









      周双,中共党员,湖南湘潭人,以一作或通讯在Angewandte Chemie International Edition, Advanced Energy Materials, Advanced Functional Materials(4),Energy Storage Materials(3),Science Bulletin和Small(2)等期刊上发表论文18篇,其中自然指数期刊5篇,领军期刊1篇,高倍引1篇,申请国内发明专利9项(授权4项),国际专利2项,主持包括湖南省自然科学基金青年基金和博士后面上基金等项目4项,以第一作者撰写英文专著章节1章。主要研究兴趣为高比能(锂/钠/锌金属)二次电池,功能性电解液,金属负极保护,电极材料设计等,积极推动新型储能电池的产业化。



[1] 湖南省自然科学基金青年基金项目,主持

[2] 中国博士后基金面上基金项目,主持

[3] 中南大学新进人才科研启动项目,主持

[4] 微纳电子材料与器件湖北省重点实验室2023年开放课题基金项目,主持

[5] 湖南省重点研发, 先进硅基负极材料关键技术,子课题负责人


1.Shuang Zhou, etc.  Zinc-ion Anchor Induced Highly Reversible Zn Anodes for High Performance Zn-ion Batteries.Angewandte Chemie International Edition. 2024, e202403050. (IF=16.6)

2. Shuang Zhou*, etc. Non‐Expendable Regulator Enables Durable and Deep Cycling Aqueous Zinc Batteries. Advanced Energy Materials. 2024. Accept. (IF= 27.8)

3.Shuang Zhou, etc.Anti-corrosive and Zn-ion-regulating composite interlayer enabling long-life Zn metal anodes. Advanced Functional Materials. 2021, 31(46), 2104361.(IF=19.0,Highly cited paper)

4. Shuang Zhou*, etc. Self-smoothing deposition behavior enabled by beneficial "potential compensating" for highly reversible Zn metal anodes, *Advanced Functional Materials, 2023. 2307201.(IF=19.0)

5.Shuang Zhou*, etc.  Unique ion rectifier intermediate enabled by ultrathin vermiculite sheets for high-performance Zn metal anodes, Science Bulletin, 2023, 68, 1283-1294.(IF=18.9)

6. Shuang Zhou*, etc. Regulated ion-conductive electrode-electrolyte interface by in situ gelation for stable zinc metal anode, Advanced Functional Materials. 2023, 2309350. (IF=19.0)

7. Shuang Zhou*, etc. A self-regulated interface enabled by multi-functional pH buffer for reversible Zn electrochemistry. Advanced Functional Materials. 2024, 2313859.(IF=19.0) 

8. Shuang Zhou, etc. Conductivity gradient modulator induced highly reversible Li anodes in carbonate electrolytes for high voltage lithium metal batteries. Energy Storage Materials, 2022, 47, 482-490.(IF=20.4)

9. Shuang Zhou, etc. 3D printing for rechargeable lithium metal batteries. Energy Storage Materials, 2021, 38, 141-156. (IF=20.4)

10. Shuang Zhou, etc. Lithiophilic magnetic host facilitates targetly deposited lithium for practical lithium-metal batteries. Small, 2023, 2207764. 10.1002/smll.202207764. (IF=13.3)

11. Shuang Zhou+, etc. Architecture design principles for stable electrodeposition behavior-towards high-performance alkali metal (Li/Na/K) anodes, Energy Storage Materials, 2022, 45, 48-73. (IF=20.4)

12. Shuang Zhou, etc. Incorporation of LiF into functionalized polymer fiber networks enabling high capacity and high rate cycling of lithium metal composite anodes. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2021, 404, 126508.(IF=15.1)

13. Shuang Zhou, etc. Aligned Dipoles induced electric-field promoting zinc-ion de-solvation towards highly-stable dendrite-free zinc-metal batteries. Small, 2023, 2303457. (IF=13.3)

14. Shuang Zhou*, etc. Constructing strain-alleviated structure in ultra-thin FeS/C composite for durable lithium and sodium storage, Science China Materials. 2023, 66, 2601-2612.  (IF=8.1) 

15. Shuang Zhou*, etc. Charge storage mechanism of aqueous bismuth telluride-zinc batteries with high rate capability, Science China Materials. 2023, 66: 3453-3460.  (IF=8.1)


Shuang Zhou, etc. Cathode materials for rechargeable aqueous Zn batteries, Encyclopedia of Energy Storage, Chapter 00128. Reference Module in Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences (https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-819723-3.00118-9) (英文专著章节)


Email: zhoushuang2017@csu.edu.cn.


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