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唐进君, 研究团队情况: 目前指导/合作指导博/硕士研究生20余名,毕业硕士研究生25名。指导学生累计获得研究生国家奖学金5人次,校长奖学金2人次,校长拔尖奖1人次,其他校级奖学金多项。指导学生获中南大学研究生自由探索科研项目立项10余项,省级立项2项。 近年来研究生奖学金情况: 杨一帆:宝钢奖学金(2018) 梁健:米塔尔奖学金(2019);黎乐潇:硕士研究生国家奖学金(2019) 郑兰兰、高凡:硕士研究生国家奖学金(2020);毕伟:顺丰助学金(2020);张新邵:钢联物流奖学金(2020) 高凡、梁健:硕士研究生国家奖学金(2021);曾捷:硕士研究生校长创新奖(2021);李志涛:茅以升铁路专项奖(2021) 李明洋:博士研究生国家奖学金(2023);李志涛:博士研究生校长创新奖(2023);曾捷:硕士研究生国家奖学金(2023);丁希芷:中车株机奖学金(2023) 李明洋:中南大学研究生校长拔尖奖(2024);李志涛:中南大学研究生校长创新奖(2024) 经过近几年的探索,研究团队逐步形成了较为稳定的四个研究方向:方向一:基于卡口数据的城市路网交通状态演变分析与预测;方向二:基于多源轨迹数据的城市出行分析;方向三:数据驱动的新能源公交电池健康状态估计与公交系统优化;方向四:高速公路主动交通管控与路网诱导; 研究团队成员情况可参见附件信息 硕/博研究生招生需求: 本课题组以数据采集与挖掘,交通大数据分析与应用,智慧交通系统分析与应用为研究特色,在数据库和编程方面要求具有一定的基础和背景,欢迎具有计算机、信息工程、数学及交通工程背景的同学报考!(课题组欢迎士兵计划、少数民族骨干计划的同学报考加入团队) 论文发表:
2025年 [1] Cheng Hu, Jinjun Tang*, Zhitao Li, Yaopeng Wang, Chuyun Zhao, Jiguang Chen, Hao Zhou. "Estimating MFD model parameters from sparse license plate recognition data: the role of path reconstruction and regionalization". Transportation Research Part C. 171, 104982, 1-29, 2025-01. (SCI, JCR Q1)中科院1区TOP期刊 [2] Jie Zeng, Chenxi Xiao, Jinjun Tang*, Cheng Hu. Inquiring the Next Location and Travel Time: A Deep Learning Based Temporal Point Process for Vehicle Trajectory Prediction. IEEE Internet of Things Journal. 2025-02, In Pressed. (SCI, JCR 1) 中科院1区Top期刊, doi: 10.1109/JIOT.2024.3523497. [3] Zhitao Li, Fan Gao, Jingjing Hao, Jian Liang, Chunyang Han, Jinjun Tang*. Exploring Spatiotemporal Characteristics of Ride-Hailing Ridership Connecting with Metro Stations: A Comparative Analysis of Holidays, Weekdays, and Weekends. Journal of Transport Geography. 123, 104104, 1-13, 2025-01. (SCI, JCR 1) [4] Lipeng Hu, Jinjun Tang*, Guoqing Zou, Zhitao Li, Jie Zeng, Mingyang Li. Simulation Optimization of Highway Hard Shoulder Running Based on Multi-Agent Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient Algorithm. Alexandria Engineering Journal. 117, 99-115, 2025-01 (SCI, JCR 1) [5] Jinjun Tang, Yaopeng Wang, Cheng Hu*, Zhitao Li, Xiangyu Zhang. "A Spectral Clustering Enabled SPSA Algorithm for Dynamic Origin-Destination Demand Matrix Estimation". Transportmetrica B: Transport Dynamics. In Pressed. 2025-01. (SCI, JCR Q2) [6] Chenxi Xiao, Jinjun Tang*, Jaylee Jay Young, Yunyi Liang. "Urban Travel Chain Estimation Based on Combination of CHMM and LDA Model". IET Intelligent Transport Systems. In Pressed. 2025-01.(SCI, JCR Q2) [7] Guowen Dai, Jinjun Tang*."A short-term traffic flow prediction method based on personalized lightweight federated learning". Sensors. 25, 967, 1-28. 2025-02. (SCI, JCR Q2) [8] Mingyang Li, Lingxiao Wu∗, Yadong Wang, Jinjun Tang, Tao Feng. The flex-route transit planning problem with meeting points. Transportation Research Part E. 195, 103981, 1-38, 2025-01. (SCI, JCR 1) 中科院1区Top期刊 [9] Yubin Chen, Yajie Zou*, Yuanchang Xie, Yunlong Zhang, Jinjun Tang. Multimodal vehicle trajectory prediction based on intention inference with lane graph representation. Expert Systems with Applications. 