周元生,教授,博士/硕士研究生导师,湖南省科技进步二等奖(排名第一)、湖湘青年英才、湖南省优青项目获得者,博士毕业于Concordia University (Montreal, Canada),目前在机电工程学院车辆工程系担任系主任,在唐进元教授团队从事科学研究,主持包括国自科面上项目、两机专项课题、国防重点项目课题、重点研发子课题等多项纵向项目,并承担包括与中国航发608所、300厂及长沙哈量凯帅等企业合作的多项横向项目,担任多个SCI期刊编委/青年编委。
我们强调科学技术与工业界的结合,与工业界有十分紧密的合作,在解决实际工业问题的基础上产出高质量的科学研究学术成果,在Transactions of ASME, Mechanism and Machine Theory,Computer-Aided Design, International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture等期刊发表多篇学术论文。
智能制造 & 数字化制造, Intelligent Manufacturing & Digital Manufacturing
齿轮设计及制造 Gear Design and Manufacturing
数控加工、测量及装备 CNC Machining,Measurement and Equipments
计算机辅助设计、制造、分析、优化 CAD/CAM/CAE/CAO
工业用设计制造软件开发 Development of Industry Softwares about the Design and Manufacturing
工业制造增强现实(AR)、工业制造数字孪生 AR in Industry Manufacturing, Digital Twins of Industry Manufacturing
1. 齿轮传动系统数字化设计分析软件开发(国家重点研发子课题,2019-2022)
2. 齿轮传动系统数字化设计理论与方法研究(国家重点研发子课题,2019-2022)
3. 锥形斜齿面齿轮高效精密蜗杆磨削原理与技术研究 (国家自然科学基金面上项目,2021-2024)
4. 航空高性能齿轮设计制造关键技术研究 (湖南省自然科学基金优秀青年基金项目,2021-2023)
[1] Xinxin Lu, Yuansheng Zhou*, Dong He, Fangyan Zheng, Kai Tang, Jinyuan Tang. A novel two-variable optimization algorithm of TCA for the design of face gear drives, Mechanism and Machine Theory, 175 (2022), 104960. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mechmachtheory.2022.104960.
[2] Shenghui Wang, Yuansheng Zhou*, Jinyuan Tang, Kai Tang. Zhengminqing Li, Digital tooth contact analysis of face gear drives with an accurate measurement model of face gear tooth surface inspected by CMMs, Mechanism and Machine Theory, 167 (2022) 104498. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mechmachtheory.2021.104498.
[3] Zhongwei Tang, Yuansheng Zhou*, Shenghui Wang, Jiang Zhu, Jinyuan Tang. An innovative geometric error compensation of the multi-axis CNC machine tools with non-rotary cutters to the accurate worm grinding of spur face gears, Mechanism and Machine Theory, 169 (2022), 104664. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mechmachtheory.2021.104664.
[4] Yuansheng Zhou*, Zhongwei Tang, Xianlin Shi, Jinyuan Tang, Zhengminqing Li*. Efficient and accurate worm grinding of spur face gears according to an advanced geometrical analysis and a closed-loop manufacturing process. Journal of Central South University, 29 (2022), 1–13. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11771-021-4830-7.
[5] Xu, Hao, Yuansheng Zhou, Yuhui He, and Jinyuan Tang. An Efficient Approach to the Five-Axis Flank Milling of Non-Ferrous Spiral Bevel Gears, Materials, 14 (17), 2021, 4848. https://doi.org/10.3390/ma14174848.
[6] Shenghui Wang, Yuansheng Zhou, Xinru Liu*, Shengjun Liu, Jinyuan Tang. An advanced comprehensive approach to accurately modeling the face-milled generated spiral bevel gears, Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering,Transactions of ASME, 21 (4), 2021, 041008.
[7] Xianhuan Liu, Yuansheng Zhou*, Jinyuan Tang A comprehensive adaptive approach to calculating the envelope surface of the digital models in CNC machining, Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 57, 2020, 119-132.
[8] Xianlin Shi, Yuansheng Zhou*, Jinyuan Tang, Zhengminqing Li. An innovative generated approach to dressing the worm for grinding spur face gears, Manufacturing Letters, 25, 2020, 26-29.
[9] Yuansheng Zhou*, Yuanhan. Wu, Liming Wang*, Jinyuan. Tang, Hongwu Ouyang. A new closed-form calculation of envelope surface for modeling face gears, Mechanism and Machine Theory, 137 (2019) 211-226.
[10] Yuansheng Zhou*, Shenghui Wang, Liming Wang, Jinyuan Tang, Zezhong.C. Chen. CNC milling of face gears with a novel geometric analysis, Mechanism and Machine Theory, 139 (2019) 46-65.
