  • Wang Zhilin
  • Doctoral degree
  • School of Geosciences and Info-physics

Educational Background

  • 2003.92007.7

     中国地质大学(北京)   Bachelor's degree   University graduated 

  • 2007.92012.7

     中国科学院广州地球化学研究所   矿物学、岩石学、矿床学   Doctoral degree   PhD Graduate 

Work Experience

  • 2012.92015.9

    地球科学与信息物理学院      地质资源系    讲师

  • 2015.92024.9

    地球科学与信息物理学院      地质资源系    副教授

  • 2024.9Now

    地球科学与信息物理学院      教授


Personal Information

教授,博士生导师。主持/参与国家重点研发计划项目课题、国家自然科学基金、湖南省自然科学基金、横向课题等科研项目十余项,在Chemical Geology、Lithos、Ore Geology Reviews、岩石学报、大地构造与成矿学、地学前缘、黄金科学技术、矿物学报、南京大学学报、东华理工大学学报(自然科学版)等国内外期刊发表学术论文五十余篇;现任《黄金科学技术》青年编委,教育部学位中心通讯评议专家、Ore Geology Reviews、Journal of cleaner Production、Geochemistry、Geological Magazine、Acta Geochimica、岩石学报、大地构造与成矿学、黄金科学技术、地质科技通报等期刊审稿专家。教学方面,主持两项校级教改项目,发表教改论文三篇,曾获校级教学质量优秀奖、陈国达教育基金优秀教师奖、全国大学青年教师地质课程教学比赛二等奖等多次;承担“普通地质学”、“晶体光学”、“宝玉石概论”、“同位素地质学”、“岩矿测试技术”等本科生课程和“地球科学前沿”研究生课程,指导学生实践、创新创业项目和毕业设计等。


1.  国家自然科学基金面上项目,青海驼路沟矿床钴、金的差异性富集成矿机制(No. 42372106),2024.01-2027.12,主持

2.  湖南省自然科学基金面上项目,长沙-平江钴矿带钴的精细成矿过程与富集机制(No.2021JJ30817),2021.01-2023.12,主持

3.  国家自然科学基金面上项目,湘东北地区钴铜多金属成矿作用研究(No. 41672077),2017.01-2020.12,主持

4.  十三五重点研发计划,燕山期重大地质事件的深部过程与资源效应(No. 2016YFC0600401),2016.07-2020.12,子课题负责

5.  国家自然科学基金青年项目,海南石碌铁多金属矿床中钴铜矿成矿物质来源及年代学研究(No. 41302049),2014.01-2016.12,主持

6.  湖南省自然科学基金青年项目,湘东北地区连云山岩体与钴铜多金属成矿关系研究(No. 2016JJ3143),2016.01-2018.12,主持

7.  中国地质调查局项目,湖南省平江矿集区找矿预测科研项目,2016.07-2019.07,主持

8.  中国地质调查局项目,金井-九岭地区钴铜矿的成因研究,2013.07-2017.07,主持

9.  中国科学院矿物学和成矿学重点实验室开放基金,海南石碌铁矿床中磷灰石的成因矿物学研究,2013.01-2014.12,主持


广东省科学技术奖 二等奖,石碌式铁多金属矿床成矿规律与找矿预测,2011年,排名第四


1.  许德如,董国军,王智琳,宁钧陶等,湘东北陆内金(多金属)矿床成矿系统与深部资源预测. 科学出版社, 2023-08-01 

2.  许德如,董国军,王智琳,宁钧陶等,湘东北陆内伸展变形构造及形成演化的动力学机制. 科学出版社, 2023-08-01    


1.  Li, S., Wang, Z.L.*, Chen, Y., Gregory, D.D., Peng, E., Xu, D., Wang, Y., Zou, S., Li, H., 2025. Metal enrichment in the Cambrian black shale: Evidence from pyrite overgrowth and NanoSIMS sulfur isotopes. Chemical Geology 676, 122623. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chemgeo.2025.122623

2.  Li, H., Zhou, J., Ouyang, L., Algeo, T.J., Sun, W., Xie, Y., Li, X., Wang, Z.L.*, 2024. Multi-stage magmatism and Sn-polymetallic mineralization in the Shuicheng Region, SW China. Lithos 478–479, 107624. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lithos.2024.107624

