LONG Jun, WANG Lu-Da, LI Zu-De, ZHANG Zu-Ping, YANG Liu. WordNet-based lexicalsemantic classification for text corpus analysis [J]. Journal of Central South University, 2015, 22(5):1833-1840. (SCI)
上一条: 于俊洋,胡志刚,周舟,杨柳.计算机系统能耗估量模型研究[J]. 电子科技大学学报,2015,44(3):422-427.
下一条: Hua Ma, Zhigang Hu, Liu Yang, Tie Song. User features-aware trustworthiness measurement of cloud services via evidence synthesis for potential users [J]. Journal of Visual Languages and Computing, 2014, 25(6): 791-799. (SCI, Impact Factor: 0.660)