Our chapter "Nanophotonic Resonators for Enhancement of Absorption and Transmission Cross Sections of Subwavelength Plasmonic Devices" by Georgios Veronis*, Changjun Min, Yin Huang and Liu yang is published in Integrated Nanophotonic Resonator: Fundamental, Devices and Applications, Alex. Y. Yi (Ed.), CRC press, Chapter 4, pp: 93-126, Pan Stanford Publishing (ISBN-13: 978-9814613781, ISBN-10: 9814613789).
Book website in amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Integrated-Nanophotonic-Resonators-Fundamentals-Applications/dp/9814613789
The rapid advancement of integrated optoelectronics has been driven considerably by miniaturization. Following the path taken in electronics of reducing devices to their ultimately fundamental forms, for instance single-electron transistors, now optical devices have also been scaled down, creating the increasingly active research fields of integrated and coupled photonic systems. The interactions between the coupled integrated micro- and nanostructures can provide us with the fundamental understanding and engineering of complex systems for a variety of applications.
This book aims to bring to the readers the latest developments in the rapidly emerging field of integrated nanophotonic resonators and devices. It compiles cutting-edge research from leading experts who form an interdisciplinary team around the world. The book also introduces the fundamental knowledge of coupled integrated photonic/electronic/mechanical micro- and nanoresonators and their interactions, as well as advanced research in the field.