DOI number:10.1109/ICEMMS.2011.6015674
Affiliation of Author(s):中南大学交通运输工程学院
Journal:Proceedings 2011 2nd IEEE International Conference on Emergency Management and Management Sciences
Key Words:earthquake disasters, emergency logistics, transportation network reliability, possibility GO methodology, GO methodology, possibility theory
Abstract:The transportation reliability is a key issue for emergency logistics. Earthquake disasters and secondary disasters with uncertainty may possibly destroy or damage the transportation network. So, forecasting and evaluating the reliability of the transportation network are significant for path selection in emergency logistics management under earthquake disasters. In the study, with possibility theory and GO methodology, the operators are defined, and event success or failure behavior is characterized in the context of possibility measures. Then, the possibility GO methodology, which may forecast the transportation network reliability for emergency logistics under earthquake disasters, is presented considering more actual factors in time of disaster. Finally, a simulation example demonstrates that the proposed method is effective and applicable.
Indexed by:Essay collection
First-Level Discipline:Transportation Engineering
Document Type:C
Page Number:274-277
Translation or Not:no
Included Journals:EI
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