  • 向旭东
  • Doctoral degree
  • Professor
  • Director of Emergency Department
  • Second Xiangya Hospital of Central South University

Educational Background

  • 1978.91982.6

     吉首大学   临床医学   Bachelor's degree   University graduated 

  • 1992.91994.6

     湖南医科大学(现中南大学湘雅医学院)   临床医学   Master's degree   Master's degree 

  • 1994.91997.6

     湖南医科大学(现中南大学湘雅医学院)   临床医学   Doctoral degree   PhD Graduate 

Work Experience

  • 1982.71984.12

    龙山县人民医院      内科    主治医师    全职

  • 1985.11992.6

    湘西自治州人民医院      内科    主治医师    全职

  • 1997.71998.12

    湘雅二医院      呼吸内科    主治医师    全职

  • 1999.12000.12

    湘雅二医院      呼吸内科    副教授 副主任医师    全职

  • 2001.12002.12

    湘雅二医院      呼吸内科    副主任    副教授 副主任医师    全职

  • 2003.12009.12

    湘雅二医院      呼吸内科    副主任    教授 主任医师    全职

  • 2010.12016.4

    湘雅二医院      急诊科    主任    教授 主任医师    全职

Social Affiliations

  • 湖南省医学会内科学分会                            副主任委员

  • 湖南省医学会结核病学分会                       副主任委员

  • 湖南省中西医结合学会急诊医学专业     副主任委员

  • 湖南省医学会急诊医学分会                       副主任委员

  • 中华医学会呼吸病学学会哮喘组              委员

Research Focus


Personal Information

Xudong Xiang was born in 1961 in Longshan County, Hunan Province, and he is a member of the CCP. He graduated from Jishou University, and got his doctor degree from Xiangya School of Medicine in 1997. He began to work as the vice director of the Respirology Department of Second Xiangya Hospital of CSU since 2001, and promoted to professor in 2003. In 2006, he visited the Immunology Institute of Rosenberg University in Germany for a year, and in 2007 he gained his doctoral mentor certificate. He began to work as the director of the Emergency Department of Second Xiangya Hospital of CSU since 2010.
When he worked in the Respirology Department, he was the first in Hunan province to endeavor pulmonary interventional techniques including brochoscopy and thoracoscopy; he also built the first RICU in Hunan, and promoted sequential ventilation and low-tidal volume ventilation therapy in the treatment of COPD/respiratory failure, the achievements were adopted in the Chinese Expert Consensus of Non-invasive Ventilation Therapy; he advocated the “aggressive sequential therapy” for the treatment of drug-resistant A. baumanii and achieved better therapeutic effects; and he managed to diagnosed various difficult, rare cases: first report of areca provoked asthma attack, the first case of diffuse pan-bronchiolitis in southern China, etc. During the outbreak of SARS in 2003, he worked as the consulting expert of Hunan province, visiting and inspecting communities, and was awarded second class merit citation.
He was transferred to be the Director of the Emergency Department in 2010. He built the emergency ward, difficult and complicated disease ward and emergency intensive care unit, enhanced the ability of emergency to treat severely-ill patients. He concluded the “three circle diagnostic algorithm”, and applying this algorithm, he successfully diagnosed several difficult and complicated acute thallium poisoning, Langerhans histocytosis and progressive disseminated histoplasmosis, etc, and he organized the “difficult and complicated disease saloon” of Hunan.
Academically, he devoted himself to explore the immunological pathophysiology of asthma, and had earned several grant support, and had published a number of peer-reviewed original articles.
He was elected as “Excellent Doctor of Xiangya” in 2014.

  • Professor
    Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
    Supervisor of Master's Candidates
  • Date of Employment:1997-07-01
  • School/Department:Second Xiangya Hospital of Central South University
  • Administrative Position:Director of Emergency Department
  • Education Level:PhD Graduate
  • Business Address:湖南省长沙市芙蓉区人民中路139号湘雅二医院急诊医学教研室
  • Sex:Male
  • Contact Information:0731-85292120
  • Degree:Doctoral degree
  • Academic Titles:中华医学会呼吸病学学会哮喘组 委员 湖南省医学会急诊医学分会 副主任委员 湖南省中西医结合学会急诊医学专业 副主任委员 湖南省医学会结核病学分会 副主任委员 湖南省医学会内科学分会 副主任委员
  • Alma Mater:Central South University
  • Discipline:Clinical Medicine
  • Honors and Titles:
  • 2003年:湖南省抗击非典先进个人 二等功 2014年:第三届“湘雅名医”;
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