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Distinguished Associate Professor

Supervisor of Master's Candidates


School/Department:School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering

Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study

Business Address:Central South University, New Campus,College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering,C206a


Degree:Doctoral Degree in Engineering


Alma Mater:Wuhan University

Discipline:Mechanical Engineering

Jiejie Li


Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study

Alma Mater:Wuhan University



Dr. Li Jiejie, obtaining PhD from Wuhan University in June 2021, is an Associate Professor and Master Tutor at the College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Central South University since September 2021. 

Currently, he is mainly engaged in the research work related to superstructure and lightweight design, micro/nano mechanics, and micro/nano manufacturing. His research outcomes have been published in over 40 research papers including 20 SCI papers as the first-named author/corresponding author in prestigious journals, including but not limited to, Carbon, Science China-Technological Sciences, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, Composite Structures.

Welcome students who are interested or have ideas to communicate and learn together! (E-mail:

  • Educational Background
  • Work Experience

[1]  2012.9 to 2016.6
Wuhan University  | Mechanical Engineering  | Bachelor's Degree in Engineering  | University degree
[2]  2016.9 to 2021.6
Wuhan University  | Mechanical Engineering  | Doctoral Degree in Engineering  | PhD Graduate

[1]   2021.9 to  Now
Central South University  | College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering  | Associate Professor