吴冬宇,男,黑龙江佳木斯人,工学博士,副教授,博士生导师。主要研究方向为非常规能源钻采工艺技术、超耐磨钻井工具增材制造技术等。主持深地国家科技重大专项青年科学家课题、国家重点研发计划子课题项目、国家自然科学基金项目、湖南省自然科学基金项目等纵、横项课题十余项。担任《钻探工程》青年编委,《Frontiers in Energy Research》期刊review editor,《Ocean Engineering》、《Joural of Natural Gas Science and Engineering》、《Alloys and Compounds》等期刊审稿人。
Dongyu Wu, Jingyi Zhao, Leilei Liu, Xinxin Zhang, Pinghe Sun. Effect of pulsating flow induced by a percussive drilling tool on cuttings transport in horizontal directional drilling—A CFD study[J].Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology,2024,148: 105777. (中科院一区,TOP期刊)
Jingyi Zhao,Dongyu Wu*,Huaidong Zhang,Junxiang Liu,Shaohe Zhang,Xinxin Zhang. Comparison of physicochemical properties between CO2 and CH4 nanobubbles produced by gas hydrate decomposition[J].Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2024, 403: 124893.(中科院一区,TOP期刊)
Dongyu Wu,Shaohe Zhang, Huaidong Zhang, Xinxin Zhang, Pinghe Sun. An experimental study on the characteristics of bulk nanobubbles generated by CO2 hydrate dissociation. Fuel, 2022, 318,123640.(中科院一区,TOP期刊)
Dongyu Wu, Huaidong Zhang, Shaohe Zhang, Jingqiang Tan,Yanhong Xue. Determining whether the swirling jet is applicable in bottom-hole cleaning: a CFD study. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering,2021, 208(6), 109317.(中科院一区,TOP期刊)
Dongyu Wu, Shaohe Zhang, Yong He. A Dynamic Mesh-Based Approach to Analyse Hydrodynamic Interactions between a Fluidic Hammer and Drill Bit, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering. 2019, 175: 536-546. (中科院一区,TOP期刊)
Dongyu Wu, Jingqing Cheng, Jianming Peng, Yanliang Li, Xinxin Zhang. A numerical and laboratory study of ice layer growth and freezing characteristics in the vicinity of a vertical ice valve. Applied Thermal Engineering. 2017, 8(123): 1214-1222.(中科院一区,TOP期刊)
Yong He*, Guang Hu, Dongyu Wu*, Kaofei Zhu, Keneng Zhang. contaminant migration and the retention behavior of a laterite-bentonite mixture engineered barrier in a landfill. Journal of Environmental Management. 2022, 304.114338.(中科院一区,TOP期刊)
Dongyu Wu, Jianming Peng, Mingze Sun, Qing Gao, Xinxin Zhang, Sun Qiang, Kun Bo. Experimental study on a pressure-coring technology based on a freeze-core valve for marine hydrate-bearing sediment sampling. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering.2016, 33, 135-142.(JCR Q1区)
Dongyu Wu, Jianming Peng, Mingze Sun, Qing Gao, Xinxin Zhang, Sun Qiang, Kun Bo. Experimental study on a pressure-coring technology based on a freeze-core valve for marine hydrate-bearing sediment sampling. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering.2016, 33, 135-142.(JCR Q1区)
Dongyu Wu, Kun Yin, Qilei Yin, Xinxin Zhang, Jingqing Cheng, Dong Ge, Pengfei Zhang. Reverse Circulation Drilling Method Based on a Supersonic Nozzle for Dust Control. Applied Sciences. 2016, 7(1).(JCR Q1区)
吴冬宇,罗永江,彭枧明,张鑫鑫. 微波加热辅助多孔介质水合物制样方法与装置[J]. 国防科技大学学报.2016,(2),165-170. (EI)
吴冬宇,彭枧明,殷琨,张鑫鑫. 基于Ls-dyna的射流式冲击器冲锤结[J].东北大学学报. 2016,(10),1441-1445. (EI)
吴冬宇,彭枧明,孙强,张鑫鑫,杨冬冬. 碟簧对射流式冲击器密封影响研究[J]. 振动与冲击. 2016, 35(22): 221-225. (EI)
吴冬宇,殷琨,甘心,张鑫鑫,殷其雷. 两种贯通潜孔锤反循环钻头应用效果及理论分析[J].吉林大学学学报(地球科学版).2017,1 : 197-202.
吴冬宇, 张怀东, 张绍和, 张鑫鑫. 一种界面纳米气泡的生成装置及观测方法. ZL 202110542854.2
吴冬宇, 张绍和, 孙平贺, 曹函,舒彪,张鑫鑫. 双控制道脉冲射流球齿钻头. ZL 201711162639.X
吴冬宇, 张绍和, 舒彪, 曹函, 孙平贺, 张鑫鑫. 多向喷射气动潜孔锤钻头. ZL 2017 1 1162651.0
吴冬宇, 贺勇, 张绍和, 张鑫鑫. 含天然气水合物储层动静加载模拟取样实验系统及方法. ZL 201910378223.4
吴冬宇, 赵静怡, 张绍和, 孙平贺, 张鑫鑫. 一种制备均匀水合物储层样品的系统及方法. ZL 202210101673.0
吴冬宇, 张绍和, 曹函, 孙平贺, 舒彪, 张鑫鑫. 一种旋冲震荡射流式PDC钻头. ZL 201721566726.7