Ding, Yu, Jia-sheng Zhang, Xiao-bin Chen, Xuan Wang, Yu Jia. Experimental investigation on static and dynamic characteristics of granulated rubber-sand mixtures as a new railway subgrade filler. Construction and Building Materials, Volume 273, 1 March 2021, 121955
Pre One:Yang, Ningyu, Xiaobin Chen, Ruidong Li, Junqi Zhang, Hang Hu, and Jiasheng Zhang. "Mesoscale numerical investigation of the effects of fiber stiffness on the shear behavior of fiber-reinforced granular soil." Computers and Geotechnics 137 (2021): 104259.
Next One:陈立国,吴昊天,陈晓斌,贺建清.超载预压处理软土的次固结特征及沉降计算[J].水文地质工程地质,2021,48(01):