262, 125708, 1-19, 2025-03. (SCI, JCR Q1)中科院1区TOP期刊 [10] Fang Zong, Sheng Yue , Meng Zeng, Yixuan Liu, Jinjun Tang. Environment reconstruction and trajectory planning for automated vehicles driving through signal intersection. Physica A. 660, 130323, 1-22, 2025-01. (SCI, JCR Q2) [11] Chuyun Zhao, Jinjun Tang*, Lipeng Hu, Cheng Hu, Guowen Dai. Impact of Carbon Charge Policy on Mode Shifts in Multi-Mode Public Transportation. In: Proceedings of 104th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board. January, 2025. (Poster) [12] Zhitao Li, Jinjun Tang*, Yifeng Ji, Lipeng Hu, Cheng Hu. Relationship between the built environment and metro usage patterns: a motif-based perspective. In: Proceedings of 104th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board. January, 2025. (Poster) [13] Zhitao Li, Jinjun Tang*, Yifeng Ji, Cheng Hu, Chuyun Zhao. Exploring the association between multi-mode transport and the built environment: a comparative study of metro, bus, taxi, and shared bike use. In: Proceedings of 104th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board. January, 2025. (Poster) [14] Lipeng Hu, Jinjun Tang*, Chunyun Zhao. Optimization of Hard Shoulder Running on Highways Using Multi-agent Reinforcement Learning Considering Emergency Vehicles. In: Proceedings of 104th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board. January, 2025. (Poster) [15] Cheng Hu, Jinjun Tang*, Zhitao Li, Yaopeng Wang, Guowen Dai. A Unified Road Network Partitioning Framework For Traffic Management. In: Proceedings of 104th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board. January, 2025. (Poster) [16] Cheng Hu, Jinjun Tang*, Zhitao Li, Yaopeng Wang, Chuyun Zhao. Estimating trip length distributions from sparse license plate recognition data: the role of path reconstruction and regionalization. In: Proceedings of 104th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board. January, 2025. (Poster)
2024年 [1] Chuyun Zhao, Jinjun Tang*, Lipeng Hu, Cheng Hu, Guowen Dai. Impact of Carbon Charge Policy on Mode Shifts in Public Transportation. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment. 137, 104491, 1-25, 2024-12. (SCI, JCR 1) 中科院1区Top期刊
[3] Guowen Dai, Jinjun Tang*, Jie Zeng, Cheng Hu, Chuyun Zhao. Road network traffic flow prediction: a personalized federated learning method based on client reputation. Computers and Electrical Engineering, 120, 109678, 1-21, 2024-09. (SCI, JCR 1) [4] Jinjun Tang*, Weihe Wang. Vehicle Trajectory Extraction and Integration from Multi-direction Video on Urban Intersection. Displays. 85, 102834, 1-13, 2024-09. (SCI, JCR 1) . [5] Chuyun Zhao, Jinjun Tang*, Xiangxin Kong, Tianjian Yu, Zhitao Li. Emission analysis of multi-mode public transportation based on joint choice model considering built environment factors. Energy. 309, 133101, 1-16, 2024-09. (SCI, JCR 1) 中科院1区Top期刊 [6] Zhitao Li, Jinjun Tang*, Wenkang Zhang, Yifeng Ji, Lida Cui, Cheng Hu, Chuyun Zhao.“Exploring the association between multi-mode transport and the built environment: a comparative study of metro, bus, taxi, and shared bike use". Sustainable Cities and Society. 14, 105789, 1-20, 2024-11. (SCI, JCR 1) 中科院1区Top期刊 [7] Zhitao Li, Jinjun Tang, Tao Feng, Biao Liu , Junqiang Cao, Tianjian Yu*, Yifeng Ji. Investigating urban mobility through multi-source public transportation data: A multiplex network perspective. Applied Geography, 169, 103337, 2024-07. (SCI, JCR 1) 中科院2区 [8] Fan Gao, Jingjing Hao, Zhitao Li, Chunyang Han, Jinjun Tang*, Chuyun Zhao.“Understanding inequality in ride-hailing service: an investigation of matching and pickup time". Transportation. In Pressed. 2024-05. (SCI, JCR 1) 中科院2区 [9] Mingyang Li, Jinjun Tang*. “The flex-route transit service routing plan considering heterogeneous requests and time windows". Advanced Engineering Informatics. 61, 102496, 1-10. 2024-03. (SCI, JCR 1) 中科院1区 Top期刊 [10] Zhe Wang, Helai Huang, Jinjun Tang*, Lipeng Hu. "A deep reinforcement learning-based approach for autonomous lane-changing velocity control in mixed flow of vehicle group level". Expert System with Application. 