3.  Wang, Z.L., Wang, Y., Chi, G., Peng, E., Li, H., Zou, S., Xu, D., Deng, T., Yu, M., 2024. Cobalt remobilization during tectonic–hydrothermal overprinting: A case from the Tuolugou Co(–Au) deposit in East Kunlun Orogenic Belt, China. Ore Geology Reviews 170, 106149. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.oregeorev.2024.106149

4.  Zhang, D., Liu, J., Wang, Z.L.*, C.Bayless, R., Hu, Z., Xie, X., Chen, S., 2024. In situ LA-ICP-MS trace elements in sphalerite from the Fankou Pb-Zn deposit, South China: Implications for ore genesis. Ore Geology Reviews 164, 105812. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.oregeorev.2023.105812

5.  Gan, J., Wang, Z.L.*, Peng, E., Xu, D., Wang, Y., Zou, S., Deng, T., Li, S., 2023. Cobalt mineralization in the Northeastern Hunan Province of South China: New evidence from the Jintang hydrothermal Co polymetallic ore district. Ore Geology Reviews 163, 105799. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.oregeorev.2023.105799

6.  Peng, E., Kolb, J., Walter, B.F., Frenzel, M., Patten, C.G.C., Xu, D., Wang, Y., Gan, J., Beranoaguirre, A., Wang, Z.L.*, 2023. New insights on the formation of the Jingchong Cu-Co-Pb-Zn deposit, South China: Evidence from sphalerite mineralogy and muscovite 40Ar-39Ar dating. Ore Geology Reviews 162, 105667. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.oregeorev.2023.105667

7.  Wang, Z.L., Li, S., Xu, D., Peng, E., Wang, Y., Gan, J., Huang, B., Zhang, D., 2023. Cobalt enrichment mechanism in the Hengdong cobalt deposit,Northeast Hunan Province:Evidence from texture,chemical composition and sulfur isotopic composition of pyrite. Acta Petrol. Sin. 39,(9) 2723–2740. https://doi.org/10.18654/1000-0569/2023.09.11

8.  王智琳, 张凯, 许德如, 邹少浩, 王宇非, 2023. 东昆仑驼路沟矿床中钴成矿过程的矿物学示踪. 黄金科学技术, 31(2): 175–189.

9.  Di, H., Shao, Y.-J., Jiang, S.-Y., Brzozowski, M.J., Wang, Z.L.*, Xiong, Y.-Q., 2023. Identifying superimposed W–Sn mineralization events using cassiterite microtextures, trace-element chemistry, and geochronology. Ore Geology Reviews 153, 105281. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.oregeorev.2022.105281

10.  Wang, Y., Wang, Z.L.*, Chi, G., Lu, A., Xu, D., Huang, Z., Zou, S., Deng, T., Peng, E., Long, Y., 2022. Mechanisms of Ni-Co enrichment in paleo-karstic bauxite deposits: An example from the Maochang deposit, Guizhou Province, SW China. Chemical Geology 613 121161. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chemgeo.2022.121161

11.  Wang, Z.L., Zhang, X., Liu, Q., Shao, Y., Wu, S., Pan, Z., Chen, M., Zhang, Y., Wu, H., 2022. Genesis of the Lishupo gold deposit in the Jiangnan Orogen, NE Hunan (South China): Biotite Ar-Ar, zircon U-Pb ages and H-O-S-Pb isotopic constraints. Ore Geology Reviews 145, 104890. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.oregeorev.2022.104890

12.  Wang, Z.L., Wang, Y., Peng, E., Zou, S., Deng, T., Lai, F., Ning, J., Dong, G., Xu, D., 2022. Micro-textural and chemical fingerprints of hydrothermal cobalt enrichment in the Jingchong Co-Cu polymetallic deposit, South China. Ore Geology Reviews 142, 104721. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.oregeorev.2022.104721

13.  Yu, D., Xu, D., Wang, Z.L.*, Xu, K., Huang, Q., Zou, S., Zhao, Z., Deng, T., 2021. Trace element geochemistry and O-S-Pb-He-Ar isotopic systematics of the Lishan Pb-Zn-Cu hydrothermal deposit, NE Hunan, South China. Ore Geology Reviews 133, 104091. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.oregeorev.2021.104091

14.  王宇非, 王智琳*, 鲁安怀, 吴林, 许德如, 吴涛, 龙永珍, 黄智龙, 范宏鹏, 彭尔柯, 2021. 黔中猫场杨家洞矿段铝土矿中富钴黄铁矿的发现与意义.矿物学报, 41(Z1): 460-474.

