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2021级硕士研究生(周洋副教授联合指导),中南大学本科。主要从事致密化木材火蔓延行为、传热机理研究。主持中南大学研究生创新项目1项,以导师第一作者,本人第二作者发表论文2篇。 毕业去向:比亚迪电池事业群消防研究所。 已发表的学术成果: 1. Y. Zhou, P. Zhou, R. Bu, X. Zhang, T. Chu, Z. Wang, Horizontal flame spread behavior of densified wood: Effect of structural characteristics, Fuel. 362 (2024) 130687. 2.Y. Zhou, P. Zhou, Z. Wang, R. Bu, X. Zhang, C. Liu, Y. Li, Flame spread characteristics of densified wood with various sample widths and densities, Journal of Building Engineering (Under Review). 3. Y. Zhou, W. Qiu, P. Zhou, Z. Wang, X. Zhang, X. Mao, R. Bu. Influences of species and density on the horizontal flame spread behavior of densified wood. Buildings, 14 (2024) 620. 4. Z. Wang, Y. Gao, Y. Zhou, C. Fan, P. Zhou, J. Gong, Pyrolysis and combustion behaviors of densified wood, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 39 (2022) 4175-4184. |