Journal Publications
Research Projects
Honors and Awards
Journal Publications
[23]Ling Xiao, Beiji Zou, Chengzhang Zhu*, Meng Zeng, Zhi Chen, HFBT: An Efficient Hierarchical Fault-tolerant Method for Cloud Storage System, IEEE International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing with Applications (IEEE ISPA),2021. CCF C类会议
[24]Chengzhang Zhu, Zhe Chang, Yalong Xiao, Beiji Zou, Bozhou Li and Shu Liu*, Cluster-based Distribution Alignment for Generalizable Person Re-Identification, 2021 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo Workshops (ICMEW). CCF B类会议. 2021.7.5
[25]Rong Hu#, Dan Li#, & Chengzhang Zhu*. Performance of automatic machine learning versus radiologists in the evaluation of endometrium on computed tomography[J]. Abdominal Radiology, 2021. online. SCI 2区
[26]Hao Zhou, Rong Hu & Chengzhang Zhu*. Automatic Machine Learning to Differentiate Pediatric Posterior Fossa Tumors on Routine MR Imaging[J]. American Journal of Neuroradiology, 2020, 41(7):1279-1285. SCI 1区
[27]Hongpu Fu, Beiji Zou, Chengzhang Zhu*, et al. Improved pedestrian detection with peer AdaBoost cascade [J]. Journal of Central South University, 2020, 27(8): 2269-2279. SCI 3区
[28]Beiji Zou, Yulan Dai, Qi He, Chengzhang Zhu*, Geng Liu, Yu Su, Rui Tang. Multi-label Classification Scheme Based on Local Regression for Retinal Vessel Segmentation[J]. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, 2021.11.1, 18(6): 2586-2597. SCI 2区
[29]Automatic Diabetic Retinopathy Screening via Cascaded Framework Based on Image- and Lesion-Level Features Fusion
[30]Yulan Dai, Chengzhang Zhu*, Xi Shan, Zhenzhen Cheng, Beiji Zou.A Survey on Intelligent Screening for Diabetic Retinopathy[J].Chinese Medical Sciences Journal,2019,34(02):120-132+160
[31]邹北骥, 戴玉兰, 朱承璋*, 劳承鹏, 刘宁. 具有仿射不变性的视网膜图像配准方法[J]. 计算机辅助设计与图形学学报,2019, 31(6): 943-950
[32]邹北骥, 张子谦, 朱承璋*, 陈昌龙, 刘佳, 欧阳平波. 基于残差网络的糖网病自动筛查[J]. 计算机辅助设计与图形学学报, 2019, 31(4): 80-588
[33]朱承璋,赵小虎,肖亚龙*. 我国高校数字出版专业建设发展研究[J]. 出版与印刷, 2019(4): 84-89.
[34]Qi He, Beiji Zou, Chengzhang Zhu*, Xiyao Liu, Hongpu Fu, Lei Wang..Multi-Label Classification Scheme Based on Local Regression for Retinal Vessel Segmentation[C].25th IEEE International Conference on Image Proces, 2018: CCF C类会议.
[35]Beiji Zou, Changlong Chen, Chengzhang Zhu*, Xuanchu Duan, Zailiang Chen.Classified optic disc localization algorithm based on verification model[J].Computers & Graphics, 2018,70: 281-287. SCI 3区.
[36]Zou Beiji, Nurudeen Mohammed, Zhu Chengzhang*, Zhang Ziqian, Zhao Rongchang, Wang Lei.A Neuro-fuzzy Crime Prediction Model Based on Video Analysis[J].Chinese Journal of Electronics, 2018,27: 968-975. SCI 4区.
[37]Chengzhang Zhu, Beiji Zou, Rongchang Zhao, Jinkai Cui, Xuanchu Duan, Zailiang Chen, Yixiong Liang*.Retinal vessel segmentation in colour fundus images using Extreme Learning Machine[J].Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics, 2017,55: 68-77. SCI 1区.
[38]Beiji Zou, Yao Chen, Chengzhang Zhu*, Zailiang Chen, Ziqian Zhang.Supervised Vessel Classication Based on Feature Selection.Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 2017,32 (6) : 1222-1230. SCI 3区.
[39]Zou Beiji, Nurudeen Mohammed, Zhu Chengzhang*, Zhao Rongchang.Crime Hotspot Detection and Monitoring Using Video Based Event Modeling and Mapping Techniques[J].International Journal of Computational Intelligenc, 2017,10: 962–969. SCI 2区.
[40]Chengzhang Zhu, Beiji Zou, Yao Xiang*, Jinkai Cui, Hui Wu.An Ensemble Retinal Vessel Segmentation Based on Supervised Learning in Fundus Images[J].Chinese Journal of Electronics, 2016,25 (3) : 503-511. SCI 4区.
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