15.  王智琳, 伍杨, 许德如, 邹少浩, 董国军, 彭尔柯, 宁钧陶, 康博, 2020. 湘东北长沙—平江断裂带关键金属钴的赋存状态与成矿规律.黄金科学技术, 28(06): 779-785.

16.  郭飞, 王智琳*, 许德如, 于得水, 董国军, 宁钧陶, 康博, 彭尔柯, 2020. 湖南栗山铅锌铜多金属矿床闪锌矿微量元素特征及成矿指示意义. 地学前缘, 27(04): 66-81.

17.  王展, 王智琳*, 许德如, 王力, 彭尔柯, 伍杨, 2020. 海南石碌铁多金属矿床围岩碳酸盐岩地球化学特征及其地质意义. 东华理工大学学报(自然科学版), 43(01): 1-11.

18.  刘萌, 王智琳*, 许德如, 伍杨, 董国军, 宁钧陶, 邓腾,崔宇, 2018. 湖南井冲钴铜多金属矿床绿泥石、黄铁矿和黄铜矿的矿物学特征及其成矿指示意义. 大地构造与成矿学, 42(05): 862-879.

19.  郭飞,王智琳*,许德如,董国军,宁钧陶,王展,邓腾,于得水,崔宇. 2018. 湘东北地区栗山铅锌铜多金属矿床的成因探讨: 来自矿床地质、矿物学和硫同位素的证据. 南京大学学报(自然科学), 54(2): 366-385.

20.  Wang, Z.L., Xu, D.R., Chi, G.X., Shao, Y.J., Lai, J.Q., Deng, T., Guo, F., Wang, Z., Dong, G.J., Ning, J.T., Zou, S.H., 2017. Mineralogical and isotopic constraints on the genesis of the Jingchong Co–Cu polymetallic ore deposit in northeastern Hunan Province, South China. Ore Geology Reviews 88, 638-654.

21.  Wang, Z.L., Xu, D.R., Hu, G.C., Yu, L.L., Wu, C.J., Zhang, Z.C., Cai, J.X., Shan, Q., Hou, M.Z., Chen, H.Y., 2015. Detrital zircon U-Pb ages of the Proterozoic metaclastic-sedimentary rocks in Hainan Province of South China: New constraints on the depositional time, source area, and tectonic setting of the Shilu Fe-Co-Cu ore district. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 113, 1143–1161.

22.  Wang, Z.L., Xu, D.R., Zhang, Z.C., Zou, F.H., Wang, L., Yu, L.L., Hu, M.Y., 2015. Mineralogy and trace element geochemistry of the Co- and Cu-bearing sulfides from the Shilu Fe–Co–Cu ore district in Hainan Province of South China. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 113, 980–997.

23.  Xu, D.R. *, Monika, A.K. *, Wang, Z.L.*, Chen, H.Y., Bakun-Czubarow, N., Wu, C.J., Konečný, P., Hollings, P., 2015. Microstructural observation and chemical dating on monazite from the Shilu Group, Hainan Province of South China: Implications for origin and evolution of the Shilu Fe–Co–Cu ore district. Lithos 216-217, 158-177.

24.  王智琳, 许德如, Monika Agnieszka Kusiak, 吴传军, 于亮亮, 2015. 海南石碌铁矿独居石的成因类型、化学定年及地质意义. 岩石学报 31(1): 200-216.

25.  王智琳, 许德如, 吴传军, 付王伟, 王力, 吴俊, 2013. 海南岛晚古生代洋岛玄武岩(OIB型)的发现及地球动力学暗示. 岩石学报 29(3): 875-886.

26.  王智琳, 许德如, 张玉泉, 陈福雄, 王力, 吴俊, 2011. 海南石碌铁矿床花岗闪长斑岩的锆石LA-ICP-MS U-Pb定年及地质意义. 大地构造与成矿学 35(2): 292-299.

  • Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
    Supervisor of Master's Candidates
  • School/Department:School of Geosciences and Info-physics
  • Education Level:PhD Graduate
  • Business Address:地科楼406
  • Sex:Female
  • Contact Information:wangzhilin1025@163.com
  • Degree:Doctoral degree
  • Status:Employed
  • Alma Mater:中国科学院广州地球化学研究所
  • Discipline:Geology
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