nickel base superalloy at 815℃. Acta Metallurgica Sinica (English Letters), 2019.
[14] Shiwei Han, Duoqi Shi, Xiaoguang Yang, Jia Huang, Yantao Sun. A hypothetical dislocation well model for kinematic hardening in cyclic plasticity[J]. International Journal of Plasticity, 2018, 110: 220-247.
[15] Han, S., Yang, X., Shi, D., Miao, G., Huang, J., & Li, R. Microstructure-sensitive modeling of competing failure mode between surface and internal nucleation in high cycle fatigue[J]. International Journal of Plasticity, 2019.
[16] ShiWei Han, XiaoGuang Yang, DuoQi Shi, Jia Huang. A reduced-order method for parameter identification of a crystal plasticity model considering crystal symmetry[J]. Science China Technological Sciences, 2019, 62(3): 373-387.
[17] Duoqi Shi, Xiaoan Hu, Jingke Wang, Huichen Yu, Xiaoguang Yang, Jia Huang. Effect of notch on fatigue behaviour of a directionally solidified superalloy at high temperature[J]. Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures, 2013, 36(12):1288-1297.
[18] Xiaoan Hu, Xiaoguang Yang, Jingke Wang, Duoqi Shi, Jia Huang. A simple method to analyse the notch sensitivity of specimens in fatigue tests[J]. Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures, 2013, 36(10):1009-1016.

[19] Liu He, Yang Xiaoguang, Li Shaolin, et al. Modeling of the fatigue crack growth of nickel-based superalloy using a constraint-based approach considering thickness[J]. Engineering Fracture Mechanics. 2022,259:108174.

[20] Sun Yantao, Lv Shuangqi, Yang Xiaoguang, et al. Mechanical modeling of a stitched sandwich thermal protection structure with ceramic-fiber-reinforced SiO2 aerogel as core layer[J]. Journal of Sandwich Structures and Materials. 2021,1,(1):10996362211025571.

[21] Peirong Ren, Weiqing Huang, Xiaoguang Yang, et al. A modified constitutive model considering microstructure degradation of Ni-based superalloys and its application to microstructural damage calculation[J]. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2021,882,(160605).

[22] Sun Yantao, Lv Shuangqi, Huang Jia, et al. Tension and compression moduli characterization of a bimodular ceramic-fiber reinforced SiO2 aerogel composite[J]. Materials Testing. 2020,62,(10):1003-1009.

[23] 黄佳, 贺斟酌, 戴婷, 等. 镍基高温合金DZ125的单边缺口蠕变行为研究[J]. 中国有色金属学报. 2021:1-13.

[24] 黄佳, 贺斟酌, 杨晓光, 等. 镍基定向凝固高温合金蠕变寿命预测的改进方法[J]. 机械工程学报. 2022(58): 1-11.

[25]  HUANG J, Zhenzhuo H E, Shuangqi L Y U, et al. A physically-based representative stress methodology for predicting stress rupture life of Ni-based DS superalloy[J]. Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, 2022.

[26] Huang J, Lv Y, Xia A, et al. Improved Body Force Model for Estimating Off-Design Axial Compressor Performance[J]. Energies, 2022, 15(12): 4389.

[27] Dai T, Li B, Tao C, He ZZ, Huang J. Thermo-mechanical analysis of a multilayer hollow cylindrical thermal protection structure with functionally graded ultrahigh-temperature ceramic to be heat resistant layer[J]. Aerospace Science and Technology, 2022, 124: 107532.

[28] Jia H, Zhen-zhuo H, Peng-chao G, et al. Experimental investigation on creep strengthening phenomenon of a Ni-based single crystal superalloy under cyclic loading and unloading conditions[J]. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2023: 170111.

[29] Song J, Fan Y, Huang J, et al. A viscoplastic-coupled phase field modelling for mechanical behaviors of thermal barrier coating system with randomly microporous structures[J]. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2023: 109268.

[30] Song J, Huang J, Lu Z, et al. Two aspects of high interfacial strength regarding the cracking behaviour of MCrAlY-coated superalloys[J]. Materials Science and Technology, 2023: 1-10.

[31] Song J.; Zhao L.G.; Qi H.; Li S.; Shi D.; Huang J.; Su Y.; Zhang K., Coupling of phase field and viscoplasticity for modelling cyclic softening and crack growth under fatigue, European Journal of Mechanics - A: Solids , 2022, 92: 104472.

[32] Zeng, Guanjie; Huang, Xiaozhong; Hu, Hailong; Yue, Jianling; Liu, Yu; Fan, Benhui; Huang, Jia; Tang, Xiu-Zhi, Nanoscale pulverization effect in double-layered MOF-derived hierarchical G/Co@C composites for boosting electromagnetic wave dissipation, Nanoscale, 2022, 1(1). 


[1]   2009.9-2016.1

北京航空航天大学 工学博士学位  |  博士研究生毕业

[2]   2005.9-2009.7

北京航空航天大学 工学学士学位  |  大学本科毕业


[1]   2019.11-至今

中南大学  |  航空航天学院  |  特聘副教授

[2]   2016.1-2019.7

中国人民解放军某部  |  工程师


  • [1]   2023.11-至今    

  • [2]   2021.10-至今    

  • [3]   2021.8-至今    

  • [4]   2021.5-至今    
    Engineering Failure Analysis 审稿人

  • [5]   Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 审稿人

  • [6]   2019.5-至今    
    Materials Science and Engineering: A 审稿人

  • [7]   Journal of Computational Design and Engineering 审稿人

  • [8]   Materials&Design 审稿人