李建军,教授,博导,德国洪堡学者,极端服役性能精准制造全国重点实验室骨干研究人员,中国力学学会自然科学一等奖获得者(2022,排名第2)、湖南省优秀青年科学基金获得者(2020),入选湖南省“湖湘青年科技创新人才”计划(2021),担任《力学学报》及《中南大学学报(英文版)》青年编委。担任微纳尺度薄膜与涂层设计研究所负责人,已在Int J Plasticity, Acta Mater, IJSS, Mech Mater, IJMS, Scr Mater, APL等领域内顶级与知名期刊发表高水平SCI论文64篇,包括1篇ESI高被引论文,SCI他引1000余次,并有多项授权国家发明专利。主持国家自然科学基金3项(青年1项、面上2项)及省部级等前沿研究项目10余项。
1.Wang, Yaodong, Li, Jianjun*, Li, Jiejie, Chen, Shaohua* (2024): On the strain delocalization mechanism of Cu/Nb nanolayered composites with amorphous interfacial layers, International Journal of Plasticity, 172, 103856.
2.Li, J.J.*, Chen, S.*, Weng, G. J., and Lu, W.*, (2021): A micromechanical model for heterogeneous nanograined metals with shape effect of inclusions and geometrically necessary dislocation pileups at the domain boundary. International Journal of Plasticity, 144, 103024.
3.Jianjun Li, Wenjun Lu, Shaohua Chen, Chunhui Liu*. (2020): Revealing extra strengthening and strain hardening in heterogeneous two-phase nanostructures. International Journal of Plasticity. 126, 102626.
4. Liu, C.*, Yang J., Ma P., Ma Z., Zhan L. *, Chen K., Huang M., Li J.J.*, Li Z.* (2020): Large creep formability and strength–ductility synergy enabled by engineering dislocations in aluminum alloys, International Journal of Plasticity. 134, 102774.
5.Li, J.J.*, Weng, G.J., Chen, S.H., Wu, X.L. (2017): On strain hardening mechanism in gradient nanostructures. International Journal of Plasticity, 88, 89-107.
6.Li, J.J., Soh, A.K.* (2012): Modeling of the plastic deformation of nanostructured materials with grain size gradient. International Journal of Plasticity, 39: 88-102.
7.Li, J.J., Soh, A.K.* (2013): Synergy of grain boundary sliding and shear-coupled migration process in nanocrystalline materials. Acta Materialia, 61(14): 5449-5457.
8. Li, J.J., Soh, A.K.* (2012): On shear-coupled migration of grain boundaries in nanocrystalline materials. Applied Physics Letters, 101(24): 241915.
9.Qin, F., Dai K., Hou J., Lu W., Chen S., Li J.J.* (2024): Medium entropy alloy-induced strong size dependence in the strengthening and shear instability of nanolayered metallic composites, Mechanics of Materials, 197 ,105107.
10.Tianyu Chen, Jianjun Li*, Shaohua Chen, Chun Li (2020): Shear band multiplication induced strong strain delocalization and high tensile ductility in amorphous thin films by metallic substrates, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 195, 1-12.
11.Chen T, Lu W, Li J.J.*, Chen S, Li C, Weng G J (2019): Tailoring tensile ductility of thin film by grain size graded substrates. International Journal of Solids and Structures. 166:124-134.
12.Li,J.J.*, Qin, F., Yan, D., Lu, W.*, and Yao, J.*, 2022. Shear instability in heterogeneous nanolayered Cu/Zr composites. Journal of Materials Science & Technology 105, 81-91.
13. Lu, W.*, and Li, J.*, 2022. Synergetic deformation mechanism in hierarchical twinned high-entropy alloys. Journal of Materials Science & Technology 102, 80-88.
14.Li, J. J., Lu, W.*, Gibson, J., Zhang, S., Korte-Kerzel, S., and Raabe, D.* (2020): Compatible deformation and extra strengthening by heterogeneous nanolayer composites. Scripta Materialia. 179, 30-35.
15.Li, J.J.*, Chen, S.H., Weng, G.J. (2018): Significantly enhanced crack blunting by nanograin rotation in nanocrystalline materials. Scripta Materialia, 151, 19-23.
16. Liu C, Ma P, Zhan L, Huang M, Li J.J.* (2018): Solute Sn-induced formation of composite β′/β″ precipitates in Al-Mg-Si alloy. Scripta Materialia 155:68-72.
17.Li, J.J.*, Chen, S. H., Wu, X.L., Soh, A.K. (2014): Strong crack blunting by shear-coupled migration of grain boundaries in nanocrystalline materials. Scripta Materialia, 84-85:51-54.
18. Li, J.J.*, Soh, A.K., Wu, X.L. (2014): On nano-grain rotation by dislocation climb in nanocrystalline materials. Scripta Materialia, 78-79:5-8.
19.Li, J.J., Soh, A.K.* (2013): Toughening of nanocrystalline materials through shear-coupled migration of grain boundaries. Scripta Materialia, 69(4): 283-286.
20.Qin, F., Chen F., Hou J., Lu W., Chen S., Li J.J.* (2024): Strong resistance to shear instability in multilayered metallic composites by nanoscale amorphous-BCC crystalline interfaces, Materials Science and Engineering: A, 891, 145919.
21.Qin, F., Lu, W. J., Li, J. J.* (2022): Enhanced resistance to shear instability by gradient nanolayered structures in sputtered Cu/Zr composites. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 846:143253.
22. Liu, C., Lu, W., Weng, G.J., Li, J.J.* (2019): A cooperative nano-grain rotation and grain-boundary migration mechanism for enhanced dislocation emission and tensile ductility in nanocrystalline materials. Materials Science and Engineering: A. 756:284-290.
23. Li, J.J.*, Chen, S.H., Wu, X.L., Soh, A.K. (2015): A physical model revealing strong strain hardening in nano-grained metals induced by grain size gradient structure. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 620:16-21.
24. Li, J.J.*, Soh, A.K., Wu, X.L. (2014): Enhancing dislocation emission in nanocrystalline materials through shear-coupled migration of grain boundaries. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 601:153-158.
25. Li, J.J., Chen, S.H.*, Wu, X.L., Soh, A.K., Lu, J. (2010): The main factor influencing the tensile properties of surface nano-crystallized graded materials. Materials Sciences and Engineering: A, 527(26): 7040-7044.