Language : English

Research Group


Name of Research Group:天道酬勤

Team members Introduction:

22级硕士生。本科毕业于中南林业科技大学,在校期间多次获得校级奖学金、三好学生等荣誉。硕士期间以一作/共一发表ACS Nano 、Advanced Functional Materials 、Chemical Communications论文3篇。

Highly Reversible Zinc‐Air Batteries at −40 °C Enabled by Anion‐Mediated Biomimetic Fat - Deng - Advanced Functional Materials - Wiley Online Library

Insight on Atomically Dispersed Cu Catalysts for Electrochemical CO2 Reduction (

Long-cycle Zn-air batteries at high depth of discharge enabled by robust Zn|electrolyte interface - Chemical Communications (RSC Publishing)