Bo Chen, Jianxin Liu, Chao Chen, Jinsong Du, Ya Sun. Elastic thickness of the Himalayan-Tibetan orogen estimated from the fan wavelet coherence method, and its implications for lithospheric structure. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2015, 409: 1-14. (SCI, IF: 4.326)
Pre One:刘云昌, 孙娅*, 张俊. 利用远震接收函数研究安徽及周边地区地壳结构和各向异性. 地球物理学进展, 2019, 34( 2) : 0442-0453.
Next One:Ya Sun*, Jianxin Liu, Keping Zhou, Bo Chen*, Rongwen Guo. Crustal structure and deformation under the Longmenshan and its surroundings revealed by receiver function data. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 2015, 244: 11-22.