













罗行,中南大学研究员、博士生导师、粉末冶金国家重点实验室固定成员。湖南省荷尖人才、湖湘青年英才、中南大学创新驱动人才、中南大学升华学者优青A岗。依托中南大学粉末冶金国家重点实验室,长期从事高分子介电复合材料、铁电压电陶瓷和压电-光电催化的理论和应用研究。以第一/通讯作者身份在期刊Advanced Materials(2篇)、Advanced Functional Materials(5篇)Energy & Environmental ScienceNano LettersChemical Society ReviewsProgress in Materials Science等国际权威期刊发表SCI论文75篇,被引7700余次,其中38篇论文IF>10、入选热点论文1篇、ESI高被引论文9篇,受邀合著英文著作1部(RSC Publishing,UK)。主持国家自然科学面上/青年基金和国家重点研发计划子课题等科研项目12项,获湖南省优秀青年科学基金资助。担任Frontiers in Electronic Materials副主编、电子元器件关键材料与技术专委会委员和中国复合材料学会介电高分子复合材料与应用专委会委员等学术兼职。已获授权发明专利18项,其中7项发明专利(第一发明人2项,第二发明人3项)作价4100万元,完成了科技成果转化,该技术产品已完成中试线批量生产并通过性能验证,其成功转化将加速推进高性能薄膜电容器技术国产化。



[1] 高分子介电复合材料及其储能应用

[2] 铁电/压电陶瓷

[3] 压电-光电催化


[1] 国家自然科学基金面上项目,单轴拉伸碳量子点/PVDF复合材料的微观结构演变及其储能特性提升机理研究,58万,2022.01.01-2025.12.31

[2] 国家重点研发计划子课题新型高性能航天装备用柔性智能压电复合材料器件267,2021.01.01-2025.12.31

[3] 国家自然科学基金青年项目基于BaTiO3纳米线阵列的介电复合材料界面工程和介电储能行为研究242021.01.01-2023.12.31

[4] 湖南省自然科学基金面上项目直写技术调控复合材料中钛酸钡纳米线的排列方向及其储能应用102019.01.01-2021.12.31

[5] 博士后科学基金特别资助项目BaTiO3/P(VDF-CTFE)复合材料中界面设计及其储能应用152018.06.01-2019.5.31

[6] 湖南省教育厅科学研究项目优秀青年项目,多层电容器介电常数和介电强度解耦协同提升机制研究62022.01.01-2024.12.31

[7] 湖南省优秀青年基金,聚合物基介电复合材料202022.01.01-2024.12.31

[8] 教育部产学合作协同育人项目,面向可工程应用的高性能聚丙烯电容薄膜关键技术研究102022.09.01-2023.12.31

[9] 湖南省青年科技人才(荷尖)项目2022RC107440万,2022.01.01-2024.12.31

[10] 中南大学创新驱动计划项目碳量子点/聚丙烯复合材料的微观结构演变与储能特性研究502022.9.1-2025.8.31



[1] Guanghu He#, Xiaona Li#, Hang Luo,*  Dou Zhang*, Shujun Zhang*, The large-scale manufacturing of polymer dielectric capacitors: advancements and challenges, Advanced Materials, 2025, 2501488.(IF=27, Q1,通讯作者)

[2]Guanghu He, Hang Luo, * Yuan Liu, Yuting Wan, Bo Peng, Deng Hu, Fan Wang, Xiaona Li, Jiajun Peng, Huan Wang and Dou Zhang, Enhanced high-temperature energy storage insemi-aromatic polyimides via dual regulation of  short-range ordered and crosslinked architectures, Energy & Environmental Science, 2025, 18, 2405–2414.(IF=34, Q1,通讯作者)

[3]Deng Hu, Hang Luo,* Ru Guo,* Guanghu He, Fan Wang, Xiaona Li, Bo Peng, Huan Wang, Jiajun Peng, Dou Zhang, Remarkable High-Temperature Energy Storage in Co-Polymerized Polyetherimide Via Constructing Hybrid Electrostatic Potential Barriers, Advanced Functional Materials, 2025, 2501488.(IF=19.924, Q1,通讯作者)

[4] Bo Peng, Pengbo Wang, Hang Luo,* Guanghu He, Haoran Xie, Yuan Liu, Sheng Chen,  Xiaona Li, Yuting Wan and Ru Guo*, Outstanding high-temperature capacitiveperformance in all-organic dielectrics enabled by synergistic optimization of molecular traps and aggregation structures,  Material Horizon, 2025, 12, 1223–1233.(IF=12, Q1,通讯作者)


