Work Experience
Research Focus
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Songshu XIAO, M.D.
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Third Xiangya Hospital, Central South University, Changsha, Hunan 410008, P. R. China Tel: 86-731-88618021; Email:
APPOINTMENT Professor, Obstetrics and Gynecology, 3rd Xiangya Hospital, CSU 2022-Present Associate Professor, Obstetrics and Gynecology, 3rd Xiangya Hospital, CSU 2015-2022 Visiting staff, Obstetrics and Gynecology, 3rd Xiangya Hospital, CSU 2009-2015 Resident, Obstetrics and Gynecology, 3rd Xiangya Hospital, CSU 2005-2009
RESEARCH INTERESTS Gynecological tumors and specialises in many gynecologic minimally invasive techniques.
SELECTED PUBLICATIONS 1. Yuan J, Xie H, Chen M, Zeng F, Xiao S*.2022. A case report of retroperitoneal ectopic pregnancy with lymphatic migration after in vitro fertilization-embryo transfer: an explanation to embryo distant migration,Fertil Steril, 118(3):598-600. 2. Yuan J, Lan H, Huang DQ ,Guo XH ,Liu C,Liu, SP,Zhang P,Cheng, Y*,Xiao S*,2022, Multi-Omics Analysis of MCM2 as a Promising Biomarker in Pan-Cancer, Front Cell Dev Biol, 10, DOI: 10.3389/fcell.2022.852135 3. Yuan J, Jiang X, Lan H, Zhang X, Ding T, Yang F, Zeng D, Yong J, Niu B*, Xiao S*.2022.Multi-Omics analysis of the therapeutic value of MAL2 based on data mining in human cancer.Front Cell Dev Biol.17;9:736649. 4. Xie H#,Wan Y#,Yi S,Zeng F,Sun X,Yang Y,Xiao S*. 2022.Clinical analysis of 2152 cases of abnormal uterine bleeding treated by NovaSure endometrial ablation. Int J Gynecol Obstet, 158(2): 301-307. 5. Lan H,Yuan J, Chen X,Liu C,Guo X,Wang X,Song J,Cao K*,Xiao S*. 2021.Multiomics profiling of the expression and prognosis of MCMs in endometrial carcinoma,Biosci Rep. 22;41(12): BSR20211719. 6. Chen X#, Lan H#, He D, Xu R, Zhang Y, Cheng Y,Chen H, Xiao S*, Cao K*.2021.Multi-Omics Profiling Identifies Risk Hypoxia-Related Signatures for Ovarian Cancer Prognosis. Front Immunol. 19;12:645839. 7. Chen X#, Lan H#, He D, Wang Z, Xu R, Yuan J, Xiao M, Zhang Y, Gong L, Xiao S*, Cao K*. 2021.Analysis of autophagy-related signatures identified two distinct subtypes for evaluating the tumor immune microenvironment and predicting prognosis in ovarian cancer.Front Oncol. 10;11:616133. 8. Lan H ,Yuan J , Zeng D,Liu C , Guo X , Yong J ,Zeng X *, Xiao S*. 9. Yong J,Guo X,Lan H,Yuan J,Zeng D, Zeng X,Yi S,Xiao S*.2021.Clinical analysis of the MyoSure hysteroscopic tissue removal system of endometrial polyps in women with an intact hymen.BMC Womens Health,21:214. 10. Jiang X, Yuan J, Dou Y, Zeng D, Xiao S*. 11. Tian M , Chen X ,Li L ,Wu H ,Zeng D ,Wang X , Zhang Y, Xiao S*, Cheng Y*.2021.Inhibition of AXL enhances chemosensitivity of human ovarian cancer cells to cisplatin via decreasing glycolysis.Acta Pharmacol Sin, 12. Zhang M, Liang L, He J, He Z, Yue C, Jin X, Gao M, Xiao S*, Zhou Y*. 13. Dou Y,Zeng D,Zou Z,Wan Y,Xu D,Xiao S*.2020.Hysteroscopic treatment of cesarean scar defect. Arch Gynecol Obstet. ,302(5):1215-1220. 14. Zeng X , Yuan J, Wang C , Zeng D,Yong J , Jiang X, Lan H,Xiao S*. 15. Yuan J, Lan H, Jiang X, Zeng D,Xiao S*.2020.Bcl‑2 family: Novel insight into individualized therapy for ovarian cancer .Int J Mol Med, 46(4):1255-1265. 16. Zhao C, She X, Zhang Y, Liu C, Li P, Chen S, Sai B, Li Y, Feng J, Liu J, Sun Y, Xiao S*, Li L*,Wu M*. 2020.LRRC4 Suppresses E-Cadherin- Dependent Collective Cell Invasion and Metastasis in Epithelial Ovarian Cancer. Front. Oncol. 10:144. 17. Dou Y, Huang D, Zeng X, Zhou Y, Jiang X, Yue C, He J, Xiao S*.2020.All-trans retinoic acid enhances the effect of Fra-1 to inhibit 3 cell proliferation and metabolism in cervical cancer.Biotechnol Lett., DOI 10.1007/s10529-020-02847-8. 