Language : English
Qiuping Tang
  • Personal Information


    Supervisor of Master's Candidates

    Date of Employment:1984-07-30

    School/Department:clinical psychology

    Administrative Position:中南大学湘雅三医院临床心理科主任、全科医学教研室副主任

    Education Level:PhD Graduate

    Business Address:湘雅三医院临床心理科 湘雅三医院精神病学教研室


    Contact Information:0731-88618487

    Degree:Doctoral degree

    Academic Titles:临床心理学、应用心理学、全科医学硕士研究生导师

    Alma Mater:湖南医科大学

    Discipline:Clinical Medicine

    Honors and Titles:
    1.世界卫生组织中青年优秀论文奖三等奖(1994年) 2.中南大学教师英语演讲比赛一等奖(2002年) 3.“精神病学教学改革与医学生心理素质教育探讨”中南大学教学成果一等奖(2004年) 4.中国心理卫生协会“优秀工作者”称号(2004年) 5.中南大学校级教学质量优秀奖(2006) 6.2007-2008年度中南大学教学质量优秀奖(2008)
  • Profile


  • Research Field

  • Social Affiliations

    [1]  2015.9- 2016.4
    Vice chairman, Division of Psychological Treatment and Rehabilitation, Hunan Association of consultants
    [2]  2004.5- 2016.4
    Committee member, Division of Behavior Medicine, Hunan Medical Association
    [3]  1997.3- 2016.4
    [4]  1997.5- 2016.4
    [5]  1997.8- 2016.4
    Hunan Mental Health Association
    [6]  1991.4- 1997.4
    Committee member, Division of psychological assessment, Chinese Association for Mental Health
  • Education Background

    [1]  1992.9- 1996.7
    Mental Health (Clinical Psychology) | Clinical Psychology | PhD Graduate | Doctoral degree
    [2]  1987.9- 1990.7
    Mental Health Clinical Psychology |  精神卫生 | Master's degree | Master's degree
    [3]  1979.9- 1984.7
    Hunan medical College | Clinical Medicine | University graduated | Bachelor's degree
  • Work Experience

    [1]  2010.9- 2016.4
    the 3rd Xiangya Hospital, Central South University | Psychiatrist, clinical psychologist | Professor
    [2]  2001.10- 2016.4
    the 3rd Xiangya Hospital, Central South University | Psychiatrist, clinical psychologist | chief physician
    [3]  1993.1- 2001.9
    the 3rd Xiangya Hospital, Central South University | Psychiatrist, clinical psychologist | Associate Professor
    [4]  1990.7- 1992.12
    the 3rd Xiangya Hospital, Central South University | Psychiatrist, clinical psychologist | Attending Docto
    [5]  1984.7- 1989.9
    the 2nd Xiangya Hospital, Central South University | 精神科 | Psychiatrist | , , 1984-1987
  • Research Group

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  • Other Contact Information

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