[1] Q Sun, X Zhou, X Liu, Y Yuan, L Sun, D Wang, F Xue*, H Luo*, D Zhang, J Sun*, Quasi-Zero-Dimensional Ferroelectric Polarization Charges-Coupled Resistance Switching with High-Current Density in Ultrascaled Semiconductors, Nano Letters  202424(3), 975-982.(IF=10.8, NI论文通讯作者)

[2] Chuanfang Yan, Yuting Wan, Hongping Long, Huang Luo, Xuan Liu, Hang Luo*, Sheng Chen*, Improved Capacitive Energy Storage at High Temperature via Constructing Physical Cross-Link and Electron–Hole Pairs Based on P-Type Semiconductive Polymer Filler, Advanced Functional Materials 2024, 34(8),  202312238.(IF=19.924, Q1,通讯作者)

[3] X Tang, C Ding, S Yu, C Zhong, H Luo, S Chen, Mechanism Study of Molecular Trap in All‐Organic Polystyrene‐Based Dielectric Composite, Small, 2024, 2306034.(IF=15.153, Q1,通讯作者)

[4] Yuan Miao, Xuefan Zhou, Zhongwang Wang, Xiaochi Liu, Yahua Yuan, Yumei Jing, Hang Luo*, Dou Zhang, Jian Sun*, Electrically-Reconfigurable Extremely-High Density Physical Unclonable Cryptographic Keys Based on Aurivillius Ferroelectrics, Advanced Functional Materials, 2024, 2314883.(IF=19.924, Q1,通讯作者)

[5] Fan Wang, Hang Luo*, Haiyan Chen, Di Zhai, Xun Jiang, Yuan Liu, Dou Zhang*, Surface-Confined Winding Assembly of SiO2 on the Surface of BaTiO3 Leading to Enhanced Performance of Dielectric Nanocomposites, Advanced Functional Materials 2024, 34, 2410862.(IF=19.924, Q1,通讯作者)


[1] Qiong Liu, Faqi Zhan, Hang Luo*, Xiaogang Luo, Qiuyan Yi, Qiwei Sun, Zhida Xiao, Yan Zhang, Dou Zhang*, Chris R. Bowen*, Na-Sm Bimetallic Regulation and Band Structure Engineering in CaBi2Nb2O9 to Enhance Piezo-photo-catalytic Performance, Advanced Functional Materials 2023, 33, 2303736.(IF=19.924, Q1,通讯作者)

[2] Qiong Liu, Qifa Zhan, Xuefan Luo, Qiuyan Yi, Zhida Xiao, Di Zhai, Jingxiang Huang, Yan Zhang, Hang Luo*, Dou Zhang*, A (Bi2O2) 2+ layer as a significant carrier generator and transmission channel in CaBi2Nb2O9 platelets for enhanced piezo-photo-catalytic performance, Nano Energy 2023, 108, 108252. (IF=19.069, Q1,通讯作者)

[3] Ying Yang*, Min Li, Bixia Zhou, Xulei Jiang, Dou Zhang, Hang Luo*. Graphene oxide/gallium nanoderivative as a multifunctional modulator of osteoblastogenesis and osteoclastogenesis for the synergistic therapy of implant-related bone infection [J]. Bioactive Materials, 2023, 25, 594-614. (IF=16.874, Q1,通讯作者)

[4] Zhongchang Wang, Xuefan Zhou, Xiaochi Liu, Aocheng Qiu, Caifang Gao, Yahua Yuan, Yumei Jing, Dou Zhang, Wenwu Li, Hang Luo*, Junhao Chu, Jian Sun*, van der Waals ferroelectric transistors: the all-round artificial synapses for high-precision neuromorphic computing, Chip, 2023, 100044. (国产卓越期刊,通讯作者)

[5] Fan Wang, Jieming Cai, Chenchen Yang, Hang Luo*, Xiaona Li, Hongshuai Hou, Guoqiang Zou*, Dou Zhang*, Improved Capacitive Energy Storage Nanocomposites at High Temperature Utilizing Ultralow Loading of Bimetallic MOF, Small, 2023, 19, 2300510.(IF=15.153, Q1,通讯作者)

