Journal Publications
- [41]Materials selection of 3D-printed continuous carbon fiber reinforced composites considering multiple criteria.Materials and Design, 2020, 196: 1-13.
- [42]Topology optimization of dynamic acoustic-mechanical structures using the ersatz material model.computer methods in applied mechanics and engineering, 2020, 372: 1-24.
- [43]New insights into the synergistic influence of voids and interphase characteristics on effective properties of unidirectional composites.Composite Structures, 2020, 255: 1-13.
- [44]Effects of Scanning Strategy and Printing Temperature on the Compressive Behaviors of 3D Printed Polyamide-Based composites.Polymers, 2020
- [45]Tailorable rigidity and energy-absorption capability of 3D printed continuous carbon fiber reinforced polyamide composites.Composites Science and Technology, 2020, 199: 1-9.
- [46]基于自适应p型有限元方法的双向渐进结构拓扑优化. 郑州.机械强度, 2020, 42 (3) : 597-603.
- [47]Aural comfort prediction method for high speed trains under complex tunnel environment.Transportation Research Part D, 2020, 81: 1-12.
- [48]Flexure Behaviors of ABS-Based Composites Containing Carbon and Kevlar Fibers by Material Extrusion 3D Printing.Polymers, 2019
- [49]侧风下高速列车临界倾覆风速研究.铁道科学与工程学报, 2019, 16 (11) : 2643-2650.
- [50]Fracture strength topology optimization of structural specific position using a bi-directional evolutionary structural optimization method.Engineering Optimization, 2019, 52 (4) : 583-602.
- [51]An Improved Prim Algorithm for Connection Scheme of Last Train in Urban Mass Transit Network.Symmetry, 2019
- [52]不同诱导结构对折叠式压溃管动态吸能影响.铁道科学与工程学报, 2018, 15 (8) : 2072-2082.
- [53]横风下普速客车与动车组在挡风墙后交会气动性能.铁道科学与工程学报, 2018, 15 (7) : 1641-1649.
- [54]轴向预压金属圆管受轴向冲击的吸能特性研究.机械强度, 2018, 40 (2) : 384-391.
- [55]A hybrid cellular automaton bidirectional evolutionary optimization algorithm for topological optimization of crashworthiness.Engineering Optimization, 2018, 50 (12) : 2054-2070.
- [56]高速列车气动性能的尺度效应分析.浙江大学学报(自然科学版), 2017, 51 (12) : 2383-2391.
- [57]Energy absorption characteristics of multi-frusta configurations under axial impact loading.Thin-Walled Structures, 2017, 122: 147-157.
- [58]横风环境下列车交会对25T型客车动力学性能影响.铁道科学与工程学报, 2017, 14 (10) : 2214-2221.
- [59]Crashworthiness analysis and optimization of a cutting-style energy absorbing structure for subway vehicles.Thin-Walled Structures, 2017, 120: 225-235.
- [60]A modified Johnson–Cook model for 7N01 aluminum alloy under dynamic condition.Journal of central south university, 2017, 24 (11) : 2550-2555.

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