学术荣誉: 曾获荣誉:
2015年毕业于中南大学,获得凝聚态物理学博士学位。2015-2016年于德国Martin-Luther大学从事博士后研究工作,2016年至今任职于中南大学物理与电子学院。主要从事磁学和自旋电子学的理论研究,以及磁存储和磁逻辑运算器件的设计。在Phys. Rev. Lett.、Nat. Commun. 等顶级期刊发表论文五十余篇 。主持了国家自然科学面上/青年基金等项目。
欢迎博士后、博士生、硕士生及本科生加入研究团队! 欢迎联系邮箱:wangxiguang@csu.edu.cn
[1] Wang X. G., Chotorlishvili L., Arnold N., Dugaev V. K, Maznichenko I., Barnaś J., Buczek P. A, Parkin S. S P, and Ernst A. "Plasmonic Skyrmion Lattice Based on the Magnetoelectric Effect." Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 227201 (2020).
[2] Liu G.#, Wang Xi-guang#, Luan Z. Z, Zhou L. F, Xia S. Y, Yang B., Tian Y. Z, Guo Guang-hua*, Du J.*, and Wu D.* "Magnonic Unidirectional Spin Hall Magnetoresistance in a Heavy-Metal--Ferromagnetic-Insulator Bilayer." Phys. Rev. Lett. 127, 207206 (2021).
[3] Wang Xi-guang, Guo Guang-hua, and Berakdar Jamal*. "Steering magnonic dynamics and permeability at exceptional points in a parity–time symmetric waveguide." Nat. Commun. 11, 5663 (2020).
[4] Wang Xi-Guang, Chotorlishvili Levan, Dugaev Vitalii K., Ernst Arthur*, Maznichenko Igor V., Arnold Nikita, Jia Chenglong, Berakdar Jamal, Mertig Ingrid, and Barnaś Józef. "The optical tweezer of skyrmions." npj Comput. Mater. 6, 140 (2020).
[5] Wang Xi-guang, Zeng Lu-lu, Nie Yao-zhuang, Luo Ziyan, Xia Qing-lin, and Guo Guang-hua*. "Manipulation of polarized magnon transmission in a trilayer magnonic spin valve." Phys. Rev. B 105, 094416 (2022).
[6] Wang Xi-guang, Guo Guang-hua, and Berakdar Jamal*. "Enhanced Sensitivity at Magnetic High-Order Exceptional Points and Topological Energy Transfer in Magnonic Planar Waveguides." Phys. Rev. Appl. 15, 034050 (2021).
[7] Wang Xi-guang, Nie Yao-Zhuang, Chotorlishvili L., Xia Qing-lin, Berakdar J., and Guo Guang-hua*. "Electron-magnon spin conversion and magnonic spin pumping in an antiferromagnet/heavy metal heterostructure." Phys. Rev. B 103, 064404 (2021).
[8] Wang Xi-Guang, Guo Guang-Hua, and Berakdar Jamal*. "Electric steering of spin excitation in nanostructured synthetic antiferromagnet." Appl. Phys. Lett. 117, 242406 (2020).
[9] Wang Xi-guang*, Chotorlishvili L., Guo Guang-hua, Jia C. L., and Berakdar J. "Thermally assisted skyrmion drag in a nonuniform electric field." Phys. Rev. B 99, 064426 (2019).
[10] Wang Xi-guang*, Chotorlishvili L., Guo Guang-hua, and Berakdar J. "High-Fidelity Magnonic Gates for Surface Spin Waves." Phys. Rev. Appl. 12, 034015 (2019).
[11] Wang Xi-guang, Nie Yao-zhuang, Xia Qing-lin, and Guo Guang-hua*. "Electrical spin injection through dual ferromagnetic electrodes in nonlocal spin valves." Phys. Rev. B 98, 184427 (2018).
[12] Wang Xi-guang, Zhou Zhen-wei, Nie Yao-zhuang, Xia Qing-lin, and Guo Guang-hua*. "Self-consistent study of local and nonlocal magnetoresistance in a YIG/Pt bilayer." Phys. Rev. B 97, 094401 (2018).
[13] Wang Xi-guang, Li Zhi-xiong, Zhou Zhen-wei, Nie Yao-zhuang, Xia Qing-lin, Zeng Zhong-ming, Chotorlishvili L., Berakdar J., and Guo Guang-hua*. "Conversion of electronic to magnonic spin current at a heavy-metal magnetic-insulator interface." Phys. Rev. B 95, 020414(R) (2017).
[14] Wang Xi-guang, Nie Yao-Zhuang, Xia Qing-lin, and Guo Guang-hua*. "Dynamically reconfigurable magnonic crystal composed of artificial magnetic skyrmion lattice." J. Appl. Phys. 128, 063901 (2020).
[15] Wang Xi-guang*, Chotorlishvili L., Guo Guang-hua, and Berakdar J. "Electric field controlled spin waveguide phase shifter in YIG." J. Appl. Phys. 124, 073903 (2018).