[6] Boyuan Li, Zhongna Yan*, Xuefan Zhou, He Qi, Vladimir Koval, Xiaogang Luo, Hang Luo*, Haixue Yan and Dou Zhang, Achieving Ultrahigh Energy Storage Density of La and Ta Codoped AgNbO3 Ceramics by Optimizing the Field-Induced Phase Transitions, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2023, 15, 3, 4246–4256.(IF=10.383, Q1,通讯作者)

[7] Xiaogang Luo, Zhongna Yan*, Hang Luo*, Xuefan Zhou*, Boyuan Li, Man Zhang, Dou Zhang, Greatly improved piezoelectricity and thermal stability of (Na, Sm) Co-doped CaBi2Nb2O9 ceramics,  Advanced Powder Materials 2023, 2 (3), 100116. (通讯作者)

[8] Xiaona Li, Hang Luo*, Chuanfang Yang, Fan Wang, Xun Jiang, Ru Guo, Dou Zhang*, Enhancing High-Temperature Energy Storage Performance of PEI-Based Dielectrics by Incorporating ZIF-67 with a Narrow Bandgap, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 15 (35), 41828-41838. (IF=10.383, Q1,通讯作者)

[9] Siqi Yu, Jinlong Zhou, Aa Xu, Hang Luo*, Sheng Chen*, The scalable and high performance polyimide dielectrics containing alicyclic structures for high-temperature capacitive energy storage, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2023, 143803.(IF=16.744,  Q1,通讯作者)

[10]Guganghu He, Hang Luo*, Chuanfang Yan, Yuting Wan, Dang Wu, Hang Luo, Yuan Liu, Sheng Chen*, Achieving Synergistic Improvement in Dielectric and Energy Storage Properties of All‐Organic Poly (Methyl Methacrylate)‐Based Copolymers Via Establishing Charge Traps, Energy & Environmental Materials, e12577. (IF=15,  Q1,通讯作者)

[11]Huang Luo, Chuanfang Yan, Xuan Liu, Hang Luo*, Sheng Chen*, Constructing Novel High-Performance Dipolar Glass Polymer Dielectrics by Polar Rigid/Flexible Side Chains, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2023, 15, 20, 24470-24482. (IF=10.383, Q1,通讯作者)


[1] Zhongwang Wang, Xiaochi Liu, Xuefan Zhou, Yahua Yuan, Kechao Zhou, Dou Zhang, Hang Luo*, Jian Sun*. Reconfigurable Quasi-Nonvolatile Memory/Subthermionic FET Functions in Ferroelectric–2D Semiconductor vdW Architectures [J]. Advanced Materials, 2022, 34: 2200032. (IF=32.086,  Q1通讯作者)

[2] Luo Hang, Wang Fan, Guo Ru, Zhang Dou*, He Guanghu, Chen Sheng*, Wang Qing*. Progress on Polymer Dielectrics for Electrostatic Capacitors Application [J]. Advanced Science, 2022: 2202438. (IF=17.521,  Q1,第一作者)

[3] Qiong Liu, Faqi Zhan, Hang Luo*, Di Zhai, Zhida Xiao, Qiwei Sun, Qiuyan Yi,Ying Yang*, Dou Zhang. Mechanism of interface engineering for ultrahigh piezo-photoelectric catalytic coupling effect of BaTiO3@TiO2 microflowers [J]. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2022, 318: 121817. (IF=24.319,  Q1,通讯作者)

[4] Qiong Liu, Zhouyao Li, Jiang Li, Faqi Zhan, Di Zhai, Qiwei Sun, Zhida Xiao, Hang Luo*, Dou Zhang. Three dimensional BaTiO3 piezoelectric ceramics coated with TiO2 nanoarray for high performance of piezo-photoelectric catalysis [J]. Nano Energy, 2022, 98: 107267. (IF=19.069,  Q1,通讯作者)

[5] Qiong Liu, Di Zhai, Zhida Xiao, Chen Tang, Qiwei Sun, Chris R. Bowen, Hang Luo*, Dou Zhang*. Piezo-photoelectronic coupling effect of BaTiO3@TiO2 nanowires for highly concentrated dye degradation [J]. Nano Energy, 2022, 92: 106702. (IF=19.069,  Q1,通讯作者)

[6] Guanghu He, Yuan Liu, Chao Wang, Sheng Chen, Hang Luo*, Dou Zhang. All-organic polymer dielectrics prepared via optimization of sequential structure of polystyrene-based copolymers [J]. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2022, 446: 137106. (IF=16.744,  Q1,通讯作者)

