![]() Home庄彦贞 Team members Introduction:
2021级硕士研究生(易亮教授联合指导),福州大学本科。主要从事致密化木材热解与燃烧、数值模拟研究。主持中南大学研究生创新项目1项,以导师一作,本人二作发表论文2篇,软件著作权1项。获中南大学2024届优秀毕业生荣誉。 毕业去向:福州大学至诚学院。 已发表的学术成果: 1. L. Yi, Y. Zhuang, Y. Ding, J. Gong, T. Chu, Z. Wang, Influence of component fractions and structure characteristic on the combustion behavior of densified wood, Fire Safety Journal 144 (2024) 104086. 2. L. Yi , Y. Zhuang , Z. Wang Y. Ding , J. Gong, C. Liu, Experimental and numerical investigation on the combustion behavior of densified wood: differences among wood species and impact of char oxidation, Fire Safety Journal (2024) 3. L. Yi, S. Feng, Z. Wang, Y. Ding, T. Chu, Y. Zhuang, A comprehensive model to predict the fire performance of intumescent fire-retardant coating on steel substrate, Journal of Building Engineering 95 (2024). 4. C. Fan, Y. Gao, Y. Li, L. Yan, Y. Zhuang, Y. Zhang, Z. Wang, A flame‐retardant and optically transparent wood composite, Journal of Applied Polymer Science 139 (2022) e52945. 5. 范传刚, 李玉豪, 王峥阳, 申健, 李军, 庄彦贞, 基于图像识别技术的工业建筑火灾风险远程评估方法及应用研究, 土木工程学报, 2023. 6. 庄彦贞, 王峥阳. 软件名称: 基于卷积神经网络的火灾风险评估软件V1.0, 登记号:2022SR0491996, 授权日期:2022.4.20.(软件著作权) |