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Chaojian Chen

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Distinguished Professor  
Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates  
Supervisor of Master's Candidates  

Journal Publications

Identification of underground water-bearing caves in noisy urban environments (Wuhan, China) using 3D electrical resistivity tomography techniques


Journal:Journal of Applied Geophysics

First Author:Fu, Z., Ren, Z., Hua, X., Shi, Y., Chen, H., Chen, C., Li, Y., & Tang, J.


Page Number:103966

Translation or Not:no

Date of Publication:2020-09-07

Pre One:Recursive analytical formulae of gravitational fields and gradient tensors for polyhedral bodies with polynomial density contrasts of arbitrary non-negative integer orders

Next One:A new method for accurate and efficient modeling of the local ocean induction effects. Application to long‐period responses from island geomagnetic observatories