[7] Ru Guo, Hang Luo*, Di Zhai, Zhida Xiao, Haoran Xie, Yuan Liu, Xuefan Zhou, Dou Zhang*. Bilayer structured PVDF-based composites via integrating BaTiO3 nanowire arrays and BN nanosheets for high energy density capacitors [J]. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2022, 437: 135497. (IF=16.744,  Q1,通讯作者)

[8] Haoran Xie, Hang Luo*, Yuan Liu, Ru Guo, Xiaobo Ji, Hongshuai Hou*, Dou Zhang*. Extremely low loading of carbon quantum dots for high energy density in polyetherimide nanocomposites [J]. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2022, 433: 133601. (IF=16.744,  Q1,通讯作者)

[9] Xuefan Zhou, Huiping Yang, Guoliang Xue, Hang Luo*, Dou Zhang *. Optimized strain performance in <001>-textured Bi0.5Na0.5TiO3-based ceramics with ergodic relaxor state and coreshell microstructure [J]. Journal of Advanced Ceramics, 2022, 11(10): 1542-1558. (IF=11.534,  Q1,通讯作者)

[10] Yuan Liu, Hang Luo*, Di Zhai, Li Zeng, Zhida Xiao, Zhitao Hu, Xueying Wang, Dou Zhang*. Improved Energy Density and Energy Efficiency of Poly(vinylidene difluoride) Nanocomposite Dielectrics Using 0.93Na0.5Bi0.5TiO3‑0.07BaTiO3 Nanofibers [J]. ACS Applied Materials Interfaces, 2022, 14: 19376−19387. (IF=10.383,  Q1,通讯作者)

[11] Fan Wang, Hang Luo*, Di Zhai, Zhida Xiao, Li Zeng, Xueying Wang, Zhitao Hu, Huan Wang, Lihong Liu*, Dou Zhang. Dielectric nanocomposites with high energy density by doping core-double shell structured fillers [J]. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 2022, 159: 107019. (IF=9.463,  Q1,通讯作者)

[12] Xuefan Zhou, Qiwei Sun, Zhida Xiao, Hang Luo*, Dou Zhang*. Three-dimensional BNT/PVDF composite foam with a hierarchical pore structure for efficient piezo-photocatalysis [J]. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 2022, 10: 108399. (IF=7.968, Q1,通讯作者)


[1] Xuefan Zhou, Guoliang Xue, Hang Luo*, Chris R. Bowen*, Dou Zhang*. Phase structure and properties of sodium bismuth titanate lead-free piezoelectric ceramics[J]. Progress in Materials Science, 2021, 122: 100836. (IF=48.165, Q1,通讯作者)

[2] Xuefan Zhou, Qiwei Sun , Di Zhai , Guoliang Xue , Hang Luo*, Dou Zhang*. Excellent catalytic performance of molten-salt-synthesized Bi0.5Na0.5TiO3 nanorods by the piezo-phototronic coupling effect [J]. Nano Energy, 2021, 84: 105936. (IF=19.069, Q1,通讯作者)

[3] Ru Guo, Hang Luo*, Mingyang Yan , Xuefan Zhou , Kechao Zhou , Dou Zhang*.Significantly enhanced breakdown strength and energy density in sandwich-structured nanocomposites with low-level BaTiO3 nanowires [J]. Nano Energy, 2021, 79:105412. (IF=19.069, Q1,通讯作者)

[4] Ru Guo, Hang Luo*, Xuefan Zhou, Zhida Xiao, Haoran Xie, Yuan Liu, Kechao Zhou, Zhonghui Shen*, Longqing Chen, Dou Zhang*. Ultrahigh energy density of poly(vinylidene fluoride) from synergistically improved dielectric constant and withstand voltage by tuning the crystallization behavior [J]. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2021, 9 (48): 27660-71. (IF=14.511, Q1,通讯作者)

[5] Qiong Liu, Quan Hu, Di Zhai, Qiwei Sun, Hang Luo* and Dou Zhang*. Superior photo-piezoelectric catalytic performance using Bi0.5Na0.5TiO3@BiVO4 based cloth [J]. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2021, 9: 1784117854. (IF=14.511, Q1,通讯作者)

