Journal Publications
- [61][23] Xiaoyan Kui, Yue Sun, Shigeng Zhang, et al. Characterizing the Capability of Vehicular Fog Computing in Large-scale Urban Environment[J]. Mobile Networks and Applications, 2018,23(4):1-18.0
- [62][24] Ke hua Guo, Yan He, Xiaoyan Kui*, et al. LLTO: Towards efficient lesion localization based on template occlusion strategy in intelligent diagnosis [J], Pattern Recognition Letters, Available online 26 October 2018, 116(2018):225-232..0
- [63][25] Jiazhi Xia, Le Gao, Kezhi Kong, Ying Zhao*, Yi Chen, Xiaoyan Kui, Yixiong Liang. Exploring linear projections for revealing clusters, outliers, and trends in subsets of multi-dimensional datasets[J]. Journal of Visual Languages & Computing, 2018, 48:52-60..0
- [64][26] Xiaoyan Kui, Weiguo Liu, Kehua Guo, Jiazhi Xia, and Huakun Du*. TEACHING METHOD REFORM OF PYTHON LANGUAGE PROGRAMMING COURSE BASED ON MINIMUM KNOWLEDGE SETS. Mechatronic Systems and Control, Vol. 46, No. 4, 2018: 181-186..0
- [65][27] Xiaoyan Kui, Huakun Du, Ping Zhong, Weiguo Liu. Research and Application of Flipped Classroom in Database Course. The 13th International Conference on Computer Science & Education (ICCSE 2018), August 8-11, 2018. Informatics Institute of Technology, Sir Lanka (IIT), Colombo, Sri Lanka,2018, Page(s):1- 5,2018:207-209..0
- [66][28] Xiaoyan Kui, Weiguo Liu, Jiazhi Xia, et al. Research on the improvement of python language programming course teaching methods based on visualization[C]// International Conference on Computer Science and Education. 2017:639-644..0
- [67][29] Xuefeng Xiao, Hua Feng, Jiange Li, Xiaoyan Kui. The situation and development research of internet finance[C]// International Conference on Logistics, Informatics and Service Sciences. IEEE, 2017:1-5..0
- [68][30] Xiaoyan Kui, Shigeng Zhang, Wei Li , et al. A Weight-Bind-Based Safe Top-k Query Processing Scheme in Two-Tiered Sensor Networks[J]. 2017..0
- [69][31] Ping Zhong, Yating Li, Weile Huang, Xiaoyan Kui, Yiming Zhang, Yingwen Chen. (2017). An Extension to ns-3 for Simulating Mobile Charging with Wireless Energy Transfer[C]. International Conference of Pioneering Computer Scientists, Engineers and Educators. Springer, Singapor, 2017:256-270..0
- [70][32] Junbin Liang, Chan Jiang, Xingpo Ma, Gaocai Wang, Xiaoyan Kui. Secure Data Aggregation for Top-k Queries in Tiered Wireless Sensor Networks[J]. AD HOC & SENSOR WIRELESS NETWORKS, 2016,32(1-2): 51-78..0
- [71][33] 奎晓燕, 杜华坤*, 肖雪峰, 李勇. 基于流量的车载网络路边单元RSU部署方案[J]. 中南大学学报(自然科学版),2016, 47(5): 1573-1579.0
- [72][34] Xuefeng Xiao, Hua Feng, JianGe Li, Xiaoyan Kui*. The Situation and Development Research of Internet Finance. LISS 2016,Beijing, China, July 2016..0
- [73][35] 肖雪峰, 冯华, 奎晓燕*. 互联网金融营销模式研究[J].现代管理科学, 2016,(7) :106-108..0
- [74][36] 肖雪峰, 冯华, 李建革, 奎晓燕*. 一种全新的互联网金融P2B平台系统架构设计[J]. 现代管理科学, 2016,(8):96-99..0
- [75][37] Xiaoyan Kui, Jianxin Wang*, Shigeng Zhang, Jiannong Cao. Energy Balanced Clustering Data Collection based on Dominating Set in Wireless Sensor Networks. International Journal of Ad Hoc & Sensor Wireless Networks, Vol.24, No.3-4, pp.199-217, 2015..0
- [76][38] Xuefeng Xiao, Xiaoyan Kui. The Characterizes of Communication Contacts Between Vehicles and Intersections for Software-Defined Vehicular Networks[J]. Mobile Networks and Applications, 2015, 20(1):98-104..0
- [77][39] Lint Chen, Jianxin Wang, Xiaoqing Peng, Xiaoyan Kui. An Energy-Efficient and Relay Hop Bounded Mobile Data Gathering Algorithm in Wireless Sensor Networks[J]. International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, 2015, 2015:1-9..0
- [78][40] 奎晓燕, 杜华坤*, 肖雪峰, 李勇.基于真实车载移动数据的RSU部署算法[J]. 北京邮电大学学报, 2015,38(1):114-118..0
- [79][41] 陈零, 奎晓燕*, 张士庚, 王建新. 无线传感器网络中分布式延迟受限低能耗数据收集算法[J]. 中南大学学报(自然科学版),2015,2015, 46(5): 1655-1662..0
- [80][42] Xuefeng Xiao, Yong Li, Xiaoyan Kui, et al. Assessing the influence of selfishness on the system performance of gossip based vehicular networks[J]. Wireless Networks, 2014, 20(7):1795-1805..0