18. Jiang X, Xie H, Dou Y, Yuan J, Zeng D, Xiao S*.2020.Expression and function of FRA1 protein in tumors, Molecular Biology Reports, 47(1):737-752. 19. Xiao S, Li Y ,Pan Q, Ye M, He S, Tian Q, Xue M*. 2019. MiR-34c /SOX9 axis regulates the chemo-resistance of ovarian cancer cell to cisplatin (DDP)-based chemotherapy.J Cell Biochem, 120(3):2940-2953. 20. Zeng X, Jiang X,Yuan J ,Yong J ,Zeng D ,Dou Y,Xie H ,Xiao S*. 2019.lncRNA ABHD11-AS1, regulated by the EGFR pathway, contributes to the ovarian cancer tumorigenesis by epigenetically suppressing TIMP2.Cancer Medicine. 8(16):7074-7085. 21. Lazare C#, Xiao S#, Meng Y, Wang C, Li W, Wang Y, Chen G, Wei J, Hu J, Xue M* ,Wu P*,2019.Evaluation of Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia Occurrence Following the Recorded Onset of Persistent High-Risk Human Papillomavirus Infection: A Retrospective Study on Infection Duration. Front. Oncol.,9:976. 22. Xiao S,Xie H,Zhu X,Li X,Yi S,Deng X,Xue M*.2019.Study on the Significance of Folate Receptor-Mediated Staining Solution (FRD) Staining in Screening High Grade Cervical Lesions.Med Sci Monit. 16;25:2792-2801. 23. Zeng X,Xie H ,Yuan J , Jiang X,Yong J ,Zeng D ,Dou Y,Xiao S*. 2019.M2-like tumor-associated macrophages-secreted EGF promotes epithelial ovarian cancer metastasis via activating EGFR-ERK signaling and suppressing lncRNA LIMT expression.Cancer Biol &Ther.20(7):956-966. 24. Dou Y, Jiang X, Xie H, He J, Xiao S*.2019.The Jun N-terminal kinases signaling pathway plays a“seesaw”role in ovarian carcinoma:A molecular aspect.J Ovarian Res.12:99.
25. Wu H, Xiao J, Xiao S*, Cheng Y*.2019.KRAS: A promising therapeutic target for cancer treatment.Curr Top Med Chem.19(23): 2081-2097.
26. Xiao S, Li Y ,Pan Q, Ye M, He S, Tian Q, Xue M*. MiR-34c/SOX9 axis regulates the chemoresistance of ovarian cancer cell to cisplatin (DDP)-based chemotherapy. J Cell Biochem, 2018 Dec 9.doi:10.1002/jcb.26865.
27. Xiao S, Zhou Y, Yi W, Luo G, Jiang B, Tian Q, Li Y, Xue M*. 2015. Fra‑1 is downregulated in cervical cancer tissues and promotes cervical cancer cell apoptosis by p53 signaling pathway in vitro. Int J Oncol, 46(4): 1677-1684.
28. Xiao S, Fan J, He S, Li Y, Wang L, Yu K, Deng X, Xue M*. 2016. Analysis of human papillomavirus infection in 16,320 patients from a gynecology clinic in Central South China. J Low Genit Tract Dis, 20(4): 327-331.
29. Xiao S, Mu Q, Wan Y, Xue M*. 2016. Spontaneous renal hemorrhage caused by invasive mole: A case report. Eur J Gynaecol Oncol, 37(3): 417-419.
30. Xiao S, Zhou Y, Jiang J, Yuan L, Xue M*. 2014. CD44 affects the expression level of FOS‑like antigen 1 in cervical cancer tissues. Mol Med Rep,
32. Xiao S, Liao S, Zhou Y, Jiang B, Li Y, Xue M*. 2014. High expression of octamer transcription factor 1 in cervical cancer. Oncol Lett, 7(6): 1889-1894.
33. Sun X, Xue M, Xiao S*, Wan Y, Wang B. 2010. Uterine diverticulum complicating pregnancy diagnosed by ultrasound and uteroscopy. Int J Gynecol Obstet, 109: 247-248.
34. Xiao S, Xue M*, Wan Y, Su Z. 2011. Gynandroblastoma with the symptoms of infertility and secondary amenorrhea:one case report. Clin Exp Obstet Gynecol, 38(4): 419-420.
35. Xiao S, Tian Q, Xue M*. 2014. Infertility caused by intrauterine fetal bone retention: A case report. J Med Case Rep, 8: 177.
37. Xiao S, Xue M*, Deng X, Wan Y. 2011. Occurrence of multiple Mullerian adenocele inside the uterine body. J Gynecol Surg, 27(1): 43-44.
38. Xiao S, Lei R, Xue M*. 2013. Primary teratoma in preperitoneal space: Case report and literature review. J Gynecol Surg, 29(5): 248-250.
39. Guan Y, Jiang S, Yu P, Wen M,