[6] Yuan Liu, Hang Luo*, Di Zhai, Ru Guo, Xuefan Zhou, Zhida Xiao, Haoran Xie, Dou Zhang*. Symmetric Trilayer Dielectric Composites with High Energy Density Using a Low Loading of KNbO3 Nanosheets [J]. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2021, 9 (47): 15983-94. (IF=9.224, Q1,通讯作者)


[1] Guo Ru, Roscow James I., Bowen Chris R., Luo Hang*, Huang Yujuan, Ma Yupeng, Zhou Kechao, Zhang Dou*. Significantly enhanced permittivity and energy density in dielectric composites with aligned BaTiO3 lamellar structures [J]. Journal of Materials Chemistry A202086):3135-3144. (IF=14.511, Q1,通讯作者)

[2] Ma Yupeng, Luo Hang#*, Zhou Xuefan, Guo Ru, Dang Feng, Zhou Kechao, Zhang Dou*. Suppressed polarization by epitaxial growth of SrTiO3 on BaTiO3 nanoparticles for high discharged energy density and efficiency nanocomposites [J]. Nanoscale20201215):8230-8236. (IF=8.307, Q1,共同一作,通讯作者)

[3] Luo Hang, Zhou Xuefan#, Ellingford Christopher, Zhang Yan, Chen Sheng, Zhou Kechao, Zhang Dou*, Bowen Chris R.*, Wan Chaoying*. Interface design for high energy density polymer nanocomposites [J]. Chemical Society Reviews20194816):4424-4465. (IF=60.615, Q1,共同第一作者)

[4] Luo Hang, Chen Sheng, Liu Lihong*, Zhou Xuefan, Ma Chao, Liu Weiwei, Zhang Dou*. Core-Shell Nanostructure Design in Polymer Nanocomposite Capacitors for Energy Storage Applications [J]. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering201973):3145-3153. (IF=9.224, Q1,第一作者)

[5] Wang Lu, Luo Hang*, Zhou Xuefan, Yuan Xi, Zhou Kechao, Zhang Dou*. Sandwich-structured all-organic composites with high breakdown strength and high dielectric constant for film capacitor [J]. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing2019117369-376. (IF=9.463, Q1,通讯作者)

[6] Zhang Dou, Liu Weiwei, Guo Ru, Zhou Kechao, Luo Hang*. High Discharge Energy Density at Low Electric Field Using an Aligned Titanium Dioxide/Lead Zirconate Titanate Nanowire Array [J]. Advanced Science201852):1700512. (IF=17.521, Q1,通讯作者)

[7] Luo Hang, Wu Zhong, Zhou Xuefan, Yan Zhongna, Zhou Kechao, Zhang Dou*. Enhanced performance of P(VDF-HFP) composites using two-dimensional BaTiO3 platelets and graphene hybrids [J]. Composites Science and Technology2018160237-244. (IF=9.879, Q1,第一作者)

[8] Hang Luo, James Roscow, Xuefan Zhou, Sheng Chen, Xianghui Han, Kechao Zhou, Dou Zhang*, Chris. R. Bowen*. Ultra-high discharged energy density capacitor using high aspect ratio Na0.5Bi0.5TiO3 nanofibers[J]. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2017, 5(15): 7091-7102. (IF=14.511, Q1,第一作者)

[9] Hang Luo, Ma Chao, Zhou Xuefan, Chen Sheng*, Zhang Dou*. Interfacial design in dielectric nanocomposite using liquid-crystalline polymers[J]. Macromolecules, 2017, 50(13): 5132−5137. (IF=6.057, Q1,第一作者)

4. 专著

Hang Luo, Sheng Chen, Ru Guo, Xuefan Zhou, Dou Zhang*. 2D High-j Dielectric Ceramic Nanoplatelets for Polymer Nanocomposite Capacitors [M].The Royal Society of Chemistry, 2021


