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Supervisor of Master's Candidates

Date of Birth:1993-04-27


Date of Employment:2022-08-29

School/Department:School of Computer Science and Engineering

Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study



Degree:Doctoral degree


Alma Mater:湖南大学



Date of Birth:1993-04-27


Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study

Alma Mater:湖南大学


Current position: Home / Personal Profile

教育背景2018.09-2022.6 湖南大学 计算机科学与技术 工学博士2011.09-2015.06 华中科技大学 自动化 工学学士 海外经历 2019.12-2020.12 新加坡科技与研究局(Agency for Science, Technology and Research, Singapore),通信研究院(Institute for Infocomm Research),博士联合培养工作经历 2022.7-至今2017.7-2018.7华为技术有限公司,Android Framework开发工程师 学术研究研究领域:深度学习研究方向:时间序列分析,图神经网络,高性能深度学习在面向大数据与人工智能的高效能计算领域,已累计在国际学术期刊和会议上发表/接受论文20余篇,其中一作或者通讯作者论文11篇,CCF A类论文5篇,CCF B类期刊8篇,SCI 1区/ IEEE&ACM Transactions论文3篇,影响因子>10论文1篇。一作论文涉及IEEE TII, ACM TKDD, ACM TOSN等。硕士招生每年招收3名左右硕士研究生,欢迎对人工智能和高性能计算感兴趣的同学们与我联系(邮箱部分论文1. Yangfan Li, Cen Chen, Mingxing Duan, Zeng Zeng, Kenli Li. Attention-aware encoder–decoder neural networks for heterogeneous graphs of things[J]. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2020, 17(4): 2890-2898. (IF 10.21/2020, 中科院1区)2. Yangfan Li, Kenli Li, Cen Chen, Xu Zhou, Zeng Zeng, Keqin Li. Modeling temporal patterns with dilated convolutions for time-series forecasting[J]. ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data (TKDD), 2021, 16(1): 1-22.(IF 2.71/2020, JCR Q2, CCF B类期刊)3. Yangfan Li, Kenli Li, Wei Wei, Joey Tianyi Zhou, Cen Chen. CoRec: An Efficient Internet Behavior based Recommendation Framework with Edge-cloud Collaboration on Deep Convolution Neural Networks[J]. ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks (TOSN), 2022. (在线发表:DOI:10.1145/3526191)(IF 2.25/2020, JCR Q3, CCF B类期刊)4. Yangfan Li,YiKunHuman,Fan Wu,Kenli Li. DiVIT: Algorithm and architecture co-design of differential attention in vision transformer[J]. Journal of Systems Architecture, 2022, 128(1): 102520. (IF 4.97/2020, JCR Q1,CCF B类期刊)5. Chigang Xing, Yangfan Li, et al. Determinantal point process-based new radio unlicensed link scheduling for multi-access edge computing[J]. World Wide Web, 2022,25(1):2215–2239. (IF 2.72/2020, JCR Q2,共同一作)6. Hui Yin, Yangfan Li*, Hua Deng, Wei Zhang, Zheng Qin, Keqin Li. An Attribute-Based Keyword Search Scheme for Multiple Data Owners in Cloud-Assisted Industrial Internet of Things[J]. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2022. (在线发表:DOI:10.1109/TII.2022.3192304)(IF 10.21/2020, 中科院1区,通信作者)7. Zeng Zeng, Ziyuan Zhao, Kaixin Xu, Yangfan Li*, Cen Chen, Xiaofeng Zou, Yulan Wang, Wei Wei, Pierce Kh Chow, Xiaoli Li. Correlation Induced Clustering for High Dimensional Bioinformatics Data. Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics.2022.(在线发表:DOI:10.1109/JBHI.2022.3179265)(IF 5.77/2020, JCR Q1, 通信作者)8. Hui Yin, Yangfan Li*, Fangmin Li, Hua Deng, Wei Zhang, Keqin Li. An efficient and access policy-hiding keyword search and data sharing scheme in cloud-assisted IoT[J]. Journal of Systems Architecture, 2022,128(1): 102533.(IF 4.97/2020, JCR Q1,CCF B类期刊,通信作者)9. Yuanyuan Zeng, Yangfan Li*, Xu Zhou, Jianye Yang, Wenjun Jiang, Kenli Li. Efficient Game Theoretic Approach to Dynamic Graph Partitioning[J]. Information Sciences, 2022,606(8). (在线发表:DOI:10.1016/j.ins.2022.05.096)(IF 6.79/2020, JCR Q1,CCF B类期刊, 通信作者)10. Peiyin Lin, Yangfan Li*, Wensheng Luo, Xu Zhou, Yuanyuan Zeng, Kenli Li, Keqin Li. Personalized query techniques in graphs: A survey[J]. Information Sciences, 2022,607(1):961-1000.( 在线发表:DOI:10.1016/j.ins.2022.06.023)(IF 6.79/2020, JCR Q1, 通信作者,CCF B类期刊)11. Zhou Zhou, Yangfan Li*, Fangmin Li, Hongbing Cheng. An Intelligence Energy Consumption Model based on BP Neural Network in Mobile Edge Computing[J]. Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 2022,167(7).( 在线发表:DOI:10.1016/j.jpdc.2022.05.005)(IF 3.73/2020, JCR Q1, 通信作者,CCF B类期刊)12. Cen Chen, Kenli Li, Xiaofeng Zou, Yangfan Li, et al., “DyGNN: Algorithm and Architecture Support of Dynamic Pruning for Graph Neural Networks,”Design Automation Conference, 2021.(DOI:10.1109/DAC18074.2021.9586298). (CCF A 类会议)13. Cen Chen, Kenli Li, Yangfan Li,Xiaofeng, Zou, “ReGNN: A Redundancy-Eliminated Graph Neural Networks Accelerator”, The 28th IEEE International Symposium on High-Performance Computer Architecture (HPCA-28), 2022.(DOI:10.1109/HPCA53966.2022.00039) (CCF A 类会议)14. Xiaofeng Zou, Kenli Li, Yangfan Li, Wei Wei, Cen Chen,“Multi-Task Y-shaped Graph Neural Network for Point Cloud Learning in Autonomous Driving”, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2022,23(7):1-12. (IF 6.49/2020, JCR Q1)15. Jianxi Yang, Likai Zhang, Cen Chen, Yangfan Li, et al., “A Hierarchical Deep Convolutional Neural Network and Gated Recurrent Unit Framework for Structural Damage Detection,” Information Science, 2020,540:117-130. (IF 6.79/2020, JCR Q1)16. Chao Yang, Yicheng Liu, Fangmin Li, and Yangfan Li. “Finite-time Synchronization of a Class of Coupled Memristor-based Recurrent Neural Networks: Static State Control and Dynamic Control Approach,”International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems,2021, 19(1):426-438. (IF 2.96/2020, JCR Q2)