[11] Yuansheng Zhou, Shandong Peng, Xinru Liu*, Shengjun Liu, Jinyuan Tang. A novel method to generate the tooth surface model of face-milled generated spiral bevel gears, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 102 (2019): 1205.
[12] HuichengYi,Yuansheng Zhou*, Shenghui Wang, Liming Wang, Jinyuan Tang, Zezhong C. Chen. Simulations and error analysis of the CNC milling of a face gear tooth with given tool paths, Data in Brief, 25 (2019): 104145.
[13] Shenghui Wang, Yuansheng Zhou*, Jinyuan Tang, Zhao Xiao. An adaptive geometric meshing theory for the face-milled generated spiral bevel gears, Forschung im Ingenieurwesen, 83, (2019):775–780.
[14] Xianlin Shi, Yuansheng Zhou*, Wuji Zhang, Jinyuan Tang. A new worm grinding method of face gears based on the optimization of dressing wheel profile, Forschung im Ingenieurwesen, 83, (2019):751–757.
[15] Yuanhan Wu, Yuansheng Zhou*, Zhenyu. Zhou, Jinyuan Tang, Hongwu Ouyang. An advanced CAD/CAE integration method for the generative design of face gears, Advances in Engineering Software, 126 (2018) 90-99.
[16] Han Ding, Zhigang Wan, Yuansheng Zhou*, Jinyuan Tang. A data-driven programming of the human-computer interactions for modeling a collaborative manufacturing system of hypoid gears by considering both geometric and physical performances. Robotics and Computer Integrated Manufacturing. 2018, 51, 121-138.
[17] Yuansheng Zhou, Zezhong C. Chen, Jinyuan Tang*, Shengjun Liu*. An innovative approach to NC programming for accurate five-axis flank milling of spiral bevel or hypoid gears, Computer-Aided Design, 2017, 84: 15-24.
[18] Yuansheng Zhou, Zezhong C. Chen*, Jinyuan Tang*. A new method of designing the tooth surfaces of spiral bevel gears with ruled surface for their accurate five-axis flank milling, Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Transactions of ASME, 2017. 139 (6): 061004.
[19] Yuansheng Zhou, Qingshan Wang*, Dongyan Shi, Qian Liang, Zhongyu Zhang. Exact solutions for the free in-plane vibrations of rectangular plates with arbitrary boundary conditions, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2017, 130, 1-10.
[20] Han Ding, Yuansheng Zhou*, Jinyuan Tang*, Jue Zhong, Zhenyu Zhou. A novel operation approach to determine initial contact point for tooth contact analysis with errors of spiral bevel and hypoid gears, Mechanism and Machine Theory, 2017, 109: 155-170.
[21] Han Ding, Guoxin Wang, Yuansheng Zhou*, Jinyuan Tang, Zhenyu Zhou. Nonlinearity analysis based algorithm for identifying machine settings in the tooth flank topography correction for hypoid gears, Mechanism and Machine Theory, 2017, 113: 1-21.
[22] Han Ding, Jinyuan Tang, Yuansheng Zhou*, Jue Zhong, Guoxin Wang. A multi-objective correction of machine settings considering loaded tooth contact performance in spiral bevel gears by nonlinear interval number optimization, Mechanism and Machine Theory, 2017, 113: 85-108.
[23] Han Ding, Jinyuan Tang, Wen Shao*, Yuansheng Zhou, Guoxin Wang. Optimal modification of tooth flank form error considering measurement and compensation of cutter geometric errors for spiral bevel and hypoid gears. Mechanism and Machine Theory, 2017, 118, 14-31.
[24] Yuansheng Zhou, Jinyuan Tang*, Heng Zhou, Feng Yin. Multistep Method for Grinding Face-Gear by Worm, Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Transactions of ASME, 2016, 138 (7): 071013.
[25] Yuansheng Zhou, Zezhong C. Chen*. A new geometric meshing theory for a closed-form vector representation of the face-milled generated gear tooth surface and its curvature analysis, Mechanism and Machine Theory, 2015, 83(1): 91-108.
[26] Yuansheng Zhou, Zezhong C. Chen*, Xujing Yang. An accurate, efficient envelope approach to modeling the geometric deviation of the machined surface for a specific five-axis CNC machine tool, International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 2015, 95: 67-77.
[27] 杨旭静*,周元生,陈泽忠,王伏林.五轴数控加工中旋转轴运动引起的非线性误差分析及控制,机械工程学报,2012,48(3):140-146.