Fast intersection-free offset surface generation from freeform models with triangular meshes
Release time:2016-04-25
Journal:IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engine
Abstract:A fast offset surface generation approach is presented in this paper to construct intersection-free offset surfaces, which preserve sharp features, from freeform triangular mesh surfaces. The basic spirit of our algorithm is to sample a narrowband signed distance-field from the input model on a uniform grid and then employ a contouring algorithm to build the resultant offset mesh surface from the signed distance-field. Four filters are conducted to generate the narrowband signed distance-field around the offset surface in a very efficient way by alleviating computation redundancies in the re
Co-author:Shengjun Liu, Charlie C.L.Wang
Indexed by:Unit Twenty Basic Research
Document Type:J
Page Number:347-360
Translation or Not:no
Date of Publication:2011-01-01
Links to published journals:
Fast Intersection-free Offset Surface Generation from Freeform Models with Triangular Meshes.pdf