Isolation and characterization of turkey bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells
发表刊物:J Orthop Res
关键字:bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells; flexor tendon injury; tendon repair; tissue engineering; turkey model.
摘要:Flexor tendon injury is often associated with suboptimal outcomes and results in substantial digit dysfunction. Stem cells have been isolated from several experimental animals for the growing interest and needs of utilizing cell-based therapies. Recently, turkey has been developed as a new large animal model for flexor tendon research. In the present study, we reported the isolation and characterization of bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells (BMSCs) from 8- to 12-month-old heritage-breed turkeys. The isolated cells demonstrated fibroblast-like morphology, clonogenic capacity, and high proliferation rate. These cells were positive for surface antigens CD90, CD105, and CD44, but were negative for CD45. The multipotency of turkey BMSCs was determined by differentiating cells into osteogenic, adipogenic, chondrogenic, and tenogenic lineages. There was upregulated gene expression of tenogenic markers, including mohawk, tenomodulin, and EGR1 as well as increased collagen synthesis in BMP12 induced cells. The successful isolation and verification of bone marrow-derived MSCs from turkey would provide opportunities of studying cell-based therapies and developing new treatments for tendon injuries using this novel preclinical large animal model.
合写作者:Zhu Y, Qi J, Gingery A, Moran, Amadio PC
第一作者:Liu Q
通讯作者:Zhao C
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