Liu Yang, Zhigang Hu, Jun Long, Tao Guo. 5W1H-based Conceptual Modeling Framework for Domain Ontology and Its Application on STPO [C]. The 7th International Conference on Semantics, Knowledge& Grids (SKG2011), 2011: 203-207. (EI Compendex, Accession NO: 20115214633293)
上一条: Liu Yang, Zhigang Hu, Jun Long, Tao Guo. Research on Conceptual Modelling for Domain Ontology Using a 5W1H Six-Layer Framework based on Intelligent Materials [J]. Advanced Material Research, 2011: 68-73.(EI Compendex, Accession NO: 20113014168833)
下一条: 杨柳,胡志刚,龙军.流水作业批调度问题及优化算法[J].小型微型计算机系统,2012,33(6): 1333-1336.