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个人简介Personal Profile
束传存,安徽舒城人;中南大学物理学院教授,博士生导师;IEEE量子计算与系统控制( QCSC)委员会委员、湖南省量子科技学会常务理事、湖南省光学学会理事。大连理工大学原子与分子物理博士;丹麦技术大学、美国普林斯顿大学、澳大利亚新南威尔士大学博士后。致力超快物理与量子光学和控制理论交叉研究,在超快量子模拟、超快量控理论和超快量子辨识等领域取得多组高水平创新成果; 已在Phys. Rev. Lett., J. Am. Chem. Soc., J. Phys. Chem. Lett., Phys. Rev. A, New J. Phys., Opt. Lett.等国际期刊发表论文80余篇; 正主持国家自然科学基金面上项目2项、湖南省杰出青年基金1项。
1. L-B. Fan, C.-C. Shu*, D. Dong, J. He, N. E. Henriksen, and F. Nori,Quantum Coherent Control of a Single Molecular-Polariton Rotation. Physical Review Letters, 2023, 130: 043604. (dowload)
2. W.-Q. Jing, Z.-P. Sun, S.-F. Zhao* and C.-C. Shu*, Unveiling Coherent Control of Halomethane Dissociation Induced by a Single Strong Ultraviolet Pulse. J. Phys. Chem. Letters 14, 11305-11312 (2023). (dowload)
3. Q.-Q. Hong, Z.-Z. Lian, C.-C. Shu * and N. E. Henriksen, Quantum control of field-free molecular orientation. Physical Chemical Chemical Physics 25, 32763 (2023). (dowload)
This article is selected as the front cover image on the issue of December 28, 2023 and is part of the themed collections: 2023 PCCP Reviews and 2023 PCCP HOT Articles
4. F. Q. Dou*, M. P. Han, C.-C. Shu*, Quantum Speed Limit under Brachistochrone Evolution. Physical Review Applied, 20, 014031 (2023). (dowload)
5.Y. Guo, X. Gong, S. S. Ma, and C.-C. Shu*, Cyclic three-level-pulse-area theorem for enantioselective state transfer of chiral molecules. Physical Review A, 2022, 105: 013102. (dowload)
6. Z. Z. Lian, Z. Hu, H. X. Qi, D. H. Fei, S. Z. Luo, Z. Chen*, and C.-C. Shu*, Generation of fractional and multiple imaginary rotational alignment echoes. Physical Review A, 2021, 104: 053105. (dowload)
7. D. Dong, C.-C. Shu*, J.C. Chen, X. Xing, H. L. Ma, Y. Guo, H. Rabitz, Learning control of quantum systems using frequency-domain optimization algorithms. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology 2021, 29: 1791. (dowload)
8. Q.-Q. Hong, L.-B. Fan, C.-C. Shu*, N. E. Henriksen, Generation of maximal three-state field-free molecular orientation with terahertz pulses, Physical Review A, 2021, 104: 013108. (dowload)
9. Y. Guo, C. C. Shu*,D. Dong and F. Nori, Vanishing and Revival of Resonance Scattering, Physical Review Letters, 2019, 123: 223202. (dowload)
10. K. Wilma#, C. C. Shu#*, U. Scherf and R Hildner*, Visualizing Hidden Ultrafast Processes in Individual Molecules by Single-Pulse Coherent Control, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2019 140:15329. (dowload)
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