Ellipsoidal-blob approximation of 3D models and its applications
Release time:2016-04-25
Journal:Computers & Graphics
Key Words:Ellipsoidal blobby model; Implicit surface; Animation; Geometry data reduction
Abstract:This paper presents a technique for automatically approximating a given mesh model with an ellipsoidal blobby model. Firstly, an ellipsoid decomposition algorithm is introduced to approximate given models by ellipsoids. After that, a blobby implicit surface employing ellipsoidal blobs is modelled to fit the sampling points on the given mesh. Finally, the reconstructed ellipsoidal blobby model is applied in two applications: the geometry data reduction and the target shape controlled cloud animation.
Co-author:Shengjun Liu, Xiaogang Jin, Charlie C.L.Wang, K.C.Hui
Indexed by:Unit Twenty Basic Research
Document Type:J
Page Number:243-251
Translation or Not:no
Date of Publication:2007-04-01
Links to published journals:http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0097849307000325
Ellipsoidal-blob approximation of 3D models and its applications.pdf