  • Jianjun Li
  • Doctoral degree
  • Professor
  • Professor
  • School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering

Educational Background

  • 2010.92013.7

     香港大学   机械工程/Mechanical Engineering   博士学位/Ph.D.   PhD Graduate 

Work Experience

  • 2015.82017.7

    德国马普钢铁研究所      德国洪堡学者

  • 2013.92017.8

    西北工业大学      副教授/Associate Professor

  • 2017.9Now

    中南大学      机电工程学院/School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering    教授/Professor

Research Group

  • Name of Research Group:Extreme Micro/nano Mechanics Design and Manufacturing

    Description of Research Group:Extreme Micro/nano Mechanics Design and Manufacturing

Social Affiliations

  • 国家自然科学基金通讯评审人


Personal Information

Jianjun Li got his PhD degree at The University of Hong Kong in 2013. As associate professor, he then worked at Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi'an, Shaanxi, China, until 2017. During 2015-2017, he stayed at Max-Planck Institute for Iron Research as an Alexander von Humboldt Research Fellow with Prof. Dierk Raabe as his Host. After that he became a Professor at Central South University, Changsha, Hunan, China. He is leading an institute named Mechanics of Micro/nano-structured Materials, which contains 1 professor, 3 associate professors and 10+ master and phd students.

Prof. Li has intensive interests in mechanical behavior of micro-/nanostructured materials by using experiments, modelling and simulation. Prof. Li has published 35+ SCI peer-reviewed journal articles, which have 400+ SCI citations. Most of the articles are published in prestigious journals such as Int. J. Plasticity (5), Acta Mater. (2), Scri Mater (6), IJSS (2), MSEA (6), Appl Phys Lett (1). Prof. Li serve as reviewers for many international journals and the research proposals of National Natural Science Foundation of China.

Our group has been equipped with 1 high vacuum magnetron sputtering with 6 targets, 1 micro hardness tester, 5 computation servers. We are recently focused on the following 3 areas: (1) Microstructure design and fabrication of novel nanostructured metals and alloys; (2) Mechanical behavior of heterogeneous nanostructured metals and alloys; (3) Thermal/mechanical instability of nanostructured metals and alloys. We welcome outstanding students who have strong desires to discover the secrets in nature.

Selected publications (‘*’Corresponding author):
1. Li, J., Lu, W.*, Gibson, J., Zhang, S., Korte-Kerzel, S., and Raabe, D.* (2020): Compatible deformation and extra strengthening by heterogeneous nanolayer composites. Scripta Materialia. 179, 30-35.
2. Jianjun Li, Wenjun Lu, Shaohua Chen, Chunhui Liu*. (2020): Revealing extra strengthening and strain hardening in heterogeneous two-phase nanostructures. International Journal of Plasticity. 126, 102626.
3. Lu, W., Liebscher, C. H., Yan, F., Fang, X., Li, L., Li, J., Guo, W., Dehm, G., Raabe, D., and Li, Z.* (2020): Interfacial nanophases stabilize nanotwins in high-entropy alloys. Acta Materialia. 185: 218-232.
4. Yaodong Wang, Jianjun Li*, Wenjun Lu, Fuping Yuan, Xiaolei Wu. (2019): Enhanced co-deformation of a heterogeneous nanolayered Cu/Ni composite. Journal of Applied Physics. 126: 215111.
5. Liu, C., Lu, W., Weng, G.J., Li, J.J.* (2019): A cooperative nano-grain rotation and grain-boundary migration mechanism for enhanced dislocation emission and tensile ductility in nanocrystalline materials. Materials Science and Engineering: A. 756:284-290.
6. Chen T, Lu W, Li J.J.*, Chen S, Li C, Weng G J (2019): Tailoring tensile ductility of thin film by grain size graded substrates. International Journal of Solids and Structures. 166:124-134.
7. Li, J.J.*, Chen, S.H., Weng, G.J. (2018): Significantly enhanced crack blunting by nanograin rotation in nanocrystalline materials. Scripta Materialia, 151, 19-23.
8. Liu C, Ma P, Zhan L, Huang M, Li J.J.* (2018): Solute Sn-induced formation of composite β′/β″ precipitates in Al-Mg-Si alloy. Scripta Materialia 155:68-72.
9. Ma Z, Zhan L*, Liu C*, Xu L, Xu Y, Ma P, Li J.J. (2018): Stress-level-dependency and bimodal precipitation behaviors during creep ageing of Al-Cu alloy: Experiments and modeling. International Journal of Plasticity 110:183-201.
10. Li, J.J.*, Weng, G.J., Chen, S.H., Wu, X.L. (2017): On strain hardening mechanism in gradient nanostructures. International Journal of Plasticity, 88, 89-107.
11. Li, J.J.*, Chen, S.H., Wu, X.L., Soh, A.K. (2015): A physical model revealing strong strain hardening in nano-grained metals induced by grain size gradient structure. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 620:16-21.
12. Li, J.J.*, Chen, S. H., Wu, X.L., Soh, A.K. (2014): Strong crack blunting by shear-coupled migration of grain boundaries in nanocrystalline materials. Scripta Materialia, 84-85:51-54.
13. Li, J.J.*, Wu, X.L., Soh, A.K. (2014): On nano-grain rotation by dislocation climb in nanocrystalline materials. Scripta Materialia, 78-79:5-8.
14. Li, J.J.*, Soh, A.K., Wu, X.L. (2014): Enhancing dislocation emission in nanocrystalline materials through shear-coupled migration of grain boundaries. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 601:153-158.
15. Li, J.J., Soh, A.K.* (2013): Synergy of grain boundary sliding and shear-coupled migration process in nanocrystalline materials. Acta Materialia, 61(14): 5449-5457.
16. Li, J.J., Soh, A.K.* (2013): Toughening of nanocrystalline materials through shear-coupled migration of grain boundaries. Scripta Materialia, 69(4): 283-286.
17. Li, J.J., Soh, A.K.* (2012): Modeling of the plastic deformation of nanostructured materials with grain size gradient. International Journal of Plasticity, 39: 88-102.

  • Professor
    Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
    Supervisor of Master's Candidates
  • School/Department:School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering
  • Administrative Position:Professor
  • Education Level:PhD Graduate
  • Business Address:A422,School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering,Central South University (New Campus), Changsha, Hunan
  • Sex:Male
  • Contact Information:mejjli@csu.edu.cn
  • Degree:Doctoral degree
  • Status:Employed
  • Academic Titles:《力学学报》青年编委、学术桥人才引进与职称评审专家、教育部硕博论文评审专家、国家自然科学基金青年/面上/重点项目通讯评审人、江苏/浙江/黑龙江/广东等省科技厅项目与科技奖评审专家、IJP, Mech Mater, MSEA, IJMS等多个国际知名期刊审稿人
  • Alma Mater:The University of Hong Kong
  • Discipline:Mechanical Engineering
  • Honors and Titles:
  • 中国力学学会自然科学一等奖获得者(2022年); 湖湘青年英才(2021年); 湖南省优秀青年基金获得者(2020年); 德国洪堡学者(2015年); 香港大学机械工程系杰出研究生奖(2013年);
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