Journal Publications
Research Projects
Honors and Awards
Journal Publications
[41]B Fan , Q He , Q Wei, W Liu, B Zhou, Y Zou*.Anchoring and catalyzing polysulfides by rGO/MoS2/C modified separator in lithium–sulfur batteries.Carbon, 2023 (214) : 118361.
[42]S Shoaee, H.Luong, J. Song, Y. Zou, T. Nguyen, D. Neher.What we have learnt from PM6:Y6.Advanced Materials, 2023: 2302005.
[43]X Xu, Q Wei, Z Zhou, H He, J Tian, H Yip, Y Fu, X Lu, Y Zhou, Y Li ,Y Zou *, Efficient Semitransparent Organic Solar Cells with CRI over 90% Enabled by an Ultralow-Bandgap A-DA'D-A Small Molecule Acceptor.Advanced Functional Materials(special issue:Women in Renewable Energy), 2023: 2305017(1-11).
[44]L. Zhang,F. Yang, W. Deng, X. Guo, Y. He, J.Zhou, H. Li, Y. Zhang, K.Zhou, C.Zhou, Y.Zou, J. Yang, X. Hu, W.Ma, Y.Yuan.Organic-inorganic Hybrid Cathode Interlayer for Efficient Flexible Inverted Organic Solar Modules.Applied Physics Letters, 122 (26)
[45]Wang, Y, Yu.J., Zhang,R, Yuan, J,Hultmark,S, Johnson,C, Gallop,N, Siegmund. B.,Qian, D, Zhang, H.,Zou,Y., Kemerik, N., Berklin,A,Muller, C,Vanderwl, K, Chen,X., Gao,F..Origins of the Tunable Open-circuit Voltage and Design Rules for Minimized Voltage Losses in Ternary Organic Solar Cells.Nature Energy, 8 (9) : 978.
[46]Wang, K.; Xu, C.; Liu, W.; Yuan, J.; Zou, Y.; Yang, Y..Observation of an Exciton-Plasma Transition in a Molecular Semiconductor.The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 2023, 14: 5607-5612.
[47]Beibei Qiu, Jing Lai, Jun Yuan, Yingping Zou, Yongfang Li.Recent Research Progress in Random Copolymerization of Polymer Photovoltaic Materials for High-Performance Polymer Solar Cells.Solar RRL, 2023
[48]L Hart, J Grüne, W Liu, T Lau, J Luke, Y Chin, X Jiang, H Zhang, D Sowood, D Unson, J Kim, X Lu, Y Zou, F Gao, A Sperlich, V Dyakonov, J Yuan, A Gillett.Triplet-triplet annihilation reduces non-radiative voltage losses in organic solar cells.Advanced Energy Materials, 2023: 2301357.
[49]Q Wei, S Liang, B Qiu, W Liu, X Xu, Y Fu, X Lu, J Yuan,Y.Zou.Synergetic alkoxy side-chain and chlorine-contained end group strategy toward high performance ultra-narrow bandgap small molecule acceptors.Chinese Journal of Chemistry, 2023
[50]L Shi, Y Zhu, G Li, T Ji, W Wang, Y Zhang, Y Wu, Y Hao, K Wang, J Yuan, Y Zou, B Ong, F Zhu, Y Cui.Atomic-level chemical reaction promoting external quantum efficiency of organic photomultiplication photodetector exceeding 108% for weak-light detection.Science Bulletin, 2023, 68 (9) : 928-937.
[51]Q Zhao, Y Shan, C Xiang, J Wang, Y Zou, G Zhang, W Liu.Predicting power conversion efficiency of binary organic solar cells based on Y6 acceptor by machine learning.Journal of Energy Chemistry, 2023, 82: 139-147.
[52]Zhu, Shaofeng; Shi, Changzhou; Wei, Qingya; Zhu, Can; Ren, Jie; Li, Jianghua; Meng, Lei; Li, Yongfang; Yuan, Jun*; Zou, Yingping.A-DA’D-A Type Pentacyclic Small Molecule Acceptors to exceed 16.5% efficiency by introducing heteroatom into the outer side chains.Chinese Journal of Chemistry, 2023, 41 (15) : 1815-1822.
[53]Jingyun Tan, Xiushang Xu, Jun Liu, Serhii Vasylevskyi, Zesen Lin, Ryota Kabe, Yingping Zou, Klaus Müllen, Akimitsu Narita, Yunbin Hu.Synthesis of a π-Extended Double [9]Helicene.Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2023, 62 (18) : e202218494.
[54]S. Li , C. Shi, X.Luo , D.Li, X.Lu, Y. Hu., J.Yuan , Y.Zou.High-efficiency Binary Organic Solar Cells Enabled by Pseudo-bilayer Configuration in Dilute Solution.Solar RRL, 2023: 2201090(1-7).
[55]C. Xiang, Q. Zhao, W. Liu, J. Cao, Y. Zou , H. Zhou.Theoretical exploration of molecular packing and the charge transfer mechanism of organic solar cells based on PM6:Y6.J.Mater.Chem.A, 2022, 10: 25611-25619.
[56]J. Cao, L.Yi, L. zhang, Y. Zou, L. Ding.Wide-bandgap polymer donors for nonfullerene organic solar cells.J.Mater.Chem A, 2023, 11: 17-30.
[57]X. Xu , Q.Wei , J. Song , J. Jing , Y.Chen , F.Huang, X. Lu , Y.Zhou, J. Yuan , Y. Zou*.High performance and low cost organic solar cells based on pentacyclic A-DA’D-A acceptor with efficiency over 16%.J.Mater.Chem.A, 2022, 10: 24717–24725.
[58]D. Li,S.Li,C.Wen, C. Sun,C. Shi, X. Xia,X. Lu, L.Jiang, J. Yuan, Y. Zou.Quinoxaline-Based Polymers with Asymmetric Aromatic Side Chain Enables 16.27% Efficiency for Organic Solar Cells.Chinese Journal of Polymer Science, 2022, 41 (7) : 1002-1010.
[59]Liu, J.; Jiang, L.; Chang, H.; Liu, H.; Cao, X.; Zou, Y.; Hu, Y..A C3-Symmetric Triple Oxa[6]helicene with Circularly Polarized Luminescence Featuring Parallel Transition Dipole Moments.Chem Comm, 2022, 58: 13087-13090.
[60]K Yang, B Yu, W Liu, Z Zhang, L Huang, S Zhao, B Wang, MLan, JYuan,Y Zou, C Lin, J Yi, X Song,.All-in-one phototheranostics based on BTP-4F-DMO nanoparticles for NIR-II fluorescence/photoacoustic dual-mode imaging and combinational therapy.Chin. Chem. Lett., 2022: 107889.
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