Iterative consolidation of unorganized point clouds
Release time:2016-04-25
Journal:IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications
Key Words:upsampling, computer vision, computer science
Abstract:Unorganized point clouds obtained from 3D shape acquisition devices usually present noise, outliers, and nonuniformities. The proposed framework consolidates unorganized points through an iterative procedure of interlaced downsampling and upsampling. Selection operations remove outliers while preserving geometric details. The framework improves the uniformity of points by moving the downsampled particles and refining point samples. Surface extrapolation fills missed regions. Moreover, an adaptive sampling strategy speeds up the iterations. Experimental results demonstrate the framework's effec
Co-author:Shengjun Liu, Kwan-Chung Chan, Charlie C.L.Wang
Indexed by:Unit Twenty Basic Research
Document Type:J
Page Number:70-83
Translation or Not:no
Date of Publication:2013-01-01
Links to published journals:
Iterative Consolidation of Unorganized Point Clouds.pdf