[1] 一种二氧化钛包覆钛酸钡的核壳结构纳米线陶瓷的制备方法及其应用; 罗行,刘琼,张斗,王露;2022.9.23;ZL202111308225.X

[2] 一种光电-压电复合材料及其制备方法; 刘琼,张斗,罗行,孙奇薇;2022.5.17ZL202110351138.6

[3] 一种自然条件下降解废水中有机污染的柔性薄膜; 刘琼,罗行,张斗,胡权;2022.4.8ZL202110351144.1

[4] 一种表面水热生长二氧化钛纳米线阵列的钛酸钡陶瓷支架的制备方法及应用; 刘琼,张斗,罗行,胡权;2022.6.24ZL202111306413.9

[5] 一种钛酸铋钠-钛酸锶亚微米棒及其制备方法和应用; 张斗,周学凡,罗行,吴忠,周科朝;2020.12.11ZL201710621235.6

[6] 一种基于碳纳米管的介电复合材料; 张斗,罗行,周科朝,吴忠,马超;2020.11.24ZL201510454320.9

[7] 一种新的介电复合材料; 罗行,张斗,陈盛,周科朝;2020.9.22ZL201811147071.9

[8] 一种调控复合材料中陶瓷纳米线排列方向的方法; 罗行,张斗,陈何昊,陈盛,周科朝;2020.1.14ZL201811147574.6

[9] 一种TiO2@PZT纳米线阵列/聚合物的复合介电材料及其制备方法; 张斗,刘巍巍,罗行,汤林;2019.7.5ZL201710564172.5

[10] 一种陶瓷/聚合物复合材料、制备方法及应用; ,张斗,陈盛,周科朝;2019.1.4ZL201611047103.9

[11] 一种钛酸钠/聚合物复合材料、制备方法及应用; 张斗,罗行,陈盛,周科朝;2019.1.4ZL201611039951.5

[12] 一种钛酸钡/聚合物复合材料、制备方法及应用; 张斗,罗行,陈盛,周科朝;2019.1.4ZL201611040060.1

[13] 一种基于石蜡包覆钛酸钡纳米颗粒的介电复合材料及其制备方法; 张斗,周学凡,罗行,吴忠,周科朝;2018.12.14ZL201611004728.7

[14] 一种介电复合材料; 张斗,罗行,周科朝,廖晶晶,陈超;2018.10.28;CN201510511446.5

[15] 一种基于BNT单晶纳米线的介电复合材料及其制备方法; 张斗,周学凡,罗行,吴忠,周科朝;2017.07.25ZL201610268357.7


[1] 在读博士3名,硕士8名。

  • 18级博士郭茹在Nano EnergyChem Eng J等期刊发表学术论文6篇(第一作者)。获中南大学校长奖励金创新奖 (2020年、2021年),获评湖南省优秀博士学位论文,现在香港中文大学从事博士后研究。

  • 20级博士刘琼在Adv Funct Mater、Applied Catalysis B: Environmental、Nano Energy (3篇)和Journal of Materials Chemistry A发表SCI论文6篇(第一作者),授权发明专利4项。荣获长沙市首届星城杯青年科技人才创新创业大赛二等奖和第九届互联网+”大学生创新创业大赛湖南省二等奖。获国家奖学金(2022年度和2023年度)拔尖博士校长奖学金一等奖和中南大学“优秀学生标兵”等荣誉,现在香港理工大学从事博士后研究。

  • 20级硕士王凡发表SCI论文2篇(一作),导师一作本人二作发表SCI论文1篇,获2022国家奖学金

  • 19级硕士孙奇薇硕士期间发表学术论文3篇,获评湖南省优秀硕士学位论文

[2] 2020年至今主讲《高分子材料学》课程

[3] 指导10名本科生毕业论文,多次指导本科生获得国家级和省级大创项目,陈曦同学获2024年度湖南省材料类优秀本科毕业论文

[4] 主持省部级、校级教改项目共3项,发表教改论文1篇


[1] 邮箱:hangluo@csu.edu.cn


[1]   2013.9-2016.5

中南大学  |  材料科学与工程  |  博士学位  |  博士研究生毕业

[2]   2010.9-2012.12

湘潭大学  |  材料工程  |  硕士学位  |  硕士研究生毕业

[3]   2006.9-2010.6

湘潭大学  |  高分子材料与工程  |  学士学位  |  本科


[1]   2023.9-至今

中南大学  |  粉末冶金研究院  |  研究员

[2]   2018.1-2023.9

中南大学  |  粉末冶金研究院  |  副教授

[3]   2016.7-2019.7

中南大学  |  化学化工学院  |  博士后


  • [1]   2021.3-至今    
    Frontiers in Electronic Materials    Associate Editor

  • [2]   2021.3-至今    
    有色金属科学与工程    青年编委

  • [3]   2020.10-至今    
    中国复合材料学会介电高分子复合材料与应用专业委员会   委员

  • [4]   2019.1-2020.1    
    Advances in Polymer Technology     Lead Guest Editor

  • [5]   2018.6-至今    
    电子元器件关键材料与技术专委会    委员



