Personal Information
1. 主持 “ 高自旋极化率过渡金属铝化物的结构和磁性质研究”(11204382),国家自然科学青年基金,资助金额:25万, 2013.01-2015.12
2. 主持“碲化钼二维层状材料的物性模拟及其器件设计” (2016JJ3142),湖南省自然科学青年基金,资助金额:5万元, 2016.1— 2018.12
1. Hui Zou, Jiangling Pan∗, and Fangping Ouyang∗, Tunable electronic properties of two-dimensional C3N/antimonene van der Waals heterostructure, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 55 (2022) 404001.
2. Mengjuan Zhang, Jiangling Pan*, Wenzhe Zhou, Aolin Li,and Fangping Ouyang*, Direct/indirect band gap tunability in van der Waals heterojunctions based on ternary 2D materials Mo1-xWxY2, J.Phys.:Condens.Matter. 31(2019), 505302.
3. Mengli Hu, Zhixiong Yang, Wenzhe Zhou, Aolin Li, Jiangling Pan*, Fangping Ouyang*, Field effect transistors based on phosphorene nanoribbon with selective edge-adsorption: A first-principles study, Physica E, 98(2018), 60-65.
4. Qi Liu,Fangping Ouyang*,Zhixiong Yang,Shenglin Peng,Wenzhe Zhou,Hui Zou,Mengqiu Long and Jiangling Pan*,Electronic properties and transistors of the NbS2-MoS2-NbS2 NR heterostructure, Nanotechnology, 28, 2017, 075702
5. Zhixiong Yang, Jiangling Pan, Qi Liu, Nannan Wu, Mengli Hu and Fangping Ouyang*, Eletronic Structures and Transport Properties of MoS2-NbS2 Nanoribbon Lateral Heterostructure, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 19, 1303-1310 (2017).
6. Qingyi Zeng, Jiangling Pan* , Zhixiong Yang, Shenglin Peng, et al., The transport properties of the Phosphorus and Chlorine doped single layer MoS2 p–n junctions: A first-principles study, Solid State. Commun., Volume 246, November 2016, Pages 82–87
7. Jiangling Pan*,Fangping Ouyang, Di Wu, Electronic and magnetic properties of the doped quartenary compounds Os1-x-yMnxCryAl2 in MoSi2 type structure. J Alloy. Compd. Volume 656, 25 January 2016, Pages 689–694·
8. Jiangling Pan,Jun Ni, and Bingchu Yang, The magnetic properties of the transition-metal aluminides: a first-principles study, Comput. Mater. Sci. 50, 2433-2438 (2011).
9. Jiangling Pan, Jun Ni, Bingchu Yang, and Zhenhong Dai, Dopings in the transition-metal aluminides OsAl2 to obtain materials with high spin polarization: A first-principles study, Phys. Lett. A, 374,4909-4914 (2010).
10. Jiangling Pan, Jun Ni, and Bingchu Yang, Stability of FeAl(110) alloy surface structures: a first principles study, Eur. Phys. J B 73, 367-373 (2010).
11. Jiangling Pan,Jun Ni, and Bingchu Yang, Surface structure of Co2FeAl0.5Si0.5(001) Heusler alloys: A first-principles study, Physica B 405, 1580-1585 (2010).
12. Jiangling Pan, Yanlin Xu, and Jun Ni, Phase diagrams of fcc thin films, Physica B 373, 198-205 (2006).
13. 潘江陵,倪军,面心立方(001)方向AB合金薄膜表面层有序无序相变, 物理学报, 55,413-419 (2006).
参与录制了中国大学慕课-中南大学-大学物理I 和 大学物理II 的部分章节。