[16] Wang Xi-guang, Chotorlishvili L., Guo Guang-hua, and Berakdar J*. "Electric control of emergent magnonic spin current and dynamic multiferroicity in magnetic insulators at finite temperatures." Phys. Lett. A 382, 1100 (2018).
[17] Wang Xi-Guang, Chotorlishvili Levan, and Berakdar Jamal. "Strain and Thermally Induced Magnetic Dynamics and Spin Current in Magnetic Insulators Subject to Transient Optical Grating." Front. Mater. 4 (2017).
[18] Wang X. G., Chotorlishvili L., Guo G. H., and Berakdar J*. "Generation of open-circuit spin current on GHz scale in structured Pt/YIG by electric fields." J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 50, 495005 (2017).
[19] Wang X. G., Sukhov A., Chotorlishvili L., Jia C. L., Guo G. H., and Berakdar J*. "Electrically driven magnetic antenna based on multiferroic composites." J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 29, 095804 (2017).
[20] Chotorlishvili L.*, Toklikishvili Z., Wang X. G., Dugaev V. K., Barnaś J., and Berakdar J. "Influence of spin-orbit and spin-Hall effects on the spin-Seebeck current beyond linear response: A Fokker-Planck approach." Phys. Rev. B 99, 024410 (2019).
[21] Zhou Zhen-wei, Wang Xi-guang, Nie Yao-zhuang, Xia Qing-lin, Zeng Zhong-ming, and Guo Guang-hua*. "Left-handed polarized spin waves in ferromagnets induced by spin-transfer torque." Phys. Rev. B 99, 014420 (2019).
[22] Chotorlishvili L.*, Wang X. G., Toklikishvili Z., and Berakdar J. "Thermoelastic enhancement of the magnonic spin Seebeck effect in thin films and bulk samples." Phys. Rev. B 97, 144409 (2018).
[23] Eilmsteiner D.*, Wang Xi-guang, Chotorlishvili L., Paischer S., Hoffmann M., Buczek P., and Ernst A. "Asymmetry in the propagation of vortex domain wall artificial skyrmion composite system." J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 33, 185803 (2021).
[24] Chotorlishvili L.*, Toklikishvili Z., Wang X. G., Dugaev V. K., Barnaś J., and Berakdar J. "Stratonovich-Ito integration scheme in ultrafast spin caloritronics." Phys. Rev. B 102, 024413 (2020).
[25] Tang Wei, Zhou Zhen-wei, Wang Xi-guang, Nie Yao-zhuang, Xia Qing-lin, Zeng Zhong-ming, Xiong Rui, and Guo Guang-hua*. "Domain wall depinning in Ni80Fe20/Pt bilayer nanostrips under the combined action of magnetic field and spin-orbit torque." J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 482, 274 (2019).
[26] Nie Yaozhuang*, Zhang Jianmin, Chen Wei, Xia Qinglin, Wang Xiguang, and Guo Guang-hua*. "First-principles design of a Dirac semimetal: An NP monolayer." Phys. Rev. B 101, 235443 (2020).
[27] Wang D.*, Zhou Yan, Li Zhi-Xiong, Nie Yaozhuang, Wang Xi-Guang, and Guo Guang-Hua. "Magnonic Band Structure of Domain Wall Magnonic Crystals." IEEE Trans. Magn. 53, 1 (2017).
[28] Zhou Zhen-Wei, Wang Xi-Guang, Nie Yao-Ghuang, Xia Qing-Lin, and Guo Guang-Hua*. "Strong high-frequency spin waves released periodically from a confined region." Eur. Phys. J. Appl. Phys. 91, 30601 (2020).
[29] Chen Wei, Zhang Jian-min, Wang Xi-guang, Xia Qing-lin, Nie Yao-zhuang, and Guo Guang-hua*. "Ferromagnetism in PtTe2 monolayer introduced by doping 3d transition metal atoms and group VA and VIIB atoms." J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 518, 167433 (2021).
[30] Zhang Jian-min, Nie Yao-zhuang, Wang Xi-guang, Xia Qing-lin, and Guo Guang-hua*. "Strain modulation of magnetic properties of monolayer and bilayer FePS3 antiferromagnet." J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 525, 167687 (2021).
[31] Guo Jun-jie, Xia Qing-lin, Wang Xi-guang, Nie Yao-zhuang, Xiong Rui, and Guo Guang-hua*. "Temperature and thickness dependent magnetization reversal in 2D layered ferromagnetic material Fe3GeTe2." J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 527, 167719 (2021).
[32] Zhou Zhen-wei, Wang Xi-guang, Nie Yao-zhuang, Xia Qing-lin, and Guo Guang-hua*. "Spin wave frequency comb generated through interaction between propagating spin wave and oscillating domain wall." J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 534, 168046 (2021).
Conversion of electronic to magnonic spin current at a heavy-metal magnetic-insulator interface
第一作者:Guang-hua, Guo, J.;, Berakdar, L.;, Chotorlishvili, Zhong-ming;, Zeng, Qing-lin;, Xia, Yao-zhuang;, Nie, Zhen-wei;, Zhou, Zhi-xiong;, 邹理, Xi-guang;, Wang
中南大学版权所有 湘ICP备05005659号-1