![]() Home储天扬(2019级本科) Team members Introduction:
2019级土木工程学院本科生,本科阶段研究方向为木质材料炭层缩裂机理。主持中南大学本科生创新项目国家级、省级各1项。获第七届中国国际大学生“互联网+”国家级铜奖、第十五届“挑战杯”湖南省大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛湖南省二等奖、中南大学优秀团员、优秀毕业生等荣誉奖励。 毕业去向:香港城市大学博士研究生。 已发表学术论文: 1. T. Chu, C. Fan, C. Liu, S. Feng, Z. Wang*, K. Liew*, Effect of structural characteristics on charring shrinkage and cracking of densified wood under radiative heatings. Fire Safety Journal, (2024) 104204. 2. T. Chu, Y. Gao, L. Yi, C. Fan, L. Yan, C. Ding*, C. Liu*, Q. Huang*, Z. Wang*, Highly fire-retardant optical wood enabled by transparent fireproof coatings, Advanced Composites and Hybrid Materials, 5 (2022) 1821-1829. 3. Y. Zhou, P. Zhou, R. Bu, X. Zhang, T. Chu, Z. Wang*, Horizontal flame spread behavior of densified wood: Effect of structural characteristics, Fuel. 362 (2024) 130687. 4. L. Yi, Y. Zhuang, Y. Ding, J. Gong, T. Chu, Z. Wang*, Influence of component fractions and structure characteristic on the combustion behavior of densified wood, Fire Safety Journal. 144 (2024) 104086. 5. L. Yi, S. Feng, Z. Wang*, Y. Ding, T. Chu, Y. Zhuang, A comprehensive model to predict the fire performance of intumescent fire-retardant coating on steel substrate, Journal of Building Engineering, 95 (2024) 110127. |