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Distinguished Associate Professor  
Supervisor of Master's Candidates  



曲哲,博士,现为中南大学计算机学院特聘副教授、硕士生导师(个人主页),入选第十五批湖南省“百人计划”。博士毕业于美国南佛罗里达大学,主要研究内容为联邦学习、边缘计算、网络安全等。在国际知名期刊和会议TMC/TDSC/CVPR/ICML/AAAI/CCS等发表论文20余篇,同时担任TMC/TIFS/INFOCOM/AAAI/CVPR等领域顶级期刊会议审稿人,IEEE Member。

【研究方向】1. 联邦学习网络性能提升,算法设计。

                    2. 边缘计算任务卸载,内容捕捉。

                    3. 无线网络安全,web安全。


论文发表 (详见Google Scholar主页


[1] Jin Liu, Xiaokang Pan, Junwen Duan, Hong-Dong Li, Youqi Li, and Zhe Qu#. "Faster Stochastic Variance Reduction Methods for Compositional MiniMax Optimization". AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI, CCF A), 2024.

[2] Jiahao Xue, Zhe Qu#, Jie Xu, Yao Liu, and Zhuo Lu. "Bandwidth Allocation for Federated Learning under Wireless Providers with Cost Constraints". IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, (IEEE TMC, CCF A), 2023.

[3] Zhe Qu, Rui Duan, Xiao Han, Shangqing Zhao, Yao Liu, and Zhuo Lu. "Guessing on Dominant Paths: Understanding the Limitation of Wireless Authentication Using Channel State Information". IEEE Symposium on Seuciryt and Privacy, (IEEE S&P, CCF A), 2024.

[4] Zhe Qu, Xingyu Li, Xiao Han, Rui Duan, Chengchao Shen, and Lixing Chen. "How to Prevent Poor Performance Clients for Personalized Federated Learning?".  The IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, (CVPR, CCF A), 2023.

[5] Xingyu Li*, Zhe Qu*, Shangqing Zhao, Bo Tang, Zhuo Lu, and Yao Liu. "LoMar: A Local Defense Against Poisoning Attach on Federated Learning". IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing. (IEEE TDSC, CCF A), 2023.

[6] Zhe Qu, Xingyu Li, Jie Xu, Bo Tang, Zhuo Lu, and Yao Liu. "On the Convergence of Multi-Server Federated Learning with Overlapping Area". IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, (IEEE TMC, CCF A), 2023.

[7] Zhe Qu, Rui Duan, Lixing Chen, Jie Xu, Zhuo Lu, and Yao Liu. "Context-Aware Online Client Selection for Hierarchical Federated Learning". IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, (IEEE TPDS, CCF A), 2022.

[8] Zhe Qu, Xingyu Li, Rui Duan, Yao Liu, Bo Tang, and Zhuo Lu. "Generalized Federated Learning via Sharpness Aware Minimization". International Conference on Machine Learning, (ICML, CCF A), 2022.

[9] Zhe Qu, Shangqing Zhao, Jie Xu, Zhuo Lu, and Yao Liu. "How to Test the Randomness From the Wireless Channel for Security?". IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, (IEEE TIFS, CCF A), 2021.

[10] Rui Duan, Zhe Qu, Shangqing Zhao, Leah Ding, Yao Liu, and Zhuo Lu. "Perception-Aware Attack: Creating Adversarial Music via Reverse-Engineering Human Perception", ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (ACM CCS, CCF A), 2022.



南佛罗里达大学 | 系统安全 | 博士学位 | 博士研究生毕业 


特拉华大学 | 电子与计算机工程 | 硕士学位 | 硕士研究生毕业


厦门大学 | 自动化 | 本科学位 | 本科毕业


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