Journal Publications
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Journal Publications
[21]Bing Peng., Xueling Wu*, Dongmei Hou, Bo Miao, Yangyang Wang.Biodegradation of di-n-butyl phthalate and expression of the 3,4-phthalate dioxygenase gene in Arthrobacter sp. ZH2 strain.Process biochemistry., 2012, 2012, (47) : 936-940.
[22]吴学玲*;袁鹏;胡琪;侯冬梅;苗博;邱冠周.不同嗜酸氧化亚铁硫杆菌(DY15,DY26,DC)对黄铜矿的浸出及其基因Afe0022的差异表达.[J]中国有色金属学报., 2011, 2011, (21) : 4:932-938.
[23]王洋洋., 梁任星, 代沁芸, 吴学玲*.利用高效降解菌株强化修复土壤中DBP 及其细菌群落动态解析.中南大学学报(自然科学版)., 2011, 2011,42 (5) : 1188-1194..
[24]Weiliang Chao., Decai Jin, Qinyun Dai, Renxing Liang, Yangyang Wang, Xueling Wu*.Biodegradaton of an endocrine- -disrupting chemical di-n-butyl phthalate by newly isolated Agrobacterium sp. and the biochemical pathway.Process biochemistry., 2011, 2011,5 (46) : 1090-1094.
[25]Xueling Wu ? Yangyang Wang ? Qinyun Dai ?Renxing Liang ? Decai Jin..Isolation and characterization of four di-n-butyl phthalate (DBP)-degrading Gordonia sp. strains and cloning the 3,4-phthalate dioxygenase gene.World J Microbiol Biotechnol, 2011, 2011, (27) : 2611–2617.
[26]Yangyang., Decai; Wang, Qinyun; Jin, Xueling*;Dai, Renxing; Wu, Liang.Genetic diversity of phthalic acid esters-degrading bacteria isolated from different geographical regions of China.Antonie van Leeuwenhoek Journal of Microbiology., 2010, 2010,97 (1) : 79-89.
[27]吴学玲*, 张瑞永, 代沁芸, 王洋洋, 梁任星, 金德才.一株DBP高效降解菌的筛选及其降解特性.中南大学学报(自然科学版),, 2010, 2010,141 (01) : 8-14.
[28]Wei-Liang., Chao, Xue-Ling*, Wu, Rui-Yong, Zhang, Qin-Yun, Dai, Ren-Xing, Liang, Jin De-Cai.Biodegradation of Di-n-Butyl Phthalate by Rhodococcus sp JDC-1 1 and Molecular Detection of 3,4-Phthalate Dioxygenase Gene.Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology., 2010, 2010: 1440-1445.
[29]Xueduan Liu., Bo Miao, Hou Dongmei, Qi Hu, Xueling Wu*.Differential gene expression in response to copper in Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans possessing different copper- -resistance.J.Gen.Appl.Microbiol., 2010, 2010, (56) : 491-498.
[30]Chao Weiliang., Wang Yangyang, Jin Decai, Dai Qinyun, Liang Renxing, Wu Xueling*.Complete degradation of di-n-octyl phthalate by biochemical cooperation between Gordonia sp. strain JDC-2 and Arthrobacter sp. strain JDC-32 isolated from activated sludge.Journal of Hazardous Materials., 2010, 2010,176 (1-3) : 262-268.
[31]Wang Yang-yang., Dai Qin-yun, Wang Xing-na, Wu Xue-ling*, Liang Ren-xing.Aerobic biodegradation of diethyl phthalate by Acinetobacter sp JDC-16 isolated from river sludge.J.Cent. Touth Univ Techol., 2010, 2010,17 (5) : 959 -966.
[32]QIU Guan-zhou., LIU Yuan-dong, ZENG Jia, HU Qi, HAN Jian, MIAO Bo, WU Xue-ling*.Purification and enzymatic properties of arsenic resistance protein ArsH from heterogeneous expression in E.coli BL21.[J]. Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China, 2010, 2010, (20) : 1987-1992.
[33]Dai, Ren-xing, Liang, Yang-yang, Wang, Xue-ling*, Wu.Degradation of Di-n-butyl Phthalate by Newly Iso lated Ochrobactrum sp.Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxico, 2010, 2010,85 (3) : 235-237.
[34]吴学玲., 覃文庆, 杨宇, 刁梦雪, 23) 刘凯.混合高温菌浸出黄铜矿及浸出过程中微生物群落的演替.中国有色金属学报., 2010, 2010,20 (2) : 346-353.
[35]杨宇., 王洋洋, 代沁芸, 梁任星, 吴学玲*, 金德才.一株DMP降解菌的分离鉴定及其降解特性.微生物学通报,, 2009, 2009,36 (9) : 1318-1323.
[36]邱冠周., 杨宇, 李乾, 梁任星, 赵维良, 金德才, 吴学玲*.4株邻苯二甲酸二丁酯降解菌的分离鉴定及其相关降解基因的克隆.环境科学., 2009, 2009,30 (9) : 2722-2727.
[37]Peng, Ren-xing; YUAN, Ying; LIANG, Xiao-hong; JIANG, Xue-ling*;XIN, WU.Liquid-nitrogen cryopreservation of three kinds of autotrophicbioleaching bacteria.Transaction of Nonferrous Metals Society of China., 2008, 2008,18 (8) : 1386-1391.
[38]邱冠周., 马婷婷, 李云, 魏娇娇, 江雪梅, 丁建南, 朱若林, 昊学玲.嗜酸热异养菌TC.2的分离鉴定及其对微生物浸矿的影响.[J].中国有色金属学报, 2008, 2008,18 (12) : .2259-2264.
[39]翁文筠., 刘新星, 邱冠周, 蒋莹, 吴学玲*.Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans菌株的分离及阴离子对其亚铁氧化活性的影响.[J]. 中国有色金属学报., 2008, 2008,18 (2) : 349-355.
[40]GZ., XX; Qiu, J; Liu, JN; Gao, XL; Ding, Wu.Isolation and identification of metal-resistant iron-oxidizing bacteria.Minerals and Metallurgical Processing, 2007, 2007, (24) : 57-60.
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