238,122158, 1-13, 2024. (SCI, JCR 1) 中科院1区 Top期刊 [11] Chuyun Zhao, Jinjun Tang*, Wenyuan Gao, Yu Zeng, Zhitao Li. Many-objective optimization of multi-mode public transportation under carbon emission reduction, Energy. 286, 129627, 1-16, 2024-04. (SCI, JCR 1) 中科院1区 Top期刊 [12] Xuan Zhang, Jinjun Tang* ,1 Chengcheng Wang, Chao Wang. Route Guidance Model with Limited Overlap on Freeway Network under Traffic Incidents. Journal of Advanced Transportation, 2024, 4250807, 1-13, 2024-05. (SCI, JCR 3) [13] Cheng Hu, Chunyang Han*, Amjad Pervez, Jingjing Hao, Guangming Xu, Jinjun Tang, Helai Huang. "Optimal Deployment of Connected and Autonomous Vehicle Dedicated Lanes: A Trade-off between Safety and Efficiency". IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems.25(10), 13744-13766. 2024-10. (SCI, JCR Q1)中科院1区TOP期刊 [14] Wenyuan Gao, Chuyun Zhao*, Yu Zeng, Jinjun Tang*. Exploring the Spatio-Temporally Heterogeneous Impact of Traffic Network Structure on Ride-Hailing Emissions Using Shenzhen, China, as a Case Study. Sustainability, 16, 4539, 1-31, 2024-05. (SCI, JCR 2) [15] 唐进君*,胡立鹏,李明洋,张璇. 基于kriging遗传算法的高速公路应急车道管控优化.系统仿真学报, 36(5), 1165-1178, 2024-05. B类,EI [16] 唐进君*,蒋艾佳,李明洋,王超,孔德兰. 基于二型模糊逻辑的高速公路匝道自适应控制. 控制与决策, 2024, 已录用排版中, A类,EI [17] 唐进君*,任茂昕,李志涛,高轶凡. 基于代理模型辅助NSGA-II算法的地铁接驳公交优化. 华南理工大学学报(自然科学版), 2024, 已录用排版中, EI [18] 王超, 孔德兰, 李晨曦, 吴伟令, 张璇, 唐进君*. 考虑路网性能的交通事件影响下高速公路路径诱导策略.公路(中文核心), 8, 288-294, 2024-08. 中文核心 [19] 郝威,刘芳,王晓璐,张兆磊,许晗萌,唐进君*. 基于秩自适应贝叶斯张量分解模型的交通流量数据修复方法. 北京交通大学学报,2024, 48(4), 82-89, CSCD [20] Wencheng Wang, Yang Yang, Xiaobao Yang, Vikash V. Gayah, Yunpeng Wang, Jinjun Tang, Zhenzhou Yuan. A negative binomial Lindley approach considering spatiotemporal effects for modeling traffic crash frequency with excess zeros. Accident Analysis & Prevention. 207, 107741, 2024-08. (SSCI, JCR Q1)中科院1区TOP期刊 [21] Lipeng Xu, Zhizhou Wu, Yinhai Wang, Jinjun Tang, and Yunyi Liang. Compressing Vehicle Trajectory Data Using Hybrid Coding With Kinematic Motion Prediction. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. 25(6), 5389-5401. 2024-06. (SCI, JCR Q1)中科院1区TOP期刊 [22] Wang, Z., Mi, Q., Xiang, J., Zhang, Z., Tang, J.: An evaluation of lane management strategy for CAV priority in mixed traffic. IET Intell. Transp. Syst. 18, 467–479 , 2024-03, (SCI, JCR 3). [23] Chuyun Zhao, Jinjun Tang*, Yu Zeng, Zhitao Li, Fan Gao. "Understanding the spatio-temporally heterogeneous effects of built environment on urban travel emissions".In: Proceedings of 103th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board. January, 2024. (Poster) [24] Zhe Wang, Helai Huang, Jinjun Tang*, Mohamed Abdel-Aty. "A deep reinforcement learning-based approach for autonomous lane-changing velocity control in mixed flow of vehicle group level". In: Proceedings of 104th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board. January, 2024. (Poster) [25] Cheng Hu, Jinjun Tang*, Ke Ji. " Spatial Partitioning for Road Networks: Insights from Incomplete License Plate Recognition Data". In: Proceedings of 103rd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board. January, 2024. (Poster) [26] Cheng Hu, Jinjun Tang*, Ke Ji. " Estimating Critical Parameters for Macroscopic Fundamental Diagram Models Based on Incomplete License Plate Recognition Data". In: Proceedings of 103rd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board. January, 2024. (Poster) 2023年以前的论文