I graduated from the mechanical and electronic engineering major of Huazhong University of science and technology, and my main direction was intelligent manufacturing. At present, I am mainly engaged in the research work based on machine learning technology (mainly including transfer learning, deep learning, reinforcement learning, knowledge graph, etc.) in industrial model generalization, optimization of process parameters and intelligent analysis and traceability of high-quality parts machining quality.The research work was published in international famous journals such as mechanical systems and signal processing, Journal of manufacturing processes, IEEE Transactions on industrial Informatics, etc. I was also invited to be the reviewer of the famous top journals IEEE Transactions on industrial Informatics, mechanical systems and signal processing, Journal of sound and vibration.
Huazhong University of science and technology  Mechanical Engineering  PhD Graduate  Doctoral Degree in Engineering
武汉理工大学  机械工程及自动化(卓越工程师计划)  University graduated  Bachelor's degree
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