


  • Release time:2024-01-05

  • Affiliation of Participant(s):马克思主义学院

  • Leading Scientist:chenwenlian

  • Supported by:全国哲学社会科学工作办公室

  • Type of Project:重点项目

  • Nature of Project:纵向

  • Supported by:National social science fund project

  • Project Participants:Qionghua Wan, libin, liaochunhui

  • Project Number:Z202200380

  • Date of Project Approval:2022-11-23

  • Date of Project Completion:2025-12-30

  • Date of Project Initiation:2022-09-30

  • Project Approval Number:22ADJ007

  • Subsidy Amount:35.0

  • Email:

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